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A man waves a Palestinian flag. AHMED ABU HAMEEDA/UNSPLASH

‘How could the occupier have the right to self-defence?’

Conrad Landin speaks to Saga and Ahmed, two young Palestinians who have recently settled in Scotland.

Latest issue: November-December 2023

Surveillance: Spying on dissent

‘Every child deserves a childhood’, reads a placard at Bristol’s school strike for Palestine. LYDIA NOON

From school strikes to assembly boycotts, children in Bristol are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, Lydia Noon reports.

The cutting of the cake at New Internationalist’s 50th birthday celebrations

As New Internationalist celebrates its 50th anniversary, Vanessa Baird looks back over five decades of campaigning journalism and inspiration.

Press statement by Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu at the European Union headquarters in Brussels, Belgium on 11 December 2017. Has Netanyahu misjudged tolerance for his actions? ALEXANDROS MICHAILIDIS/SHUTTERSTOCK

As mass protests erupt worldwide over Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza, Andrew Feinstein asks if Benjamin Netanyahu has pushed his allies too far.

Mahammoud Traore, 75, supports a family of 21 people through farming in Dougouninkoro, Mali, but new weather patterns mean they can no longer harvest enough for their food stores to last the whole year. JAKE LYELL/ALAMY

Abdoulie Ceesay argues that if the West wants to address the wave of coups in Africa, it must take real climate action – not militarization.

People from the Waoraní Indigenous community attend an event promoting a ‘yes’ vote in a referendum on not extracting oil in Quito, Ecuador, on Monday 14 August 2023. AP PHOTO/DOLORES OCHOA/ALAMY

Danny Chivers reports on how the people of Ecuador voted against the oil giants and for the Yasuní National Park in a national referendum.

: A woman crosses the Qalandiya check point, the biggest in the occupied West Bank, in 2014. ROGER GARFIELD/ALAMY

In the lead story from our May-June 2023 issue, Zoe Holman looks at how the so-called ‘peace process’ has allowed Israel to deepen its colonial project over Palestinian lives.

Past issues

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