In the news
- Strikes on tomorrow and Wednesday at five colleges across the North East UCU has confirmed staff at five colleges in Cleveland, Redcar and Stockton-on-Tees will strike tomorrow and Wednesday in a long-running dispute over low pay.
- Strike ballot opens at Aberdeen university in row over job cuts in modern languages A ballot for strike action has opened at Aberdeen university in a dispute over job cuts in the university's threatened modern languages department. The ballot will run until 7 February and could pave the way for strike action at the university.
- Draft guidance on trans and non-binary students 'punches down on the most vulnerable' UCU today responded to the government's draft guidance on gender-questioning children.
- USS pension contribution rates to fall on 1st January The Universities Superannuation Scheme, the UK's largest private pension fund, will cut contribution rates on Monday 1 January.
- UCU rally to defend modern languages at University of Aberdeen