Showing posts with label Diana Ross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diana Ross. Show all posts

Sunday, May 17, 2020

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 17

A song you'd sing a duet with someone on karaoke.

Did you see my previous post in this music challenge about dancing? You think for a minute that I won't dance in public but I'm ready to belt out a tune in public? Fuck that. There's not enough alcohol in the world to get me so drunk that I'd agree to sing in public.

Okay, that's my shortcomings out of the way. Time to now pick a tune. I could have picked 'Stop, Look, Listen (To Your Heart)' from the same album but tonight, Matthew . . . just fucking stop . . . it has to be 'You Are Everything'. Both songs were written by Thom Bell and Linda Creed, and originally recorded by The Stylistics. Christ, to have the talent to write one of those songs, and you wrote both?

Please take a bow: