Showing posts with label nevile staple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nevile staple. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2022

The Specials - Live at the BBC December 2012

Hello everyone. Well as you’ll all have heard the sad news of the death of Terry Hall. I’m still trying to take it on board. Here is a repost of a Specials session live at the BBC in 2012.I hope to be back in the new year with a new laptop and lots of new live music and related magazines and fanzines for your reading and listening pleasure. As Terry himself was fond of saying at the end of a gig “Love, Love,Love”. RIP Terry and thanks for everything 

The Specials BBC 2012

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Ranking Roger - Inside my Head

 Hello and welcome back to all things Muebles. First up today is the long, longer than a big bag of long things overdue reposting of this Ranking Roger album. Not much else to say really except to apologise for the lateness. It's a cracking album and features a track co written with Neville Staple of the Specials. Anyway without further ado its time to listen, enjoy and leave a comment.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Specials - Countdown 1980

Greetings listeners out there in Interweb land.This is a 5 track show from 1980 which i have been told is from a TV show called Countdown (possibly a European based music show?).anyway each of the 5 tracks sounds brilliant and its a cracking listen.Thanks to my old mate Camden Dave for this.Please listen,enjoy and then leave a comment.Thanks!

Monday, August 27, 2018

The Specials - Hyde Park 2012

Evening all,long time no see.ive not done any posts on the blog for a long long time.For a lot of reasons i suppose,life getting in the way,work,gobshyte junior growing all adds up and doesn't give me a  lot of free time.but in a quiet moment while she is still away on her holidays i thought id try a post to see if there was any interest in the blog and whether it was worth starting it again.i check in sometimes and see that people come and check things out and still download things so thanks to all of you for keeping the blog alive.ive had to set up a new account to upload this post as its been so long since i used the last account to upload anything i cant remember the correct log in name or password!!
so lets give this a go shall we?this post is the Specials set from the Olympic closing ceremony concert at London's Hyde Park in 2012 which i went to myself.its a top quality recording taken from an FM broadcast.if you download please leave a comment just so i can see if people are enjoying what im posting.also if you have any requests for re-ups (and i can find the original cd's or files) i will do my best to accomodate your requests.thanks for reading and by the way it feels good to be back
specials 2012

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Specials - 3 Demos

this is a post i got sent a while back and once again cant remember who sent it,so if its you please say hello so i can say thanks!its as its title suggests its 3 demos recorded i believe in 1981.ive been told before that one track is actually fun boy 3 but i was also told by another source that it was recorded in the same session as the other two tracks by the a bit confused now so ill leave it up to you to decide.i really like all the tracks and i think you will now all you have to do is listen,enjoy and then leave a comment.thanks!

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Specials - Live in Japan

Good evening listeners in interweb land. here we have a re repost of the specials live in Japan. some people didnt seem to like it as one file as it wasnt completing the download(or something!),so here it is again split into 2 parts. D/L both and then unzip it. now all you have to do is watch,dance around a lot(as the band are on top feckin form here!),enjoy and then leave a comment.thanks!
part1 here
part 2 here

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Specials - California Feb '80 repost

okey dokey here we go with todays 2nd specials repost request.recorded live in california on valentines day with the last one i cant remember who requested this repost but if your watching i hope you listen,enjoy and then leave a comment.thanks!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Specials - Boston 1980

evening all.just a quick re-post today (as requested by chris79) from the specials recorded in Boston in 1980.anyway mate hope you like please listen,enjoy and then leave a comment.thanks!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Specials - Newcastle 1979

a great sounding live show from the specials in newcastle from 1979.not much else to say except listen,enjoy and then leave a comment.thanks!

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