Showing posts with label mashups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mashups. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Beastie Boys - Mixed and Mashed

My tribute to the late great MCA Adam Yauch.its a compilation of mashups etc featuring,the clash,joe strummer,depeche mode,the ramones etc etc.theres 14 tracks in total including one which isnt a mashup but is the hard to get single 'rock hard' which samples back in black by ac/dc so it almost is.anyway whilst listening spare a moment to think of Adam and his great contribution to music from punk to hip hop and so much in between.R.I.P MCA
please listen,enjoy and then leave a comment.thanks!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Clash - Outside Broadcasts Vol.2

greetings muebles listeners.this offering is volume 2 of the outside broadcasts compilation series.(still looking for vol.1 so i can repost the whole series!!but this one is great so i thought id start here and re-post all other 7 volumes soon). it features clash and post clash offerings,cover versions and collaborations,guest guitar spots mashups,interviews etc etc.on this volume we have 16 tracks for your listening pleasure that i loved putting together and love listening to.and if you enjoy listening once downloaded please leave a comment.Thanks very much!
Outside Broadcasts Vol.2

Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Clash - Get Mashed vol.1

This post you see before you started life long before i compiled the outside broadcasts series that you can find elsewhere on the blog.this was one of my first attempts at compiling clash cover versions,remixes post clash projects etc.i hope you like it!
p.s i forgot to mention some of the artists included here. theres the police,the killers,busta rhymes,50 cent,tony blair!!,the beastie boys and many other artists that to be honest ive never heard of.some work really well , others er......not so much but worth a listen though,so after you've listened please leave a comment.thanks!
The Clash - Get Mashed

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Clash get mashed - Volume 2

Happy new year everyone out there in interweb land. i thought it was about time i posted something new on the blog what with it being a new year and everything and what better way to kick things off than with a nice new clash related post. This one started life as outside broadcasts vol.9 but i then decided to make this just a remix/mashup collection as i was collecting so many tracks from people that i thought id do a volume 2 of this one.anyway there are 31 tracks for your listening pleasure including 2 great ones from (check out the blog some great clash and non related stuff as well).so without further ado please listen, enjoy and then leave a comment.thanks!
Get Mashed Vol.2

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Ruts - Covers,Remixes,Mashups

Afternoon all.this little post you see before you is a nice 15 track collection of ruts and ruts dc cover versions,remixes and mashups.One of the tracks is the ruts themselves recorded in cardiff in 78 i think and is a brilliant version of Jah war with malcolm owen being on top form.a few versions of babylons burning,jah war etc and other songs you all know and love. i have more tracks for a vol.2 and will get round to posting them please listen,enjoy and leave a comment.thanks!
Ruts Covers

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Clash - Back to Brixton

this is a compilation i put together a long time ago and thought it deserved another posting.its track listed on the back cover and contains a whole load of covers,remixes,colaborations with artists like johnny cash,post clash stuff from joe and the pogues,carbonsilicon with 2 ex-pistols guesting etc etc.anywayit took a shed load of time to put together but i think its worth if you like the clash as much as i do then please listen,enjoy and leave a comment.thanks!
p.s thanks very much to everyone who has been leaving comments recently.sometimes i forget to reply but they are very much appreciated.dont forget to leave any requests for new posts,reposts etc in the most recent postings comment section and ill do my best to help you out.cheers!
Back to Brixton

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Specials - Mashups,Remixes and Covers

Evening all in interweb land. This is a post thats been kicking around on the hard drive for a while waiting patiently to be posted. Ive been listening to the recent brilliant live on radio6 post from The Specials that i got here at auralscuptors and i remembered that i had this one ready to go. I suppose its an expanded version of an earlier post i did called mashups and remixes and is in a similar sort of vein to the clash post outside broadcasts.anyway this has got 26 tracks in total for your listening pleasure and does exactly as it says on the cover.some interesting collaborations including tom jones and the wu tang clan amongst others. anyway i hope you find something on there that you like so now please listen,enjoy and leave a comment.thanks
Rudy says click here!

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Specials - mashups and remixes

(Repost no. 2 today)hi there all you people out there in interweb land and welcome back to the wonderful world of mondo-de-muebles.for your patience i give you this,an 8-track compilation of various specials remixy type of things.once again some of them are quite good and others not so favourite is rat inferno but each to their kids buckle up,put on your safety goggles and prepare yourself for a breakneck speed rollercoaster ride throught the theme park here at muebles this loud,dance around your flat/house,sneak to the computer when you realise the neighbours have been watching you dance through the window,enjoy and leave a comment.thanks!
p.s its great to be back.......

Monday, October 20, 2008

****Important Message no.2****

ok then loyal readers.this may be the last post for the next few weeks as i am in the middle of organising a house move back to London from sunny spain!most of my stuff is packed up and ready for shipping so until i get settled in a new flat and sort an internet connection out i wont be able to do any posting.hmmmm....unless i use the computer at my new job,thats a possibility unless the boss finds out.
so coming later this month we have more great live concerts from the specials,some excellent clash live boots,a film from the clash called 'on broadway' by don letts,some clash remix mashup type of things and a whole load of other top music related goodies and more to stay tuned to mondo-de-muebles for possible occasional updates live and direct from my new job.if there is anyone who has requests etc either leave them in the comments or in the c-box.thanks a lot to everyone who has been leaving messages recently,they are really appreciated.
see ya later
p.s fredd the photos are coming soon i promise!!!!

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Dicks Sporting Goods