Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

In the meantime

But for now, given the country is aflame with political speculation and election fever, I feel the best thing I can do for you is distract you from it all with some funny comics that come highly recommended:

Try Kate Beaton's Hark! A Vagrant for the absolute apex of hysterically funny Canadian history-themed cartooning.

Check out Lit Brick for superbly weird renderings of the content of the Norton Poetry Anthology.

Hit up Dinosaur Comics for possibly the funniest comics ever written. Also Canadian, like most good things in life.

And try Family Man for dark Gothic tales of wolves and 18th century Germans. Read from the beginning, then get to the end and get frustrated it only updates once a week.

So anyway, that should keep you pretty occupied till this whole unpleasantness is finished.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

An Historical ConunDrum

My latest weekly wrap at The ABC's The Drum is to be found here.

This is what "Darius the Mede" says about it:

for the first time in my life i agree with Miranda Devine; peurile is an apt description of Mr Pobjie's work.
Accusing Mr Garrett of being a murderer is not satire, it is slander but no doubt Mr Pobjie thinks the families of the insulation workers who have lost their lives find it hilarious.
Each day the ABC seems to find new lows in the quality of its on-line news and commentary

Well that's all very well Darius, but if I were an historical figure whose existence has been called into question by numerous reputable historians, I'd be more worried about getting my own house in order before throwing stones as the houses of others.

Also, how did a 6th-centruy BC king get access to the internet? Fibre to the node?

Also, why doesn't anyone know the difference between slander and libel? J. Jonah Jameson knows, why don't you, Darius the Mede?