Protest Nostalgia

A review of 'Red Squared Montreal' by Norman Nawrocki

The 2012 student strike deserves its own literature, and Red Squared Montreal succeeds at least in capturing the dizzy heights of the protests. As both anarchist and poet, Nawrocki often knows just the right words to capture the elation, camaraderie, and terror of marching in the street and facing off against contemptuous police. However, the lack of curiosity about the people behind the conflict means the novel ultimately fails to communicate the stakes and experiences of the 2012 strike in human terms.

Notes on Anarchy and Hegemony in the Realm of Definitions

Notes on Anarchy and Hegemony in the Realm of Definitions

From Libertarian Labyrinth by Shawn P. Wilbur

The notes that follow are preliminary, as I try to bring together a number of considerations regarding vocabulary, definition, theoretical clarity and such. They begin with some questions raised about the translation of Proudhon’s work, pass through a discussion of Proudhon’s own approach to the definition of key terms — which I hope will be useful as we begin reading and discussion of Justice in the Revolution and in the Church — and end with some general thoughts about anarchists’ engagement with the question of definition in the present.

Some thoughts on the breaking out of the largest prison in the world

Some thoughts on the breaking out of the largest prison in the world

From Dark Nights by Rigaer94

Since a couple of weeks, we have heard from many about the necessity of expressing themselves regarding what is “happening now in Gaza”. Arguments that seem to almost suggest that a new war has started are common even in radical or anarchist circles. Since the break out from Gaza took place, the Palestinian struggle for liberation has been suffering in Germany from being reduced to Hamas’ actions. The German State, political parties, and even sometimes our comrades, are very concerned about how far or close one can be towards Hamas’ ideas. But very little about the historical roots of an asymmetric war that has lasted more than 70 years is brought into discussion by these positions. An ongoing massacre of Palestinian people has been happening since the days of British colonialism, assisted by the establishment of an apartheid regime in an artificially created settler society.

Fireworks at HMP Bristol for Imprisoned Anarchist Toby Shone + Moved to HMP Garth

write an anarchist prisoner today!

From Dark Nights, UK

Anarchists gathered at HMP Bristol on Friday 21 September at 8pm. As darkness fell, fireworks were launched over the prison to protest the rearrest of anarchist Toby Shone and to let him know he is never alone.

[Greece] Arson Attack Against the Home of a Judge

From Abolition Media

Full title: DAC Claim Responsibility for Arson Attack Against the Home of Judge Elias Kanellopoulos in Greece

The Direct Action Cells claim full responsibility for the arson attack on the home of judge Elias Kanellopoulos in the Cholargos area (a suburb in Athens). Our attack is an action of solidarity with the mobilizations of the prisoners in the prisons of the territory. It is also a continuation of the strategy of the personal targeting of those involved in the constant tightening of criminal repression and the repressive management applied in the field of prisons.

Free Dandelion

From Firefund

We are a committee seeking to free our incarcerated comrade, Dandelion. We are starting this fund to help provide for some of the needs of our most marginalized comrades in this campaign as well as to cover expenses related with the campaign, such as the cost of maintaining contact with comrades inside, software, or other materials. lol funds are dispersed by group consensus.

Plastic in Utero #2 is live

The second issue of Plastic in Utero: a journal of anti-civ anarchy reborn from the compost of wasteland modernity (PIU) has been finished for about a week. Now that every author has been sent their copy, I'm happy to get it into the hands of more folks. As last time, $3 a copy or we can trade for stickers, zines, etc. Bulk orders are cool, too. Just reach out.

Defeat and Revival : Thoughts on The Weight of the Stars

From Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library
October 2023

In 2013 Barry Pateman wrote a piece about Ethel Mannin’s No More Mimosa, his contact with Spanish anarchist exiles and the contrast between the revolutionary situation they had been part of and the grim reality of defeat. ‘Exile meant the end of nearly everything they had known. […] A terrible protective dignity became their defense against a world that had cast them adrift.’ [1]


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