
Showing posts with label belarus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label belarus. Show all posts

Monday, September 6, 2010

Asmodeus Ex Machine - "Hell 2.0" (2008)


Year: 2008
Genre: "Cyber-Communistic Black Metal"
Country: Belarus

Track List:
  1. Anti-Copy-Christ

Well, now I'm finished with my "industrial" day, and from now I'll post BM and blackened crust. And let me start from a band, which played raw black metal, but with a strong "industrial" (or maybe "cyberpunk"?) flavour in both music and aesthetics.

Not much is known about Asmodeus Ex Machine, and I couln't find much info about them even in Russian. Anyway, AEM were a short-lived band (most likely a duo) from Minsk, Belarus, who labeled their music as "cyber-communistic black metal". Their only release is the one-song demo "Hell 2.0", recorded in 2008 (they apparently have recorded at least two more songs, but I couldn't find them anywhere). The name "Asmodeus Ex Machine" is an obvious pun on Deus ex machina, and "Anti-Copy-Christ" is a reference to anti-copyright. While using satanic and occult imagery, typical from BM bands, their main lyrical theme apparently was the freedom of information (which is more typical to cyberpunk). As for music, I'd rather call it raw blackened crust or grindcore than black metal... maybe because of vocals and drums. Not too bad for a first home-recorded demo, though.

Of course, free redistribution of this demo is welcomed, as the members of the band apparently are vehement supporters of informational freedom. Too sad they have released only one song, because AEM had one of the most original concepts ever. Strugge for informational freedom is at least as important as the traditional forms of resistance, especially in our time - call it "cyber-communism", infoanarchism, crypto-anarchism, or whatever you like.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stagnation Is Death & I Know - split (2009)


Year: 2009
Genre: Crust/Metal
Country: Poland / Belarus

Track List:

Stagnation Is Death
  1. Mięso i skóra
  2. Wybór
  3. Policja
  4. Tajny wspуіpracownik
  5. Noc ziemi
I Know

  1. Государство и нацизм
  2. Конец демократии
  3. Бюлетэнь у спажывецкі кошык
  4. Посольство США не имеет претензий…
  5. Бедные и ужасные

I've already introduced Stagnation Is Death to you, and IKnow is one of the best crust/anarcho-punk bands from ex-USSR. It's well-known that Belarus was the first among ex-USSR countries to develop a significant crust scene, and IKnow are a supergroup consisting of members of such bands as Scum Out, Antiglobalizator, and Jiheart. Good female vocals there, BTW.