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Sunday, June 25, 2023
Unhappy-Go-Lucky by Ian Pattison (Tindal Street Press 2013)
Saturday, May 21, 2022
May God Forgive by Alan Parks (Canongate Books 2022)
Miss Drummond took a sip. ‘Did you know my brother?’ she asked. ‘Before yesterday I mean?’
‘Not well,’ said McCoy ‘But we ran into each other every now and again.’ Wondered if she knew what Ally did for a living.
‘At Paddy’s Market?’ she asked. Then smiled. ‘No need to be discreet, Mr McCoy. I was well aware of what Ally got up to.’ She stirred her tea. ‘I wish you had known him when he was younger. He was different then, vibrant, full of life.'
'What happened?’ asked McCoy before he could stop himself. ‘Sorry to be blunt.’
‘Don’t worry,’ she said. ‘Disappointment happened. My brother studied at Glasgow University, English Literature. Was very good at it, even got a first-class honours.’
The shock must have been written on McCoy’s face.
‘Not what you were expecting to hear, I imagine. He was a brilliant young man, Mr McCoy. Everyone had high expectations, thought he would become a lecturer at the university, but he didn’t want to do that. He spent the next two years writing a novel. Put all he had into it. Every publisher told him how brilliant it was but none of them would publish it.’ She smiled again. ‘These were the days before the Lady Chatterley trial. My brother’s book dealt in sexual obsession, pulled no punches. They asked him to amend it, tone it down a bit, but, ever the artist, he refused. Eventually he got it published by Olympia Press in Paris. Do you know them?’
McCoy shook his head.
‘They published the more controversial novels: Alexander Trocchi, Henry Miller, that sort of thing. They also published books with the sexual content but none of the art. Those ones financed the books they thought were of literary value. My brother’s was one of the artistic ones. The Love Chamber it was called.'
Sunday, September 05, 2021
The Dark Remains by William McIlvanney and Ian Rankin (Canongate 2021)
Lighting another cigarette, Laidlaw became aware of a stooped old-timer with rheumy eyes who had joined the bus queue behind him.
‘You should enjoy life more, son. Your face is tripping you.’
The man’s breath was like a blowtorch, and Laidlaw wondered why it was that after a drink so many Glaswegians turned into the Ancient Mariner, eager to share their stories and wisdom with complete strangers. This particular example boasted a rolled-up newspaper, which he wielded like a baton, as if he could conduct the world.
‘At least it’s only my face that’s tripping me,’ Laidlaw responded. ‘Your whole life seems to be one long bout of falling over.’ He gestured towards the rips in the man’s trousers and the elbows of his worn-out jacket.
The man studied him, taking a step back as if to help him focus. ‘You look like an actor, son. Have I seen you in anything?’
‘We’re all actors in this town, haven’t you noticed? You’re acting right now.’
‘Am I?'
'Badly – but even bad acting deserves the occasional round of applause.’ Laidlaw dug a few coins from his pocket and placed them in the man’s hand. ‘Should cover your bus fare. Either that or a paper from this week rather than last.’
There was a double-decker drawing towards them at that moment. Laidlaw gestured for the old man to precede him aboard, but then stood his ground and told the clippie he’d wait for the next one. The new passenger stared in bemusement from the window as the bell rang and the bus pulled away, depriving him of his audience. Laidlaw didn’t doubt he would soon find another.
Friday, June 11, 2021
February's Son by Alan Parks (Canongate Books 2019)
Wednesday, June 09, 2021
Bloody January by Alan Parks (Canongate Books 2017)
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Divided City by Theresa Breslin (Random House 2005)
Graham didn’t hear them at first.
He was walking fast, eating from his bag of hot chips as he went. Taking a detour via Reglan Street. The kind of street his parents had warned him never to be in. The kind of street where your footsteps echoed loud, too loud – because there was no one else about.
From either side the dark openings of the tenement building mawed at him. It was the beginning of May and fairly light at this time in the evening. But even so . . . Graham glanced around. The sky was densely overcast and shadows were gathering. He shouldn’t have lingered so long after football training.
Graham dug deep into the bag to find the last chips, the little crispy ones soaked in vinegar that always nestled in the folds of paper at the bottom. He wiped his mouth and, scrunching up the chip paper, he threw it into the air. When it came down he sent it rocketing upwards, powered by his own quality header. The paper ball spun high above him. Graham made a half turn.
Wait for it . . . wait for it . . .
‘Yes!’ Graham shouted out loud as his chip bag bounced off a lamppost ten metres away. An ace back-heeler! With a shot like that he could zap a ball past any keeper right into the back of the net. He grinned and thrust his hands in the air to acknowledge the applause of the fans.
At that moment noise and shouting erupted behind him, and Graham knew right away that he was in trouble.
Coming down Reglan Street. Hard. Desperate.
Pounding on the ground. Beyond them, further away, whooping yells and shouts.
‘Get the scum! Asylum scum!
Thursday, April 19, 2018
"That email address is a passing phase . . ."
A follow up to the album challenge.
Day #2
With no explanations, post ten books that have made their mark on your life. Once a day, post the book cover and nominate a new person.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Gods and Beasts by Denise Mina (Little Brown 2012)
Morrow watched her brother walk into the cafe like a mayoral candidate, waving to other customers, clamping the proprietor's hand in a two-handed shake, nodding to Morrow as he swapped pleasantries with the man's wife.
Danny suggested meeting here because this was how he wanted her to see him: popular, belonging, accepted. The cafe owner looked up to him smiling, slightly awe-struck. Morrow knew then that Danny owned part of this business or had lent the man money. The man didn't like him, he owed him. Maybe didn't register the difference.
It was positive, in a way, that he wanted her to see him as a good guy, instead of in a big car or with totems of his wealth around him, and it was probably a big deal that he came alone, or almost alone. She could see a man sitting in the driver's seat in the big car across the road, but Danny had left him out there.
Still, the cafe business was a cash business, perfect for cleaning up the vast sums of money Danny and his associates were generating every day. The drugs trade was worth more than a billion pounds a year in Scotland. Some said four billion but the source of that number was looking for more funding so she wasn't sure about that. Whatever the absolute number, it was telling that cash businessses were being taken over. Hairdressers, sunbed shops, nail bars, cafes, pubs were being either taken over or opened up to give a credible source for the tidal wave of dirty notes. Some high streets had row upon row of tanning salons right next to each other to account for various people's income. Even nurseries, Morrow had heard, even there the gangs were using businesses and claiming for fifty ghost children attending, all doing 8-6 every day, all paid for in cash.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
The Magic Flute by Alan Spence (Canongate Press 1990)
Thursday, May 03, 2012
The Long Midnight Of Barney Thomson by Douglas Lindsay (Blasted Heath 1999)
Had it been a women's hairdressers, the customers would have fled, and the shop would already have gone out of business. But men are lazy about hair, creatures of habit, and the previous two days had been business as usual. And besides, the word was getting out – there was a barber there at the top of his game. If Jim Baxter had cut hair at Wembley in '63, they were saying, this is how he would have done it.
The chair at the back of the shop was now empty. In the chair next to that James Henderson was working. He knew he shouldn't be. It was ridiculous, and his wife was furious, but he told himself that this was what Wullie would've wanted. What was more important to him was that it got him out of the house, took his mind off what had happened.
The next chair along was worked by James's friend, Arnie Braithwaite, who had agreed to start a couple of weeks early. His was a steady, if unspectacular style, a sort of Robert Vaughn of the barber business. He wouldn't give you an Oscar winning haircut, but then neither would he let you down.
And then finally, working the prized window chair, was Barney Thomson. He'd moved into it with almost indecent haste, the day before. Perhaps if he'd been thinking straight then James would've considered it odd, but everything was a blur to him at the moment.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Laidlaw by William McIlvanney (Pantheon Books 1977)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The Papers Of Tony Veitch by William McIlvanney (Pantheon Books 1983)
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Mr Alfred M.A. by George Friel (Calder & Boyars 1972)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Being Emily by Anne Donovan (Canongate Books 2008)
Declan had got a book of baby names out the library and he and the twins were falling about laughing over it.
How about Boniface?
After they went out I sat down on the settee. They'd left the book of baby names lying, spine bent backwards. I started tae flick through, no really expecting to find it, but there was a section on Asian names. Amrik: God's nectar. That figured. Sweet as honey. But don't try tae live on it.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Borough by Michael Cannon (Serpent's Tail 1995)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Buddha Da by Anne Donovan (Canongate Books 2003)
'Most religions do have a god, or gods, but Buddhism doesn't.'