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October to November: Israel/Gaza readings III

In this third edition, we get a little deeper than previous editions, pushing in to some key controversies, such as around terms like "genocide", "pogrom", "settler colonialism", and "ceasefire" and on the nature of Hamas. For the whole series, click here . Statements Our Jewish Values - important and wise statement by UK Jewish rabbis and communal leaders for peace and a two-state solution Ukrainian left statement of solidarity with the people of Palestine Israeli sociologists and their allies respond to a sociologists' open letter for Gaza    One month after October 7: J-Street statement A letter from Berlin: critical scholars address the German public sphere Leaving letter to DSA by 24 long-time members Analysis and terminology Martin Shaw on the uses and abuses of the term genocide in relation to Gaza (6 November) Genocide scholar Omer Bartov argues against the claim that what is happening in Gaza is genocide but warns of potential for ge

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