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lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2023

arabian psychedelic LP compilation 1966-1973 - La España ácida de Franco Bonus - Morocco, Lebanon, Egypt, Soudan, Algeria, Iran..



Llevaba tiempo buscando algo potente de nuestros vecinos marroquíes y de la escena musical de Marrakech, os traigo este recopilatorio LP vinyl rip estilo Underground Vibrations, pero muy moro y psicodelico beat, en una epoca donde ni occidente ni el mundo arabe era lo que es hoy

👄👄👄👄 vol 2

RADIO MOROCCO 1983 👀👀👀👀 incluyendo voces en español de artistas completamente desconocidos quizas del antiguo sahara español, el festival de musica Marrakech fue un lugar muy especial durante los 60s y los 70s, por mucho que España tuviese gemas desconocidas, Marruecos capto mas la atencion de Pink Floyd, Agitation Free, Brian Jones, Led Zeppelin o Cool Feet

El mundo del rock temprano ya no es tan pequeño como lo era hace 20 años. El último
década hemos tenido lanzamientos explorando las diversas escenas europeas, la latinoamericana
escenas, las escenas asiáticas y la escena turca. Las tierras del Islam, mentes románticas
Piense en postres, harenes, sultanes, oasis y cuentos de las 1001 noches, que hasta ahora parecían
haber transmitido el rock 'n beat de manera bastante misteriosa. Hay un hada mística
cuento como se siente vagando por estos países y por alguna razón la existencia de beat
y los grupos de garage destruirían en parte el sentimiento que tenemos sobre estos países.
Aún así, los coleccionistas profundizaron aún más y este álbum que tienes en tus manos ahora mismo
Probablemente será sólo la punta del iceberg y un primer mensaje de lo que está por venir.

Las bandas beat de países como Irán o Argelia tendrán historias que contar que lo dejarán boquiabierto.
nuestras mentes, pero ¿dónde podemos encontrar a estos tipos? ¿Cómo habrán resistido estas personas las pruebas de tiempo en su entorno en constante cambio donde la política y la religión están más entrelazadas luego en cualquier otro lugar de este mundo. Estas raras piezas de vinilo son, para empezar, las verdaderas pruebas de una escena rockera aún por cartografiar. Intentamos ofrecer una visión versátil pero ciertamente. El sentimiento oriental está aquí en toda su mágica belleza. ¡Disfruta el espectáculo!


1. Sea-ders -Muchas gracias - Líbano -1966
Los Seaders procedían de Beirut. La ciudad que fue llamada el Montecarlo del Este en
esos días. Una ciudad donde la jet set europea y árabe tenía sus hogares y donde
Los casinos, y el brillo y el glamour eran muy comunes. En el Líbano todavía puedes ir desde
nadar en el mar Mediterráneo hasta las nieves eternas en media hora. Entonces el esquí acuático en el
mañana y esquiar por la tarde no supone ningún problema. Los Seaders fueron los primeros en
llamados '5 Top Hits' que cubren éxitos que escucharon transmitidos en la radio BBC World. Cuando
La moda de los Beatles llegó al Líbano, cambiaron su nombre por el de 'Sea-ders' y en 1966
Grabaron 6 composiciones originales en un oscuro estudio de Beirut. 'Muchas gracias' se volvió
resultó ser un éxito de la noche a la mañana en el Líbano y se vendieron más de 10.000 copias. La primera gran ritmo jamás golpeado por una banda libanesa. DECCA UK tenía suficiente confianza en los chicos para conseguir estar en Inglaterra. Residieron en el moderno club Pickwick y lanzaron 3 45 y uno. Ninguno de ellos hizo nada. Decca England envía a la banda una nota de 1800 libras por deudas
la banda tenía con 'm para los costos de grabación, costos de promoción y otros costos. Toda la banda huyó a varios lugares dejando todo su equipo en el Reino Unido en su apartamento. DECCA Turquía
consiguió en 1969 uno de los mayores éxitos turcos de ese año con el segundo UK 45. Ahora
la banda se llamaba Cedars. 'Ocultar si quieres ocultar/ Para tu información'. La banda nunca vio ni un centavo.

2. El-Abranis -Athedjaladde -Argelia 1972

El-Abranis estuvo presente en la escena del rock argelino y francés desde finales de los años 60. Aquí está un fantástico 45 de 1972. Incluimos ambos lados porque es una mezcla casi perfecta de crudo
Psicología de garaje con un aire más étnico argelino. También lanzaron un par de LP. Eran
Todavía rastreando su catálogo.

3. Simon C. Edwards y su conjunto de almas. ¿Te compré Líbano -196?
Este disco fue grabado y producido en el Líbano a finales de los años 60. No tengo idea de quiénes son estos tipos. Seguramente es una fantástica y tosca canción soul de garage y el público joven habrá disfrutado. Una maravilla con estos batidores mod explosivos. Sabemos de 2 45 de estos tipos.

4. Marruecos -Ela tho -Estados Unidos/ Armenia 1967
No tengo idea de cuál es la historia aquí. Una melodía psicológica de garaje árabe muy explosiva que fue lanzado por un mayor estadounidense. Te preguntas qué esperaban de la compra de discos.
jóvenes. Parece provenir de la escena armenia de Nueva York que también generó la Guerra del Diablo.
Yunque. Pero no estoy seguro. ¡Menudo disco de todos modos!

5. Kouroush -Dil Dasa Per Mesha Irán/ Persia 196?
No tengo idea de quién era este tipo persa. Una hermosa y relajada melodía psicológica que explota en el. Un poco de pelusa que conocemos de las mejores bandas psicológicas estadounidenses, especialmente recordándonos un poco a los primeros discos de Country Joe and the Fish o las primeras bandas experimentales de arte pop de la costa oeste.

6. ¿Los Kool Kats salen del Líbano 196?
Un 45 que conocemos de esta banda libanesa y el hecho de que este 45 fue lanzado en la oscuridad.
La etiqueta 'Liverpool' dice basta. Una canción agradable y arenosa.

7. Nai Bonnet -El séptimo velo -Egipto/Estados Unidos
Nai Bonnet fue una bailarina del vientre egipcia que protagonizó algunas películas dedicadas a la antigua

El mundo árabe visto a través de los lentes kitsch de Hollywood. Su 'barriga de gelatina' era
incluida en la serie 'Chicas en el garaje' e incluso tuvo un álbum completo sobre 'Karate'
titulado 'Danza del vientre a Go Go'. Esta fantástica intro es la cara B de 'Jelly-belly'
45 y fue escrito por la propia Nai. Este último también se puede encontrar en el LP en un formato diferente.
versión vocal.

8. Tony Franks y The Hippin' Souls ¿Anoche Líbano 196?
Otra banda de psicología mod del underground de Beirut. También conocemos 2 45 por estos
modsters. 'Last night' es una genial melodía de garage con toques psicodélicos.
el coro.


1. Las Noticias -Desde la lunaLíbano 196?/ 197?
Vista a través del paisaje histórico libanés del tiempo, una melodía de principios de los años 70.
que tiene una banda que canta 'No queremos ninguna guerra, queremos paz' ​​pone a tipos como Donovan o Barry McGuire directo al jardín de infancia. Estos tipos sabían absolutamente lo que eran.
cantando sobre. The News fue una de las mejores bandas libanesas e incluso lanzó un álbum completo.
álbum Megarare en 1975. Sus primeros lanzamientos se remontan a 1967. Todos son muy duros.
para obtener. 'From the moon' es un fantástico chapuzón de efectos psicodélicos, brillante
arreglos de uno de los hermanos Rahbani y una increíble potencia de garaje. Todo el mundo debería
¡escucha esto!

2. Raks Raks baila Irán/Persia 196?
Lanzamiento persa muy oscuro de mediados de los 60 que combina casi a la perfección música étnica con lo nuevo. Enfoque occidental amplificado.

3. Kareem Issaq y Rock del Medio Oriente Besaha EE. UU. / Varios países árabes -1967
Esta banda tuvo un LP completo en Estados Unidos donde se llamaba 'The Devil's Anvil'. Aquí nosotros
tienen una pista que no es LP de su EP israelí. Los miembros procedían de varios
países de todo Oriente y grabados bajo la dirección de Felix Pappalardi. Este
Debe ser una de sus mejores canciones, aunque el álbum completo es imprescindible para cualquier persona interesada.
Muy buen rock cruzado.

4. Ray Psyah ¿En lo más profundo del Líbano 197?

Raro y confuso psych 45 de libaneses. Ray tuvo varios lanzamientos, hasta donde sabemos, siendo
lo mejor. Las letras dejan un poco mucho espacio a la imaginación. Eso es rock 'n roll.
No lo hagas.

5. Sea-ders -Indeciso -Líbano 1966
La cara B en inglés de 'Thanks a lot' 45. El lanzamiento original libanés tenía una cara B diferente que, en nuestra opinión, era mucho menos. Tenían alrededor de 40 melodías originales. Tú
Podríamos preguntarnos qué más pepitas se escondían allí.

6. El-Abranis -Ayetheri A L'afjare -Argelia 1972
7. Simon C. Edwards y su conjunto de almas -La forma en que lo hago -¿Líbano 196?
Increíble melodía mod con un corte de fuzz profundo y pesado que sorprenderá a muchos.
8. Marruecos -Opa kuklaUSA/ Armenia 1967

Una de las razones por las que escuchamos tan poco sobre ejemplos de beat/rock de Medio Oriente y
países árabes no es que no existan ejemplos, porque especialmente en los años 60 y
setenta más o menos el mundo entero estaba abierto a los experimentos modernos, pero que muchos de
Tales escenas rápidamente desaparecieron en muchos países y fueron reemplazadas por fascistas o de otro tipo.

Regímenes que limitan extremadamente la libertad de expresión creativa. esto ya paso
una vez en Europa, en Alemania, Italia, España y Grecia, con regímenes muy restrictivos que intentaban
erradicar las influencias impuras principalmente para el control intelectual y económico, antes de que
cincuenta después de la primera ola de libertad (años veinte y treinta), pero también sucedió en
En muchos lugares a finales de los años setenta, en casi todos los países latinoamericanos y en
Medio Oriente, donde esta vez Estados Unidos participó en el control económico y del poder.
razones, con una influencia comunista rusa por otra parte en el Lejano Oriente y algunas
otros países del Medio Oriente por las mismas razones. Los países árabes se distinguieron en
primero de lo que se asociaba con el tipo occidental de libertad, por lo que las huellas de la música rock
fueron destruidos o mantenidos en secreto o permanecieron vulnerables, mantenidos alejados de asociaciones con o Interés de Occidente. Ahora, en una época en la que las opiniones extremas finalmente están ganando criticado por primera vez y el materialismo de la sociedad occidental es abrazado, es la momento adecuado para mostrar al mundo nuevamente las grandes posibilidades de las cooperaciones creativas con estándares que no necesariamente deben estar relacionados con los estándares occidentales, pero que son expresiones creativas que son demasiado geniales 

jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2023

Como descargar musica como un hijo de puta de los 90s

Lo que voy a relatar a continuacion es una de mis fuentes sonoras que descubri hace poco, como bajar y tener acceso a la mayor cantidad de musica que puedas soñar.. AUNQUE advierto LEER LAS INSTRUCCIONES antes de hacer nada porque puede ser PELIGROSO. Resulta que en los 90s la gente venia de un mundo donde la musica importaba y se vivia de otra manera, entonces cuando llego el internet, el instinto de aquellos primigenios Veteranos Psíquicos fue ''ahora que existe esto del internet, lo que hay que hacer es crear una red que sea capaz de compartir toda la musica creada por el hombre de forma sencilla, a un solo click y totamente gratis'' el sueño de los 60s hecho realidad a traves de los ordenadores, si algo bueo tuvo internet en sus origenes fue esto, ademas los cabrones lo hicieron de tal manera inteligente que no pudieron pese amenazas, cerrarles la web -por eso a dia de hoy sigue existiendo- (yo pensaba que no) un amigo hace no mucho me introdujo a ella y me enseño a usarla. Mi sorpresa es la mayor cantidad de musica que he visto en mi vida, y para qué ocultarlo como cual mason.. quiero que vosotros tambien lo sepais, aunque si que es verdad que aun asi yo creo que os interesa mas si no quereis calentaros la cabeza, simplemente bajar cosas de nuestro Archive y de aqui del blog porque lo que yo subo lo subo editado, y en esta web viene todo en bruto sin editar. Ademas es peligroso si lo haces desde tu PC y requiere un PC externo solo para eso.. Y tener un disco duro solo para eso ya que Soulseek te hace movidas raras en tu disco duro mientras esta funcionando, y a parte es tanto lo que vas a bajar que te conviene comprar un disco duro solo para ello

Basicamente solo teneis que bajar Soulseek, es un programa de 1999 que funciona Peer to Peer parecido a los t0rrent en el que tu compartes X carpeta de tu ordenador para que la gente tenga acceso directo a ella y los demas hacen lo mismo, la ultima version es de 2019 asi que deberia de funciona en windows 10, una vez lo instalas te pide usuario y contraseña, te inventas un usuario, una contraseña y ya esta, ya tienes tu perfil creado en el propio Login. Una vez ahi recomiendo ponerlo en Español en opciones, seleccionar la carpeta predeterminada de descargas que por defecto creo que es Mis Documentos, y luego simplemente ir al buscador, bajar y probar suerte, normalmente la gente de Soulseek suelen tener el pc siempre encendido compartiendo.. es raro.. hay uno que dice que lleva 12 años en una residencia, esta paraplegico, solo se dedica a subir vinyl rips el cabron soy yo de viejo, lleva 12 años subiendo todos los discos del mundo, ni spotify ni ostias supera a ese tio. Estan casi todas las discografias y grupos raros que puedas imaginar incluso bootlegs, es un submundo que la verdad nos deja un poco en ridiculo al blog al canal y a todo, pasa como con las revistas musicales de la epoca, es que lo que es antiguo o cercano a la epoca, es lo que es.. 

jueves, 26 de octubre de 2023

El blog tiene que volver

 El blog empezo en 2013-14 inspirandonos en rockliquias y con la labor de hacer el mismo trabajo, rescatar grupos olvidados y traer de vuelta toda la musica posible, despues en 2017-18 youtube pego fuerte, y yo mismo empezo a usar youtube como suerte de ''mp3'' para oir musica, daba pereza descargar musica, editarla y meterla en algun dispositivo para reproducirla.. siempre teniendo el vinilo como principal medio de escucha por supuesto, yoputube empezo a crecer hasta llegar a su climax en 2021 o así.. entonces experimentamos muchos problemas shadowbands y demás pero sobretodo desde 2022 la publicidad en youtube es demasiado bestia y no estoy dispuesto a pagar premium asi que poco a poco hemos vuelto all blog y a archive, sobretodo ARCHIVE que es una web del estilo de los 90s, simple, intuitiva, underground, con el objetivo de subir y compartir ahi toda la musica undergroud y bootlegs posibles. Y asi una vez mas el circulo se cierra, ante la decadencia del mundo moderno, tratamos de recordar los geniunos inicios del internet, donde realmente si algun beneficio tenia era el poder compartir cosas a las cuales ni siqiera en los 70s tendriamos acceso. Si nos borran el canal el cual esta muy de capa caida no importa, es un mero trailer de lo que importa.. el blog, archive, los libros, la España ácida.. todo lo que el big brother toca se va a la mierda, el dia que archive caiga dejaremos internet para siempre, quizas es lo que debemos hacer. Ojala vivamos para ver una revolucion, y la caida del nuevo orden

Lamentablemente las criticas de discos se han visto muy menguadas por culpa de los psicopatas de otros blogs, mis enfermedades mentales (por culpa de esta epoca de mierda) y demás, pero espero que vuelvan, era de lo mejor que teniamos


jueves, 19 de octubre de 2023

LA ENTRADA MAS PODEROSA QUE ESTE BLOG TENDRA JAMÁS + Psychedelic Radio Stations Around The World 1967-1972 +

 Mas de 500 programas de radio psicodelicos y progresivos de entre 1967 y 1972 por todas partes del mundo!! Y aun estamos buscando más! esto es solo el principio, he reparado de ellos unos 40 pero la mayoría aun asi se oyen bien, he editado las portadas de casi todos ellos y en las carpetas teneis info en un pdf y demás.. Es lo más heavy que ha caido en nuestras manos jamas, programas increibles con locuciones miticas de la epoca, en la epoca de la musica, los 60s, ser DJ no era cualquier broma, se lo tomaban en serio, eran una suerte de super herores sonoros que ayudaban a trasmitir los LP's del momento para que mas gente se enterase de la onda psicodelica, en estas estaciones encontraremos desde temas pop rock del momento hasta autenticas grabaciones underground de grupos que ni siquiera conocia.. ¿Y tambien noticias locales y mundiales!  Aun no las oido todas.. no he oido aun ni el 50% de ellas.. es una salvajada

👂👂👂👂👂👂 d0wnl-0-ad it here, if you have problems put it coments, archive is a primitive web but its the best be patient if the d0wnl0ad fails at the beggining and retry. I will upload some of them too separately as albums soon

Siempre he tenido a AFVN en un pedestal pero lo cierto es que era una emisora del gobierno con apenas programas psicodelicos, estas emisoras muchas de ellas piratas eran una salvajada. muchas de ellas aun siguen en activo en los USA, esperemos no tener problemas de copyright.. Hay otras de Europa, lamentablemente no he encontrado nada aun de la españa ácida, donde seguro que hubo programas asi y en latinoamerica. Radio Geronimo me ha flipado, retransmitian de forma pirata desde Monte Carlo por toda Europa con unas antiguas estaciones de radio Nazis en deshuso. Lo unico peor si tuviera que decir algo es la calidad de algunas de ellas y que he llegado a encontrar algunos programas inocentemente proto woke o blue pill de la epoca (tambien hay lo contrario) pero aun asi.. MENUDA SALVAJADA DEL ROCK N ROLL, esto es es recopilatorio psicodelico mas bestia que jamas he tenido

Este material es posible gracias a nuestro amigo Paisley Aswell de Vermont, USA, las consiguio en webs que ya no existen a principios de los 2000s donde a veces los propios DJ ya viejos subian sus ''airchecks'' no conocia ese termino, si bootleg es un concierto pirata, airchecks son programas de radio grabados. Imaginad estos recopilatorios prensados en vinilo, si alguna vez tengo una discografica lo hare. Algunos de estos DJ's como ''Magic Carpet Ride Dave John'' estuvo tambien en Vietnam en AFVN. He editado la mayoria de portadas posibles estilo Heavy Metal de la epoca. muchos de estos programas son reel to reel y tienen una calidad muy buena incluso tienen un estereo paneado, son mas de 500 cassettes rips para deleitar el paraiso musical mas grande que hemos conseguido rescatar jamas, dificilmente mejorable nisiquiera aunque apareciese el dichoso live de armageddon estaria a la altura. Lo mejor es que ademas de estas radios tambien tengo pendiente mas de 2000 vinyl rips de todo tipo de prog & psych gracias a nuestros colaboradores y marines psiquicos que nos mandan cada vez mejor material, aun asi yo sigo buscando por mi cuenta como en los viejos tiempo y editando lo que me llega, es demasido trabajo para uno solo pero ahora que estoy en Minnesota es el momento perfecto, ojala podamos abrir una discografica algun dia. Con este recopilatorio subido ya si nos tiran el blog o el canal en el futuro.. podemos decir que hemos cumplido y ''nos retiramos'' por todo lo alto

y LO MEJOR ES QUE la mayoria de ellos vienen con tracklist incluido..

AVRO 1968-07-24 Superclean Dreammachine Ad's-Geavesande

Country Joe & The Fish - Death Sound Blues

Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band - Where There's Woman

Country Joe & The Fish - Not So Sweet Martha Lorraine

The Association - Pandora's Golden Heebie Jeebies

Jimi Hendrix - Future Trip

Yardbirds - Shapes of Things

The Doors - The End

Small Faces - Long Agos and Worlds Apart • Rene

The Velvet Underground - I'm Waiting for the Man

Pink Floyd - A Saucerful of Secrets

Fairport Convention - Jack o' Diamonds

The Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Come and Buy

The Beach Boys - Friends

Hans Frisch - [unknown]

Jefferson Airplane - The Ballad of You and Me and Pooneil/A Small Package of Value Will Come to You, Shortly/Young Girl Sunday Blues

The Beach Boys - Little Bird

Jefferson Airplane - The Last Wall of the Castle/Rejoyce

AVRO 1968-09-04 Superclean Dreammachine Ad's Gravesande

The Mystic Astrologic Crystal Band - Gaberdene Square

The Band - Chest Fever

Country Joe and The Fish - Rock and Soul Music

The Loading Zone - Kali Yuga-Loo

Ars Nova -  March of the Mad Duke's Circus

Quicksilver Messenger Service - Pride of Man

Dr. John the Night Tripper - Gris-Gris Gumbo Ya Ya

AVRO 1968-09-18 Superclean Dreammachine Ad's Gravesande

The Paul Butterfield Blues Band - Mary, Mary

Quicksilver Messenger Service -  It's Been Too Long

Earth Opera - The Child Bride

Collectors - Howard Christian's Older

 Vanilla Fudge - The Spell that Comes After

 The Seeds -  No Escape (live)

 The Fraternity of Man -  Oh No, I Don't Believe It

 Earth Opera -  Death By Fire

Steppenwolf - The Pusher

Ill Wind - High Flying Bird

 The Seeds -  Up in Her Room (live)

 Blood, Sweat & Tears - I Can't Quit Her

Jefferson Airplane - Greasy Heart / Triad / The House at Pooneil Corners

Spirit - Fresh-Garbage

Eclection -  Morning of Yesterday

Fairport Convention - Jack o' Diamonds

Nazz - She's Going Down

 Simon & Garfunkel - Save the Life of my Child [b]

Fever Tree - Man Who Paints the Pictures

Cream -  Pressed Rat & Warthog

AVRO 1968-10-02 Superclean Dreammachine Ad's Gravesande

Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Shifting Sands/I Won't Hurt You

Buffalo Springfield - Everydays

Autosalvage - Auto Salvage/Burglar Song

Iron Butterfly - Most Anything You Want

All That the Name Implies - Noah's Dove

Jefferson Airplane - Rejoyce

Iron Butterfly - Termination

The Beach Boys - Be Here in the Morning

Buffalo Springfield - The Hour of Not Quite Rain

CHUM-FM 1970-02;03 Reiner Schwarz

Battred Ornaments - The Crosswords and The Safety Pins

George Coleman - Eloise

Crosby Stills and Nash - Deja Vu/Carry On

Crosby Stills and Nash - Country Girl

Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

Paul Horn - A Gift For Caesar

CHUM-FM 1970-11

Savoy Brown - A Hard Way To Go

Tom Rush - Drop Down Mama

Savoy Brown - Is That So 

Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi

Crosby Stills Nash and Young - Teach Your Children

Band - Up On Cripple Creek

Blood Sweat and Tears - Smiling Phases

Procol Harum - Quite Rightly So

Ramblin Jack Elliot - I'll Be Your Baby Tonight/Don't Let Your Deal Go Down

Bob Dylan - Talkin John Birch Paranoid Blues

Illinois Speed Press - Be a Woman/Sky Song

Joe Cocker - Sandpaper Cadillac/Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

Procol Harum - The Devil Came From Kansas/Boredom

Big John Patton - Village Lee

Cat Stevens - Lady D'Arbanville

Frantic - More Of A Man

Delaney and Bonnie - Free The People

KAAY 1970-06-26 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

Sugarloaf - Green Eyed Lady/The Train Kept a Rollin'

Temptations - Ball Of Confusion

East of Eden - Xhorkom/Ramadhan/In The Snow For A Blow

Flow - Arlene

East of Eden - Gum Arabic Confucious

Grand Funk Railroad - Hooked On Love

MC5 - Ramblin Rose

MC5 - Kick Out The Jams

Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone

John Hartford - To Say

Amboy Dukes - Prodigal Man

Corporation - India

KAAY 1970-06-28 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

Bob Dylan - Take A Message To Mary

Led Zeppelin - What Is And What Should Never Be

Sugarloaf - Green Eyed Lady

Joan Baez - Just A Closer Walk With Thee/Poor Wayfaring Stranger

Bob Dylan - She Belongs To Me (Live)

Deep Purple - River Deep, Mountain High

Jethro Tull - Witches Promise

The Move - Brontosaurus

Joan Baez - If I Knew

Paul Butterfield Blues Band - East-West

Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love

KAAY 1970-07-03 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

Bob Dylan - Desolation Row

Deep Purple - River Deep, Mountain High

Rattles - The Witch

Canned Heat - On The Road Again

Family - No Mule's Fool

Love Sculpture - Sabre Dance

Steppenwolf - Monster/Suicide/America

Touch - Down At Cerce's Place/Alesha and Others

KAAY 1970-12 #1 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

Corporation - India

Spirit - Mr Skin

Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today

KAAY 1970-12 #1 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

Flock - Dinosaur Swamps 

Fuse - Across The Skies

KAAY 1970-12-31 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

John Mayall - The Bear/Miss James/First Time Alone

Fifty Foot Hose - Cauldron

Rotary Connection - Aladdin

Janis Joplin - Kozmic Blues

Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends (Woodstock)

Deep Water Reunion - Cindy's Cryin

Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child (Woodstock)

Ginger Baker's Air Force - Da Da Man

Rugbys - Wendegahl The Warlock

KAAY 1970 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

Arlo Guthrie - Motorcycle Song

Jethro Tull - Inside 

Pink Floyd - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

Rugbys - Wendeghal The Warlock

KAAY Early 1971 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

Shiloh - I'm Gone

Van Der Graaf Generator - House With No Door > 12:01 12/70

Laura Nyro - Save The Country > clay shattred doors

Van Der Graaf Genrator - Lost 

Black Sabbath - Iron Man 9/70

Shiloh - Railroad Song

Traffic - Vagabond Virgin

Van Der Graaf Generator - Killer > clay shuttred windows

Van Der Graaf Generator - Lost

KAAY 1971-03-14 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

Fantasy - Stone Cowboy

John Lee Hooker - Let's Make It/Peavine

Cactus - Long Tall Sally

Beatles - I Want You (She's So Heavy)

Allman Brothers Band - Dreams

Mason Proffit - Two Hangmen

KAAY 1971-03-24 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

Arlo Guthrie - Motorcycle Song

Podipto - Mississippi Woman

Bloodrock - DOA

Moody Blues - Lovely To See You/Dear Diary

Booker T and The MGs - Because/You Never Give Me Your Money

Janis Joplin - Mercedes Benz

Big Brother and The Holding Company - Combination of The Two

KAAY 1971-04-03 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford 

Canned Heat - Woodstock Boogie 

John Mayall - The Bear/Miss James 

Led Zeppelin - What Is And What Should Never Be/The Lemon Song/Thank You

John Mayall - Fly Tomorrow 

Fifty Foot Hose - Fantasy 

Johnny Winter - Kind Hearted Woman

Jake Jones - Trippin' Down A Country Road

Rita Coolidge - Born Under A Bad Sign/Aint That Perculiar/Mountains

Jake Jones - Ill Mo Junction

Amboy Dukes - Rattle My Snake

Black Sabbath - Iron Man

Moody Blues - In The Beginning/Lovely To See You Again

KAAY 1971-04-13 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford 

Pink Floyd - A Saucerful of Secrets

Corporation - Want To Get Out Of My Grave

Amboy Dukes - ? 

Amboy Dukes - Rattle My Snake 

Crosby Stills Nash and Young - Long Time Gone 

Flock - Uranian Sircus 

Pink Floyd - Be Careful With That Axe Eugene 

If - What Can A Friend Say

Crosby Stills and Nash - Southern Man

Spirit - Animal Zoo/Love Has Found A Way/Why Can't I Be Free/Mr. Skin

Savoy Brown - Take It Easy/Looking In

Ginger Baker's Airforce - Toad

Fantasy - Stoned Cowboy

King Crimson - The Court Of The Crimson King

Fourth Way - Werwolf

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Graveyard Train

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Hey Joe

Bloodrock - DOA

Uriah Heep - Come Away Melinda

Flock - Big Bird

KAAY 1971-06 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

Incredible Broadside Brass Bed Band - Grizzly Bear

Deepwater Reunion - Cindy's Crying

Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Come and Buy

Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Time/Confusion

Black Sabbath - Iron Man

Hadley Caliman - Blues For LL

KAAY 1971-08-03 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

Long John Baldry - Black Girl

John Baldry - It Ain't Easy

Long John Baldry - Morning Morning

John Baldry - I'm Ready

? - ?

Leigh Ashford - Good Day

Three Dog Night - Chest Fever

Guess Who - Friends Of Mine

KAAY 1971-08-14 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford

Jethro Tull - My God 

? - ?

Beatles - I Want You (She's So Heavy)

Jethro Tull - Hymn 43

? - ?

Amboy Dukes - Brain Games of Yesteryear

Rare Earth - (from Ecology) 

cut (not beaker street?)

Apollo 100 - Joy 

KAAY 1971-08-24 Beaker Street Clyde Clifford 

Buddy Miles - Runaway Child 

Carole King - So Far Away

Black Oak Arkansas - I Could Love You

Emerson Lake and Palmer - The Three Fates

Emerson Lake and Palmer - Tank

Grand Funk Railroad - Can't Be Too Long

KABC-FM 1969-08-01 Brother John

Blood, Sweat, and Tears - More and More

Don Cooper - Miss Georgia

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Commotion

Bob Dylan - She Belongs To Me

National Gallery - A Negro Child Does Not Understand The Snow

John Mayall - Don't Waste My Time

Kinks - You Really Got Me

Peter, Paul and Mary - Lemon Tree

Ray Charles - Geogria On My Mind

Shirelles - Will You Love Me Tomorrow

Aretha Franklin - Natural Woman

Bread - Could I

Blood, Sweat, and Tears - Spinning Wheel

Byrds - Ballad Of Easy Rider

Three Dog Night - Celebrate

Doors - Wild Child

Dave Grusin - Constant Journey

KABC-FM 1969-08-23 Brother John

Litter - Blue Ice

Joan Baez - Love Is a Four Letter Word

Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want

Iron Butterfly - Are You Happy

Doors - Easy Ride

Crosby Stills and Nash - Long Time Gone

Aretha Franklin - Natural Woman

Bread - Could I

Blood, Sweat, and Tears - Spinning Wheel

Byrds - Ballad Of Easy Rider

Three Dog Night - Celebrate

Doors - Wild Child

KABC-FM 1969-12-30 Brother John

Renaissance - Island

Byrds - Ballad Of Easy Rider

San Remo Golden Strings - Hungry For Love

Richie Havens - Shouldn't All The World Be Dancing

Janis Joplin - Try

Denny Brooks - Life Is A Season

Bob Dylan - Talkin' New York

Norman Greenbaum - Tars Of India

Moody Blues - Candle Of Life

Steppenwolf - America

Moloch - Same Old Blues

Bangor Flying Circus - Mama Don't You Know

Illusion - Lylia 

Pentagle - Light Flight

Ramsey Lewis - Mother Nature's Son

KABC-FM 1970-06-25 Brother John

Merry Clayton - Gimme Shelter

Country Joe and The Fish - The Hand Of Man

Neil Young - Sugar Mountain

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young - Everybody I Love You

Jethro Tull - Sossity; You're A Woman

Otis Redding - Satisfaction

Aretha Franklin- Let It Be

Grinder's Switch - An Imaginary Invalid

KADI 1969-06-01 Dr. Good

Hamilton Streetcar - I See I Am

Teresa - I Started A Joke

Gary McFarland - Due To Lack Of Interest

Keith - Waiting To Be

Allan Copeland Singer Sound - Classical Gas and Scarborough Fair

Crystal Mansion - For The First Time

Muddy Waters - Honey Bee

Hair - Aquarius

Jose Feliciano - She's A Woman

Fear Itself - In My Time Of Dying

Lee Michaels - The War

Blood Sweat and Tears - Blues Part II

Cashman and West - Some Of My Best Friends Are People

The Peddlers - Comin' Home Baby

Kossie Gardener - Sunshine Of Your Love

Terry Reid - Bang Bang

Steppenwolf - Mango Juice

KFMK 1968-08-24 Steve Nagle

Traffic - Dealer Dealer

Jefferson Airplane - Triad

Beatles - Revolution

13th Floor Elevators - Slip Inside This House

Paul Butterfield Blues Band - In My Own Dream

Paul Butterfield Blues Band - Drunk Again

John Lee Hooker - Think Twice Before You Go

United States of America - Where Is Yesterday

United States of America - Coming Down 

Children - Sitting on a Flower

United States of America - The American Way of Love

Beatles - Help!

Cream - Tales of Brave Ulysses

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxey Lady

Doors - When The Music's Over

New York Electric String Ensemble - Sonata #3, Opus 4, In A Major

KFMK 1969-03 Charlie Part 1

Earth Opera - The Great American Eagle Tradgedy 

Earth Opera - Roast Beef Love

Earth Opera - It's Love

Jeremy and The Satyrs - She Didn't Even Say Goodbye

Incredible String Band - Job's Tears

Incredible String Band - Puppies

Shiva's Headband - Song for Peace

Mother Earth - Down So Low

Blood Sweat and Tears - Just One Smile

Laura Nyro - Poverty Train

Judy Collins - I Think Its Going To Rain Today

Judy Collins - Sunny Good Street

Taj Mahal - Celebrated Walkin' Blues

Quicksilver Messenger Service - Who Do You Love Suite

Joan Baez - North

KFMK 1969-03 Walt Part 3

Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil

13th Floor Elevators - Reverberation

Bubble Puppy - Hot Smoke and Sassafras

Quicksilver Messenger Service - Gold and Silver

Jefferson Airplane - The Other Side of This Life (Live)

Dick Hyman - Four Duets in Odd Meter

Bobby Darin - In Memoriam

Blues Project - Flute Thing (Live)

Bob Dylan - One of Us Must Know

David Axelrod - Urizen

Dr. John - Patriotic Flag Waver

Clarence Carter - Making Love

Townes Van Zandt - Waiting Around To Die

Steve Miller Band - Baby's Callin' Me Home

Steve Miller Band - Steppin' Stone

Steve Miller Band - Roll With It

Paul Butterfield Blues Band - I Got My Mojo Working

Beatles - Yer Blues

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Bold As Love

Outlaw Blues Band - Tobacco Road 

McCoys - All Over You

Jeff Beck - Morning Dew

KFMK 1969-03 Part 4

Charles Lloyd Quintet - Love No. 3

Bob Dylan - I Am a Lonesome Hobo

Mothers of Invention - Were Only In It For The Money Side 1

Sunshine Company - Willie Jean

Beatles - Don't Pass Me By/Why Don't We Do It In The Road/I Will/Julia

Vanilla Fudge - Break Song

Jefferson Airplane - Spare Chaynge 

13th Floor Elevators - Baby Blue

H.P. Lovecraft - Keeper of The Keys

Tobias Wood Henderson - Woman of The World

Mickey Newbury - Just Dropped In

Donovan - Lalena

Judy Collins - Both Sides Now/Pirate Jenny

Children - Daybreak

Donovan - Wear Your Love Like Heaven

Donovan - Mad John's Escape

Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues

KFML 1968-03 Brian Krizenbecker Super Warthog Show

Cream - Outside Woman Blues 

Traffic - Heaven is in Your Mind

Small Faces - Talk To You

James Cotton Blues Band - Creeper

Rotary Connection - Turn Me On

Simon and Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson

13th Floor Elevators - You're Gonna Miss Me

Donovan - There Was A Time

Gordon Lightfoot - Wherfor and Why

Traffic - Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush

Yardbirds - Drinking Muddy Water

Taj Mahal - Leaving Trunk

Bob Dylan - Rainy Day Blues

KGO 1969-05 Love Brother John Rydgren

Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Woman

Harry Nilsson - 1941

Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends

Terry Reid - When I Get Home

Donovan - Sunshine Superman

Bread - Could I

KISD 1969-07-12 Ken Mills

Traffic - Just For You

Jeff Beck - All Shook Up

Jeff Beck - Morning Dew

Deep Purple - Lalena

Blind Faith - Can't Find My Way Home

Cream - Strange Brew

Cream - Badge

Chicago - Listen

Chicago - Free Form Guitar

Johnny Winter - Help Me

Johnny Winter - Leland Mississippi Blues

Moody Blues - Tuesday

Moody Blues - Afternoon

Moody Blues - Evening

Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin

Led Zeppelin - Good Times Bad Times

Beatles - Yer Blues

Animals - House Of The Rising Sun

Spirit - Uncle Jack

Blood Sweat and Tears - Sometimes In Winter

Don Sebesky - The Word

Blood Sweat and Tears - And When I Die

Blind Faith - Presence of the Lord

Mothers of Invention - Plastic People

Crosby Stills and Nash - Lady of the Island

Neil Young - Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere

Beatles - A Day In The Life

Blood Sweat and Tears - I Can't Quit Her

KMET 1968 B Mitchel Reed 

Love - Alone Again Or

Steppenwolf - The Pusher

KMET 1968-06-27 B Mitchel Reed, Tom Donahue

? - ? 

Fleetwood Mac - Shake Your Moneymaker

Aretha Franklin - A Change is Gonna Come

Bill Evans - If You Could See Me Now

Quicksilver Messenger Service - Pride of Man

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Walking on The Water

Creedence Clearwater Revival - The Working Man

Nirvana Sitar and String Group - Never My Love

Quicksilver Messenger Service - Light Your Windows/Dino's Song

Buddy Guy - A Man and The Blues

John Mayall - Broken Wings

John Mayall and The Bluesbreakers - The Death of J.B. Lenoir

Bob Dylan - The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll

Bob Dylan - Masters of War

Bob Dylan - Who Killed Davy Moore

Bob Dylan  The Times They Are A Changin

Buddy Rich and Alla Rakha - Rangeela

KMET 1968-08-13 B Mitchel Reed

Grateful Dead - New Potato Caboose

Odetta - Masters of War

Richie Havens - Just Like A Woman

Richie Havens - Elenoar Rigby

Odetta - Strawberry Fields Forever

Odetta - ?

Richie Havens - Don't Listen To Me

Moody Blues - In Search Of The Lost Chord Side One

Le Marteau Sans Maitre 

Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping

KMET 1969-03-20 B Mitchel Reed

Al Kooper - Camille

Country Joe and The Fish - Colors For Susan

Quicksilver Messenger Service - Mona

Ray Charles - George On My Mind

Jimi Hendrix - The Wind Cries Mary

BB King - Lucille

Simon and Garfunkel - For Emily

Beatles - Lovley Rita

Byrds - The Girl With No Name

Fifty Foot Hose - If Not This Time (Ad)

Hoyt Axton - Snowblind Friend

Hoyt Axton - Beelzebub's Laughter

Hoyt Axton - Kingswood Manner

Al Kooper Mike Bloomfield - Feelin' Groovy

Al Kooper Mike Bloomfield - Sonny Boy Williamson

Blood Sweat and Tears - Spinning Wheel

Blood Sweat and Tears - God Bless The Child

KMET 1969-06-06 B Mitchel Reed

Bob Dylan - My Back Pages

Byrds - My Back Pages

Bob Dylan - Mr Tambourine Man

Byrds - Mr Tambourine Man

Bob Dylan - Lay Lady Lay

Bob Dylan - Nashville Skyline Rag

Bob Dylan - Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Walking On The Water (Ad)

Herbie Mann - New Orleans

Herbie Mann - Memphis Underground

Steve Cropper - With A Little Help From My Friends Side 2

Randy Newman - Love Story

Randy Newman - Living Without You

Kaleidoscope - Cuckoo

Kaleidoscope - Seven-Ate Sweet

? - ? 

Edwin Hawkins Singers - Oh Happy Day

Little Esther - I Shall Greatly Rejoyce

KMPX 1967-10-21 Edward Bear

Buffalo Springfield - Broken Arrow

Doc Watson - Nashville Pickin

Youngbloods - Reason To Believe

Blues Project - Flute Thing

Arthur Conley - Ha Ha Ha 

Mose Allison - Foolkiller

Howlin Wolf - Built For Comfort 

Animals - Hit The Road Jack

Staple Singers - Drums of Passion

Babatunde Olatunji - Drums Of Passion

Rolling Stones - Under My Thumb

Rolling Stones - Dandelion (?)

Beatles - Sgt Pepper (selected tracks)

Martin Galling - Three Two Part Inventions

Bee Gees - Please Read Me

Staple Singers - For What It's Worth

Chralie Musselwhite - 4 PM

Mugwumps - Do You Know What I Mean

Charlie Musselwhite - Christo Redemptor

Traffic - Smiling Phases

Cream - Sunshine of Your Love

Mamas and The Papas - Look Through My Window

KMPX 1967-12 Larry Miller

Jim Kweskin Jug Band - ? 

Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit

Buffy Sainte Marie - Los Pescadores

Animals - Gin House Blues

Geoff Muldaur - Good Gin Blues

Joan Baez - Daddy You've Been On My Mind

Byrds - My Back Pages

KMPX 1967-12

Serpent Power - ?

Mimi and Richard Farina - Miles

Simon and Garfunkel - Feelin' Groovy

Donovan - Skip-a-Long Sam

Who - I Can See For Miles

Bee Gees - I Can See Nobody

Taj Mahal - Leaving Trunkin

James Cotton - Don't Start Me Talkin'

Fred Neil - Everybody's Talking

Moody Blues - The Day Begins

Joan Baez - The Wild Mountain Thyme

Moody Blues - Dawn

Moody Blues - The Morning

Kaleidoscope - Taxim

Rolling Stones - 2000 Light Years From Home

KMPX 1967-12-09 

Bob Dylan - From A Buick 6 

Bob Dylan - Corrina Corrina

Joan Baez - Daddy You've Been On My Mind

Simon and Garfunkel - For Emily

Serpent Power - Flying Away

KNUS 1969-11

Grand Funk Railroad - Can't Be Too Long (aug 68) (part 3 of the gentry trilogy from knus) (satan's sadists ad, june 1969)

Melanie - Tuning My Guitar

Frummox (ad) (feb 70)

Youngbloods - Sunlight (april 69)

Buffalo Springfield - Sit Down I Think I Love You

Nice - She Belongs To Me (sept 69)

Beatles - Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End (aug 69)

Simon and Garfunkel - Old Friends

Tony Joe White - Willie and Laura Mae Jones (june 69)

Zephyr - Raindrops (oct 69)

Jethro Tull - Fat Man (sept 69)

John Stewart - She Believes In Me (may 69) (12:36 sunday morning)

Pink Floyd - Be Careful With That Axe Eugene 

Vanilla Fudge - I Can't Make It Alone (sept 69)

Moody Blues - Om

Roxy - Yesterday's Song (nov 69)

Laura Nyro - You Don't Love Me When I Cry (sept 69) 

Simon and Garfunkel - Voices of Old People/Old Friends

Rotary Connection - The Weight (may 69)

Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (oct 69)

Beatles - A Day In The Life

Roxy - Love, Love, Love

Doors - Easy Ride (july 69)

SWR Sinfonieorchester - Atmospheres 

Ten Wheel Drive - Eye Of The Needle (oct 69)

KNUS 1970-01-xx

Beatles - A Day In The Life

Rolling Stones - Midnight Rambler

Jimi Hendrix Experience - 1983

Janis Joplin - Little Girl Blue (Lear Program)

Moody Blues - Legend of a Mind

Band - Chest Fever

? - Fort Worth I Love You

Deep Purple - River Deep Mountain High

Jefferson Airplane - Wooden Ships

Crosby Stills and Nash - Lady Of The Island

Youngbloods - Sunlight

Nazz - A Beautiful Song

Salvatore Martirano - Ballad

Harvey Mandel (?) - ?

Santana - Soul Sacrifice

Chicago - I'm A Man

Creedence Clearwater Revival - The Midnight Special

Three Dog Night - Celebrate

King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King

Rolling Stones - All Sold Out

Grand Funk Railroad - Can't Be Too Long (1969-11 on?)

Melaine - Tuning My Guitar

Frummox (ad)

Youngbloods - Sunlight

Buffalo Springfield - Sit Down I Think I Love You

Nice - She Belongs To Me (end)

Steve Miller Band - Can't You Hear Your Daddy's Heartbeat

Harvey Mandel - ?

Moody Blues - Voices In The Sky

Moody Blues - The Best Way To Travel

? - ? (2:19:00)

Beatles - Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End

Simon And Garfunkel - Old Friends

Tony Joe White - Willie and Laura Mae Jones

Zephyr - Raindrops

Jethro Tull - Madman Song

John Stewart - She Believes In Me

Pink Floyd - Careful with That Axe Eugene

Vanilla Fudge - I Can't Make It Alone

Moody Blues - Om

Roxy - Yesterday's Song

Laura Nyro - You Don't Love Me When I Cry

Simon And Garfunkel - Old Friends

Rotary Connection - The Weight

Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love

Roxy - Love Love Love

Doors - Easy Ride

SWR Sinfonieorchester - Atmospheres

Ten Wheel Drive - Eye Of The Needle

Bob Dylan - My Back Pages

Roxy - Yesterday's Song

Joe Cocker - Hitchcock Railway

Blind Faith - Find My Way Back Home

Led Zeppelin - Ramble On

King Crimson - Epitaph 

Roxy - Love Love Love

Byrds - Jesus Is Just Alright

Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil 

Three Dog Night - Lady Samantha

Grand Funk Railroad - High Falootin Woman

Tim Hardin - Reason To Believe

Nazz - Under The Ice

Jethro Tull - A New Day Yesterday

Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever

The Band - The Weight

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxy Lady

Brian Auger - Ellis Island

KPPC 1968-02 Don Hall

Doors - Crystal Ship

Leonard Cohen - Master Song

Ravi Shankar - Tala Rasa Ranga

Beatles - Within You And Without You

Beatles - Flying

Marianne Faithfull - Young Girl Blues

Donovan - Young Girl Blues

Donovan - Writer In The Sun

Pink Floyd - Pow R Toc H

Love - The Good Humor Man He Sees Everything Like This

Bob Dylan - All Along The Watchtower

Bob Dylan - The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest

Bert Jansch - Needle of Death

Bert Jansch - Oh How Your Love Is Strong

Janis Ian - Insanity Comes Quietly To The Structured Mind

Charlie Musselwhite - Christo Redemptor

Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today

Chambers Brothers - People Get Ready

Cher - Catch The Wind

Dorsey Burnette - Hey Little One

West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Suppose The Give A War

Donovan - Song of the Naturalists Wife

Donovan - Under The Greenwood Tree

Donovan - Cuttin' Out

Kaleidoscope - Beacon From Mars

Francois Rabbath - Bitume

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze

Phil Ochs - Pleasurs of The Harbor

Steppenwolf - The Pusher

Ramblin Jack Elliot - Connection

Tony Scott - After The Snow, The Fragrance

Fred Neil - That's The Bag I'm In

Fred Neil - Candy Man

KRAB 1968-04-12 The Milky Way Mind Warp Rory Funke

13th Floor Elevators - Slip Inside This House

Dr. John - Gris-Gris Gumbo Ya Ya

Sam and Dave - Hold on I'm Comin

? - Mustang Sally

Dr. John - Danse Kalinda Ba Boom

Dr. John - Mama Roux

Aretha Franklin - Respect

Eddie Floyd - Knock On Wood

KRBE 1970-01 Ritch Bryan

Quicksilver Messenger Service - Shady Grove

James Taylor - Knockin' Round The Zoo

Beatles - Come Together

Beatles - I Saw Her Standing There

Beatles - Kum Back Side 1

Beatles - Kum Back Side 2

Grand Funk Railroad - Anybody's Answer

KSAN 1968-10-20 Bob Postle

Tim Buckley - Hallucinations

Jim Kweskin Jug Band - Coney Island Washboard

Jim Kweskin - If You're A Viper

Cat Stevens - I Love My Dog

Cat Stevens - Baby Get Your Head Screwed On

Cat Stevens - When I Speak To The Flowers

Cream - Pressed Rat and Warthog

Eric Clapton & Powerhouse - I Want To Know

Cream - As You Said

Eric Clapton & Powerhouse - Crossroads

Cream - Passing The Time

Tom Rush - I'm In Love Again

Tom Rush - Long John

KSAN 1968-10-26 Alan Stone

Beatles - Yesterday

Beatles - I Am The Walrus

Joe Cocker - With A Little Bit Of Help From My Friends

Al Kooper Mike Bloomfield - Man's Temptation

Al Kooper Mike Bloomfield - The Weight

The Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Child Of My Kingdom

The Nice - America

The Nice - Diamond Hard Blue Apples Of The Moon

Abdullah - Here I Stand The Mighty One

Big Black - Low Gravy

James Brown - Shades of Brown

James Brown - Say It Loud I'm Black And Proud Pt. II

Big Brother and The Holding Company - The Combination of The Two

Moby Grape - Poison Berry

Moby Grape - Rose Colored Eyes

Steve Miller Band - Quicksilver Girl

Country Joe and The Fish - Rock and Soul Music

Steve Miller Band - Born In The USA

Loading Zone - Can I Dedicate

Manfred Mann - I'll Make It Up To You

Three Dog Night - Chest Fever

Maffitt and Davies - Lungi Del Caro Beni 

Moby Grape - Naked If I Want To

Cream - Cat's Squirrel 

? - ? 

KSAN 1968-10-30 Tony Pigg

Canned Heat - Boogie Music

Traffic - Who Knows What Tomorrow May Bring

Beatles - White Album Side 1

Beatles - White Album Side 2

Beatles - White Album Side 3

Band - We Can Talk

Band - Chest Fever

Cream - Train Time/Toad

KSAN 1968-11 Stefan Ponek & Bob McClay

Cream - Toad (Wheels of Fire)

Pearls Before Swine - Images Of April

Pearls Before Swine - Suzanne

Paul Butterfield - East West

KSAN 1969 Tom Donahue

Kaleidoscope - You Don't Love Me

Kaleidoscope - Just A Taste

Kaleidoscope - Hello Trouble

Buffy Sainte Marie - The Circle Game

Buffy Sainte Marie - He's A Keeper of The Fire

Youngbloods - Grizzly Bear

Youngbloods - Ain't That Lovin' You Baby

Youngbloods - The Other Side Of This Life

Youngbloods - Darkness, Darkness

Rolling Stones - Play With Fire

Rolling Stones - Down Home Girl

Rolling Stones - Lady Jane

Rolling Stones - Under My Thumb

Rolling Stones - She's Like A Rainbow

Rolling Stones - Stray Cat Blues

Rolling Stones - We Love You

The Who - The Last Time

KSAN 1969-01 Tony Pigg

Jethro Tull - Serenade To A Cuckoo

Taj Mahal - The Cuckoo

Sir Douglas Quintet - The Rains Came

Nina Simone - I Think It's Going To Rain Today

KSAN 1969-02-11 Stefan Ponek & Tony Pigg

Brian Auger and The Trinity - Far Horizon

Buzz Linhart - Willie Jean

Pentangle - Hole In The Coal

Simon and Garfunkel - Punky's Dilemma

Simon and Garfunkel - Sparrow

Hamilton Camp - America

Peter, Paul and Mary - The Great Mandella

Steve Miller Band - Living In The USA

Cream - Politician 

Country Joe and The Fish - An Untitled Protest

Judy Collins - Marat/Sade

London Symphony Orchestra - Appalachian Spring Suite

Roland Kirk - You Did It, You Did It

Jethro Tull - Serendade To A Cuckoo

KSAN 1969-04-16 Tom Donahue

Spencer Davis Group - I'm A Man

Traffic - Smiling Phases

Traffic - 40,000 Headman

Traffic - Mr. Fantasy

Traffic - Feelin' Alright

Grateful Dead - Good Morning Little School Girl

Grateful Dead - Alligator

Van Morrison - T.B. Sheets

Van Morrison - Madame George

Judy Collins - Dress Rehearsal Rag

Judy Collins - Someday Soon

Cream - Spoonful

Cream - Outside Woman Blues

Cream - Crossroads

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Bold As Love

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Red House

Albert King - Cold Feet

KSAN 1970-01-31 Stefan Ponek

Beach Boys - Good Vibrations

Led Zeppelin - Living Loving Maid

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son

Moby Grape - Truly Fine Citizen

Byrds - Change Is Now

Bob Dylan - Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands

Moody Blues - Never Comes The Lady

Van Morrison - Sweet Thing

Traffic - Heaven Is In Your Mind

Traffic - No Face No Name No Number

Kinks - Funny Face

Beatles - Hey Jude

Band - Chest Fever

Yusf Lateef Psychicemotus

KSAN 1970-06-08 Dusty Street

Don and Dewey - Soul Motion

Graham Bond - Long Legged Baby

Graham Bond - I Couldn't Stand It Anymore

Vivian Stanshell - Paper Round

Dave Mason - Shouldn't Have Took More Than You Gave


KSHE 1967-09 Peter Maer 

Blues Magoos - We Aint Got Nothing Yet

Martha Reeves and The Vandellas - Honey Child

Monkees - Daydream Believer 

Beach Boys - Vegetables

KSHE 1967-12 Dave Wild

Bee Gees - Massachusetts

Nancy Sinatra - Tony Rome

Rolling Stones - In Another Land

Classics IV - Spooky

KSHE 1967-12 Johnny B Goode

Beatles - Hello Goodbye

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze

The Who - I Can See For Miles

American Breed - Bend Me Shape Me

Bobby Vee - Beautiful People

Doors - People Are Strange

The Who - My Generation

KSHE 1968 Prince Knight

Rockets - Let Me Go

Who - My Generation

Amboy Dukes - Journey To The Center

Delaney and Bonnie - It's Been A Long Time Coming 

KSHE 1968-05 Big Jack (possibly 05-07?)

Cream - Anyone For Tennis

Beatles - I Am The Walrus

Mitch Ryder - Ruby Baby

Pigmeat Markham - Here Comes The Judge 

Donovan - Sunshine Superman

Youngbloods - Euphoria

KSHE 1968-05-07 Big Jack

Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today

Dirty Blues Band - Hound Dog

Marvin Gaye Tammi Terrell - Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing

Cream - Anyone For Tennis

Bluesbreakers - Don't Kick Me When I'm Down

Small Faces - Lazy Sunday

Vanilla Fudge - You Keep Me Hangin' On

Sandy Posey - I Take It Back

Canned Heat - Dust My Broom

Iron Butterfly - Unconcious Power

American Breed - Take Me If You Want Me

Impressions - Roll On

Bill Haley - Rock Around The Clock

Doors - The Unknown Soldier

Salt Water Taffy - Finders Keepers

Laura Nyro - Eli's Comin

Grateful Dead - Dark Star

Balloon Farm - Farmer Brown

Hermans Hermits - Sleepy Joe

Boyce and Hart - Goodbye Baby

Hollies - Jennifer Eccles

Blue Cheer - Last Time Around

Hobbits - Strawberry Children

Them - Mystic Eyes

Hobbits - Strawberry Children

Bob Dylan - I Shall Be Free

Rascals - It's A Beautiful Morning

Byrds - You Ain't Going Nowhere

1910 Fruitgum Company - May I Take A Giant Step

People - I Love You

Canned Heat - Rollin' and Tumblin'

Lemon Pipers - Jelly Jungle

Simon and Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Manic Depression 

Arthur Conley - Sweet Soul Music

Peter Paul and Mary - Don't Think Twice

Four Tops - If I Were A Carpenter

Buffy Sainte Marie - Soulful Shade of Blue

Mitch Ryder - Ruby Baby

James Brown - I Got The Feeling Baby

Yardbirds - Goodnight Sweet Josephene

Bobby Vinton - Honey

The Who - Call Me Lightning

Bohemian Vendetta - Riddles and Fairytales (behind ad)

Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin

Supremes - Forever Came Today

Bill Minkin - Sock It To Me Senator Bobby

Blues Project - Wake Me Shake Me

Otis Redding - Sweet Soul Music

Jay and The Techniques - ?

? - Macaurthur Park 

Pigmeat Markham - Here Comes The Judge

KSHE 1968-05 Johnny B Goode

Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme

Small Faces - Tin Soldier

Canned Heat - Amphetamine Annie

Tokens - Animal

Fever Tree - San Franciscan Girls

Bob Dylan - Talkin' World War III Blues

Friend and Lover - Reach Out of the Darkness

Doors - Hello I Love You

Canned Heat - On The Road Again

Cherry Slush - I Cannot Stop You

Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin

Love - Your Mind And We Belong Together

McCoys - Hang On Sloopy

Beatles - You Like Me Too Much

Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody

Turtles - It Ain't Me Babe

Beatles - You've Got To Hide Your Love Away

Beatles - Act Naturually 

Beatles - Yesterday

Beatles - I've Just Seen A Face

Sonny Bono - Laugh At Me

Kinks - Who'll Be The Next In Line

Four Tops - Walk Away Renee

Beatles - Lady Madonna

Box Tops - Cry Like A Baby

Soul Survivors - Explosion In Your Soul

Turtles - Sound Asleep

Blue Cheer - Summertime Blues

Strawberry Alarm Clock - Incense and Peppermint

The Who - My Generation

Rolling Stones - Dandelion 

Status Quo - Pictures of Matchstick Men

The Hook - Son of Fantasy

Lemon Pipers - Through With You

Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild

December's Children - Backwards and Forwards

Richards Harris - MacArthur Park

KSHE 1968-06 Dr Good

Jeff Beck - Beck's Bolero

Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

Jefferson Airplane - Greasy Heart

KSHE 1968-09 Peter Maer

Viscounts - Harlem Nocturne

Amboy Dukes - You Talk Sunshine

Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade of Pale

Quicksilver Messenger Service - The Fool

Doors - Love Me Two Times

Hamilton Camp - Here's To You

Amboy Dukes - Journey To The Center Of The Mind

Grateful Dead - Morning Dew

Cream - White Room

Doors - Light My Fire

Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze

Peter and Gordon - You've Had Better Times

Question Mark and The Mysterians - 96 Tears

Moody Blues - Afternoon/Evening

Iron Butterfly - Are You Happy? 

Bob Seger System = 2+2=?

Grass Roots - Midnight Confessions

Lemon Pipers - Through With You

Nazz - Open My Eyes

Blues Magoos - Sometimes I Think About

Beatles - Revolution

Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today

KSHE 1968-09-26 Don O'Day

Rolling Stones - No Expectations 

People - Apple Cider 

Nazz - Open My Eyes 

Laura Nyro - Save The Country 

Beatles - Hey Jude 

Band - The Weight 

Cream - Tales of Brave Ulysses

Vanilla Fudge - Take Me For A Little While

Heavy Balloon ? (Behind Ad)

Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today

Jefferson Airplane - Triad

Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Fire

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Suzie Q

Beatles - Revolution

KSHE 1968-12-24 Prince Knight

Sir Douglas Quintet - Mendocino 10-68

Travel Agency - Cadillac George 12-68

Andy Kim - Rainbow Ride  11-68

Four Seasons - Electric Stories 12-68

Blood Sweat and Tears - I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know

Manfred Mann - Fox On The Run 12-68

Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends 10-68

Canned Heat - Christmas Blues 11-68

Fleetwood Mac - Albatros 12-68

Animals - To Love Somebody 12-68

Shadows of Knight - Gloria 69

Beatles - Ob La Di Ob La Da

Bobby Darin - Long Line Rider

Canned Heat - Christmas Boogie

Joe South - Games People Play

Road - She's Not There

Dion - Abraham Martin and John

Yardbirds - Heart Full of Soul

Deep Purple - Kentucky Woman

Doors - Touch Me

Bee Gees - I Started A Joke

Genesis - Mary Mary

KSHE 1969-01-XX Don Corey 

Manfred Mann - Fox on The Run

First Edition - But You Know I Love You

Love Society - Tobacco Road

The Supremes and The Temptations - I'm Gonna Make You Love Me

Tommy James and The Shondells - Crimson and Clover

Elvis Presley - If I Can Dream

Canned Heat - Going Up The Country

? (!!!) (A 22:00)

Grass Roots - Bella Linda

Doors - Touch Me

Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band's - I'm the Urban Spaceman

Tokens - Some People Sleep

Unknowns - You Could Help Me Ease The Pain

Casuals - Toy

Cook E Jarr - Red Balloon

Delfonics - La La

Robbs - Changing Winds

Fuzzy Bunnies - Strength To Carry On

The Miracles - Baby Baby Dont Cry

KSHE 1969-02-07 Don Corey

The Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin

Beatles - Rocky Raccoon 

Buddy Holly - Love Is Strange

Nazz - Hello It's Me

First Edition - But You Know I Love You

Three Dog Night - Try A Little Tenderness

? - I'll Be Your Baby Tonight

KSHE 1969-03-XX Don Corey

Blood Sweat and Tears - You've Made Me So Very Happy

Beatles - Hey Bulldog

First Edition - But You Know I Love You

Nazz - Open My Eyes

Iron Butterfly - In The Time of Our Lives

Moby Grape - Aint That A Shame

Big Brother and The Holding Company - Piece of My Heart

Beach Boys - I Can Hear Music

Dion - Purple Haze

Led Zeppelin - Communication Breakdown

Neil Diamond - Brother Love’s Travelling Salvation Show

Blood Sweat and Tears - I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know

KSHE 1969-04-01 (Don Correy?)

Taj Mahal - Corrina

Unknowns - You Could Help Me Ease The Pain

Cream - Badge

Youngbloods - Darkness Darkness

Blood Sweat and Tears - More and More

Easybeats - Good Times

Canned Heat - Time Was

Franklin Cheney - A Soft Landing

Jefferson Airplane - Fat Angel 

T.I.M.E - Do You Feel It

Three Dog Night - Try A Little Tenderness

Cowsills - Hair

Led Zeppelin - Your Time Is Gonna Come

Nazz - Open My Eyes

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Spanish Castle Magic

Steve Miller Band - Living In The USA

Tremeloes - Hello World

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Stone Free

Mount Rushmore - Stone Free

John D Loudermilk - The Jones

Country Joe and The Fish - Thursday 

Donovan - Atlantis

Jim Kweskin Jug Band - Bioll Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home

KSHE 1969-04-20

(A, rest KXOK wax muesuem) 

The Band - I Shall Be Released


Big Brother and the Holding Company - Ball and Chain

Beatles - Taxman

Bubble Puppy - Hot Smoke and Sassafras

Status Quo - Pictures of Matchstick Men

Mike Bloomfield Al Kooper - Dear Mr. Fantasy

Nazz - A Beautiful Song

(6:00 C, likely different station before)

Nazz - Under The Ice

Spirit - It Shall Be/Poor Richard

Bobby Darin - Me and Mr. Hohner

Blue Cheer - Fruit and Icebergs

Illinois Speed Press - Free Ride

KSHE 1969-05-04 Shelley Graham (possibly B-A)

Eyes of Blue - Apache 69 

Sly and The Family Stone - Stand

McCoys - Daybreak

Johnny Winters - ? 

Led Zeppelin - Baby I'm Gonna Leave You

Vanilla Fudge - Shotgun 

The Byrds - The Wheel's on Fire

Neon Philharmonic - Morning Girl

Buck Owens - Johnny B Goode

Illinois Speed Press - PNS

US 69 - I Hear You Talkin' 

Iron Butterfly - Soul Experience

Youngbloods - Darkness Darkness

? - Aquarius

Rotary Connection - Alladin 

Eyes of Blue - Apache 69

KSHE 1969-05-18 Don O'Day

Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today

Doors - When The Music's Over

Lesley Gore - It's My Party

Beach Boys - Sloop John B


Norma Tonega - Walking My Cat Named Dog

Movers - Hello LA


Peter and Gordon - I Go To Pieces

KSHE 1969-05-21 

Guess Who - These Eyes

Edwin Hawkins Singers - Oh Happy Day

KSHE 1969-05-25 

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising

Montanas - You Got To Be Loved

Donovan - Wear Your Love Like Heaven

Pidgeon - Irene

? - The Weight

Jimi Hendrix Experience - All Along The Watchtower

KSHE 1969-05-26 Prince Knight

Crispian St. Peters - Pied Piper 

Big Brother and The Holding Companty - Ball And Chain (middle of previous)

Jan and Dean - The Little Old Lady From Pasedena

Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell - Aint Nothing Like The Real Thing

Love - 7 and 7 is

Alan Price - I Put A Spell On You

Nashville Teens - Tobacco Road

Them - Gloria

Johnny Rivers - Summer Rain

The Who - Magic Bus

Turtles - Elenore

Buckinghams - Susan

Southtown USA - Dixiebelles

Bee Gees - Words

Dale and Grace - I'm Leaving It Up To You

Big Brother and The Holding Company - Piece of My Heart

Lovin' Spoonful - Rain On The Roof

Hedgehoppers Anonymous - It's Good News Week

Cowsills - Indian Lake

New Colony Six - I Will Always Think About You 

Cyrkle - Red Rubber Ball

Peter Paul and Mary - Puff The Magic Dragon

Rolling Stones - Have You Seen Your Mother

Cream - I Feel Free

Paula and Paula - Hey Paula

Five by Five - Fire

Wilson Pickett - Funky Broadway

Strangeloves - Honey Do

Fontella Bass - Rescue Me

Four Seasons - Dawn

Beach Boys - Surfin USA

Paul Revere and The Raiders - Too Much Talk

Sly and The Family Stone - Dance To The Music

Canned Heat - Going Up The Country 

Tommy James and The Shondells - Say I Am

Turtles - Story of Rock and Roll

Norma Tonega - Walking My Cat Named Dog

KSHE 1969-05-27 Brother Love

Bob Seger System - Ramblin Gamblin Man

Smith - The Last Time

Simon and Garfunkel - Hazy Shade of Winter

Buddy Miles Express - Funky Mule

Hollies - When The Ship Comes In

Rotary Connection - Teach Me How To Fly

Sweetwater - Why Oh Why

Terry Reid - Superlungs My Supergirl

Mission - Turn Turn Turn

Rolling Stones - Get Off Of My Cloud

Crow - Da Da Song

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Good Golly Miss Molly

Traffic - You Can All Join In

Lee Micheals - Heighty Hi

Electric Concept - Grazing In The Grass

Spirit - I Got A Line On You

Byrds - Old Blue

Beatles - Lucy In The Sky

Gun - Race With The Devil

KSHE 1969-05-30 Steve Rosen

Petula Clark - Round The Corner

Rivieras - California Sun

JJ Jackson - But It's Alright

Association - Windy 

Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today

The Doors - When The Musics Over

KSHE 1969-05-31 John Roberts Prince Knight Sir Edward

Peter and Gordon - I Go To Pieces

Tommy James and The Shondells - Somebody Cares

Nancy Sinatra Lee Hazlewood - Summer Wine

Bobby Fuller - I Fought The Law

Percy Sledge - When A Man Loves A Woman

Drifters - Under The Boardwalk

Small Faces - Itchycoo Park

Syndicate of Sound - Hey Little Girl

Major Lance - Um Um Um

Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine

Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme

Sunshine Company - Happy 

Tommy Roe - Everybody

Balloon Farm - A Question of Temperature

Jimmy Gilmer - Sugar Shack

Electric Prunes - Get Me To The World On Time

Four Tops - Walk Away Renee

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxey Lady

Herman's Hermits - Mrs. Brown

Simon and Garfunkel - Hazy Shade of Winter

Troggs - Wild Thing

Dave Clark Five - Anyway You Want It

Classics IV - Spooky 

American Breed - Bend Me Shape Me

Spanky and The Gang - Give A Damn

Music Explosion - A Little Bit of Soul

Big Brother and The Holding Company - Combination of the Two

John Fred and The Playboys - Judy In Disguise

Jerry Butler - Never Gonna Give You Up

Rascals - Its A Beautiful Morning

Easybeats - Friday on My Mind

Beatles - Lady Madonna

Swingin' Medallions - Double Shot

Love - 7 and 7 is

Johnny Rivers - The Snake

Zombies - Time Of The Season

Shade of Blue - Oh How Happy

Leaves - Hey Joe

KSHE 1969-06-01 

Leaves - Hey Joe

Blood Sweat and Tears - Spinning Wheel

Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues

Rolf Harris - Sun Arise

Scott McKenzie - San Francisco 

Fever Tree - San Francisco Girls

Mama Cass - Dream a Little Dream of Me

Andy Kim - How'd We Ever Get This Way

Electric Prunes - I Had Too Much To Dream

Jonathan King - Everyone's Gone To The Moon

Foundations - Baby Now That I've Found You

Neil Diamond - Kentucky Woman

KSHE 1969-06-23

Procol Harum - A Salty Dog

It's A Beautiful Day - Time Is

Blood Sweat and Tears - Variations on a Theme, Smiling Phases

Moody Blues - Lovely to See You

Chicago - Beginnings

KSHE 1969-07-16 Don Corey

? - ?

Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Woman

Cher - For What It's Worth

Country Joe and The Fish - Here I Go Again

Quicksilver Messenger Service - Who Do You Love

Cream - What A Bringdown

Buddy Miles - Memphis Train

Jackie Lomax - Speak To Me

Steve Miller Band - Seasons

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Commotion

Byrds - Turn Turn Turn

Deep Purple - Hallelujah

Black Pearl - White Devil 

Canned Heat - Time Was

Cat Mother - Good Old Rock n Roll

Box Tops - The Letter

Twos Company Limited - Sands Of Time

Chambers Brothers - House Of The Rising Sun

Fairport Connection - Meet On The Ledge

Blind Faith - Can't Find My Way Home

Jimi Hendrix Experience - 51st Anniversary

Chicago - I'm A Man

US 69 - Yesterday's Folks

49th Parallel - Talk To Me

Thunder and Roses - White Lace and Strange

? - ?

Slim Harpo - Folsom Prison Blues

Beatles - Help! 

Thunderclap Newman - There's Something In The Air

Spur - Don't Ever Trust A Woman

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Stone Free

Deep Purple - Hush

Steppenwolf - Corina, Corina

Myrth - We Got To Get Together

Jefferson Airplane - 3/5ths of A Mile In Ten Seconds (Live)

Rotary Connection - Tales Of Brave Ulysses

Blues Magoos - We Ain't Got Nothin' Yet

Fever Tree - Love Makes The Sun Rise

Moody Blues - Never Comes The Day

The Who - I'm Free

Association - Cherish

Chambers Brothers - Wake Up

Joe Cocker - Feelin' Alright

Box Tops - Soul Deep

Fusion - Goin' Up To Clarksdale

Steve Miller Band - Space Cowboy

Neon - Long Tall Sally

Steve Miller Band - Living In The USA

Grass Roots - Wait A Million Years

Litter - Little Red Book

Lighthouse - Eight Miles High

Nation - Let's Get Together

Byrds - Eight Miles High

Box Tops - Soul Deep

KSHE 1969-08-30 Steve Rosen

Arif Mardin - Glass Onion

Stooges - No Fun

Buddy Miles - Memphis Train

Crow - Evil Woman

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Commotion

Illusion - Did You See Her Eyes

Yardbirds - I'm A Man

Mitch Ryder - Sugar Bee

Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Prelude/Nightmare

Tarantula - ?

Electric Concept Orchestra - Feelin' Alright

Bob Seger System - 2+2=?

Smith - The Last Time

Paul Revere and The Raiders - Hey Babro

Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Woman (Don Corey @ 50)

Spooky Tooth - Waiting For The Wind

The Who - The Acid Queen

Terence - An Eye For An Ear

Moody Blues - In The Beginning/Ride My Seesaw/Lovely To See You

KSHE 1969-09-01 Don Corey

Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends

Bob Dylan - Lay Lady Lay

The Chambers Brothers - Wake Up

Stooges - No Fun

Cher - For What It's Worth

Troggs - Evil Woman

Beatles - Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da

Three Dog Night - Easy To Be Hard

Neil Diamond - Sweet Caroline

Canned Heat - Time Was

It's A Beautiful Day - White Bird

Big Brother and The Holding Company - Piece of My Heart

Summer Winds - Another Time

Illusion - Did You See Her Eyes

Litter - Silly People

Deep Purple - Hallelujah

US 69 - 2069: A Spaced Oddity

Youngbloods - Get Together

Rotary Connection - The Weight

Blind Faith - The Presence of Our Lord

Cascades - Maybe The Rain Will Fall

Three Dog Night - Try A Little Tenderness

Mind Garage - What's Behind Those Eyes

Crow - Da Da Song

Zager and Evans - Woman

The Shortcuts - Born On The Bayou (Sir Edward?)

Doors - People Are Strange

James Gang - I Don't Have The Time

Blues Image - Lazy Day Blues

John Hartford - The Story Of Railroad Street

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Green River

Jefferson Airplane - 3/5ths of A Mile In Ten Seconds (Bless Its' Pointed Little Head)

Man - The Girl Of The North Country

Crosby Stills and Nash - 49 Bye Byes

KSHE 1969-09-02 

Chicago - Introduction/Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?/Beginnings

Hollies - When The Ship Comes In (from 1969-05-27?)

Rotary Connection - Teach Me How To Fly (from 1969-05-27?)

Steve Miller Band - Industrial Military Complex Hex (summer 70?)

It's A Beautiful Day - Marryin' Maiden (summer 70?)

Rotary Connection - Teach Me How To Fly (from 1969-05-27?)

Byrds - Old Blue

Terence - An Eye For An Ear

Black Pearl - White Devil

Love Affair - Bringing On Back The Good Times

James Gang - Fred

Status Quo - Ice In The Sun

John Mayall - Room To Move

Chicago - I'm A Man

People - Love Will Take Us Higher and Higher

Ten Years After - Good Morning Little Schoolgirl

Band - Up On Cripple Creek

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Fire

Kenny Rogers and The First Edition - Reuben James (into 1969-10-20?)

KSHE 1969-10-20 

Kenny Rodgers and The First Edition - Reuben James

Crosby Stills and Nash - Suite Judy Blues Eyes

Gene Clark - Why Not Your Baby

Glass Prism - The Raven

Byrds - Ballad of Easy Rider

Fraternity of Man - Boo Man

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Some Of Shelly's Blues

Guess Who - Undun

Rolling Stones - Sympathy for The Devil

Terence - Rap

KSHE 1969-10-28 Don Corey

Blood Sweat and Tears - And When I Die

Paul Butterfield Blues Band - Where Did My Baby Go

Boz Scaggs - Sweet Release

Ten Years After - Good Morning Little School Girl

Spanky and Our Gang - Sunday Will Never Be The Same

Steve Miller Band - Little Girl

Saint Steven - Bright Lights

Iron Butterfly - Possesion

Janis Joplin - Try

Saint Steven - Voyage To Cleveland

Donovan - Jennifer Juniper

Melanie - Any Guy

Cascades - Maybe The Rain Will Fall

Deep Purple - One More Rainy Day

Keith Barbour - Echo Park

Fat Mattress - Magic Forest

Martha Velez - Swamp Man

? - ?

Taj Mahal - Give Your Woman What She Wants

Free - I'm A Mover

Smith - Baby It's You

KSHE 1969-11-09 Don Corey

? - ? !

Eric Burdon and The Animals - River Deep Mountain High

? - ? 

? - ? 

? - The Hunter

Vanilla Fudge - Take Me For A Little While

? - ? !

Rolling Stones - Street Fighting Man

KSHE 1970 Shelly Graham 

US 69 - I Hear You Talkin'

Iron Butterfly - Soul Experience

Youngbloods - Darkness Darkness

Hair - Aquarius

Rotary Connection - Aladdin

Eyes of Blue - Apache 69 (shelly graham)

Sly and The Family Stone - Stand

McCoys - Daybreak

Johnny Winters - I'm Yours and I'm Hers

Led Zeppelin - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You

Vanilla Fudge - Shotgun

Byrds - This Wheel's On Fire

Beatles - Nowhere Man

Ennio Morricone - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (kxox)

The Dolphins - Hey Da Da Dow

Gary Lewis and The Playboys - Jill

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising

Montanas - You've Got To Be Loved

Guess Who - These Eyes (kshe)

Edwin Hawkins Singers - Oh Happy Day

Donovan - Wear Your Love Like Heaven

Pidgeon - Irene

Rotary Connection - The Weight

Steve Miller Band - Your Saving Grace

Grateful Dead - Uncle John's Band

Pacific Gas and Electric - Are You Ready

The Who - Substitute (Leeds)

Steppenwolf - Don't Step On The Grass, Sam (Live)

Crosby Stills Nash and Young - Almost Cut My Hair

Mount Rushmore - Looking Back

Grateful Dead - St. Stephen

Rhinoceros - Better Times

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze/Instrumental (Woodstock)

KSHE 1970-02-17 Dick Merkle

Rolling Stones - In Another Land/2000 Man/Sing This All Together (See What Happens)

Beatles - Sgt Pepper Side 1

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Poorboy Shuffle

Crosby Stills Nash and Young - Carry On

Jethro Tull - Cat's Squirrel

Bob Dylan - Lay Lady Lay

Grateful Dead - St Stephen/The Eleven/Turn On Your Love Light (Live)

Rolling Stones - I'm Free

Moody Blues - Legend Of A Mind/House Of Four Doors

Plastic Ono Band - Give Peace A Chance

Moody Blues - Higher and Higher

Doors - Peace Frog/Blue Sunday/Ship Of Fools

? - ? 

Joe Cocker - Hello Little Friend

The Who - Our Love Was/I Can See For Miles

Illinois Speed Press - Bad Weather

Led Zeppelin - Moby Dick

Neil Young Crazy Horse - Down By The River

Rolling Stones - Sing This All Together/Citadel

Gun - Race With The Devil

Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited

Jethro Tull - Back To The Family

Jethro Tull - Look Into The Sun

Plastic Ono Band - Cold Turkey

The Guess Who - American Woman

Simon and Garfunkel - The Boxer

Steve Miller Band - Seasons

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Keep On Chooglin'

KSHE 1970-02-17 Don Corey A

Taj Mahal - Statesboro Blues

Crow - Slow Down

Moody Blues - Watching And Waiting

Simon and Garfunkel  - Baby Driver

Canned Heat - Catfish Blues

Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Put A Spell On You

James Gang - Take A Look Around

Grand Funk Railroad - Paranoid

Clover - Shotgun

Ritche Havens - There's A Hole In The Future

Zombies - Time Of The Season

AB Skhy - Camelback

? - ?

Isaac Hayes - By The Time I Get To Phoenix

KSHE 1970-10 Prince Knight

Youngbloods - (rock fesitval album) 

Wild Butter - New York Mining Disaster 1941

MC5 - The American Rose

KTBT 1968-12-13 Gentle Dental

Vanilla Fudge - Take Me For A Little While

Doors - Light My Fire

Pozo Seco Singers - Remember Susie

Beatles - Revolution 1

Harry Nilsson - I Will Take You There

Fleetwood Mac - Doctor Brown

Beach Boys - Bluebirds Over The Mountain

Cream - Crossroads

Doors - When The Music's Over

Charlie Musselwhite - Gone And Left Me

Sweetwater - My Crystal Spider

Fool - Fly

Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme

Hook - Son Of Fantasy II

Spirit - I Got A Line On You

Pacific Gas and Electric - Live Love

Chambers Brothers - I Can't Turn You Loose

Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride

Ohio Express - Try It

KTBT 1968-12-13 J William Weed

Chambers Brothers - A New Time A New Day

Doors - Light My Fire

Canned Heat - Fried Hockey Boogie

Harry Nilsson - I Will Take You There

Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

Lee Michaels - Hello

Tommy James and The Shondells - Do Something To Me

Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme

Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil

Jeff Beck - I Ain't Superstitous

Millenium - To Claudia on Thursday

Beatles - Piggies

Jefferson Airplane - Embryonic Journey

Chambers Brothers - A New Time A New Day

Chad Mitchell - For What It's Worth 

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxey Lady

Beatles - Rocky Raccoon

Deviants - Coming Home

KXYZ-FM 1970-07-04

Jimi Hendrix - Star Spangled Banner

Steppenwolf - Draft Resister

Phil Ochs - White Boots Marching On Yellow Land

The Kinks - Some Mother's Son

Bob Dylan - A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall

The Rolling Stones - Street Fighting Song

Jefferson Airplane - Volunteers 

Tom Paxton - Lyndon Johnson Told The Nation

Neil Young - Ohio

Joni Mitchell - Woodstock

? - This Land Is Your Land


Ike and Tina Turner - I Want To Take You Higher

? - Turn On Your Love Light

WAAM 1968-06-30 Strobe Joe Doll

The 13th Floor Elevators - Roller Coaster

The Beatles - Within You and Without You

Cream - Tales Of Brave Ulysses

Country Joe and The Fish - Thought Dream

Frank Zappa - Plastic People

Leonard Cohen - Suzanne

Jake Holmes - Genuine Imitation Life

The Blues Project - Flute Thing

The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

The Hardtimes - Blew Mind

WAAM Strobe Demo

The Blues Project - Flute Thing

Southbound Freeway - Psychedelic Used Car Lot Blues

The Left Banke - Shadows Breaking Over My Head

The 13th Floor Elevators - Monkey Island

The Yardbirds - Little Games

Jefferson Airplane - Plastic Fantastic Lover

The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever

The Mothers Of Invention - Go Cry On Somebody Else's Shoulder

The Grateful Dead - Morning Dew

Van Dyke Parks - Donovan's Colours

The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

The Galaxies - Don't Lose Your Mind

Brute Force - To Sit On a Sandwich

The Beatles - Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band Reprise/A Day In The Life

The Beatles - Baby You're A Rich Man/All You Need Is Love

WABC-FM 1968-10-20

Gordon Lightfoot - Black Day In July

Beatles - Flying


Steppenwolf - Everybody's Next One

??? - Don't Think Twice

5th Dimension - Learn How To Fly

Fever Tree - San Francisco Girls

Donovan - Wear Your Love Like Heaven

Spirit - Mechanical World

Steve Miller Band - Roll With It

Big Brother and The Holding Company - Combination Of The Two

Blues Project - Wake Me, Shake Me

Youngbloods - Foolin' Around


Joan Baez - Colours

Spanky and Our Gang - Give a Damn

United States Of America - Hard Coming Love

Clear Light - Mr. Blue

WABX-FM 1969-04-08 Larry Miller

MC5 - Kick Out The Jams

John Lee Hooker - The Motor City Is Burning

Jeff Beck - Shapes Of Things

Jimi Hendrix Experience - All Along The Watchtower

Taj Mahal - I Aint Gonna Let Nobody Steal My Jellyroll

Fleetwood Mac - Shake Your Moneymaker

Hollies - Sorry Suzanne

Canned Heat - Low Down

Spirit - I Got A Line On You

SRC - Checkmate

WABX-FM 1969-08-04 Dave Dixon

Tom Paxton - Talking Vietnam Potluck Blues

Donovan - The War Drags On

WABX-FM 1969-10-18 Bob Schrader

Amboy Dukes - Migration

Melaine - Any Guy

Judy Collins - Chelsea Morning

Chicago - Questions 67 and 68

Blood Sweat and Tears - I Can't Quit Her

Blood Sweat and Tears - Without Her

Blood Sweat and Tears - And When I Die

Blind Faith - Well All Right

Hollies - Dear Eloise

Hollies - I Can't Let Go

Frost - Sweet Lady Love

Crosby Stills and Nash - Suite Judy Blue Eyes

John Mayall - Don't Waste My Time

Chambers Brothers - Have a Little Faith

Sly Stone - Hot Fun In The Summertime

Beatles - Something

Beatles - Maxwell's Silver Hammer

Beatles - The Ballad Of John And Yoko

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Commotion

Rascals - Carry Me Back

Jethro Tull - A New Day Yesterday

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Stone Free

Three Dog Night - Easy To Be Hard

Three Dog Night - Try A Little Tenderness

Cat Mother and The All Night Newsboys - Can You Dance To It

Illusions - Did You See Her Eyes

Frijid Pink - God Gave Me You

Richie Havens - Rocky Raccoon

Vanilla Fudge - Need Love

Holy Modal Rounders - Bird Song

Steppenwolf - Move Over

SRC - Onesimpletask

WABX-FM 1969-10-27 Dennis Frawley

Masked Marauders - I Can't Get No Nookie

WABX-FM 1969-11 Larry Miller and Dave Dixon

? - ?

Fred Neil - Roll On Rosie

Bob Dylan - Lay Lady Lay

Trigger Outlaw - Songs To Aging Children Come

Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth

Catfish - ? 

King Crimson - Court Of The Crimson King

Otis Redding - Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay

Doors - Runnin' Blue

WAMO-FM 1968-03-28 Brother Love Ken Reeth

Steppenwolf - The Ostrich

Jefferson Airplane - Two Heads

Moby Grape - Sitting By The Window

Iron Butterfly - You Can't Win

Donovan - Universal Soldier

Nirvana - Wings Of Love

WAMO-FM 1968-03-30 Brother Love Ken Reeth

West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Help I'm A Rock

Mothers Of Invention - Let's Make The Water Turn Black

Ravi Shankar - ???

Cream - Strange Brew

Spirit - Fresh Garbage

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Castles Made Of Sand

Iron Butterfly - Look For The Sun

Electric Prunes - Gloria

Jefferson Airplane - Greasy Heart

Donovan - Bert's Blues

West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Tracy Had A Hard Day Sunday

Country Joe and The Fish - Colors For Susan

WAMO-FM 1968-03-XX Brother Love Ken Reeth

Mothers of Invention - Let's Make The Water Turn Black

Autosalvage - Auto Salvage

? - ? (behind poem)

Donovan - Ferris Wheel

Iron Butterfly - Get Out Of My Life Woman

? - ? (behind poem)

Blood Sweat and Tears - Just One Smile

Jimi Hendrix Experience - If 6 Was 9

Spirit - Fresh Garbage

cut (lower quality source)

Jimi Hendrix Experience - If 6 Was 9

Spirit - Fresh Garbage

Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme

Blood Sweat and Tears - My Days Are Numbered

Electric Prunes - Kyrie Ellison

WAMO-FM 1968-03-yy Brother Love Ken Reeth

Blue Cheer - Summertime Blues

Steppenwolf - Desperation

Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme

Autosalvage - Burglar Song

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze

Country Joe and The Fish - Super Bird

Nirvana Sitar and String Group - Whiter Shade Of Pale

WAMO-FM 1968-03-zz Brother Love Ken Reeth 

Cream - Strange Brew

Iron Butterfly - Possesion

Jeremy and The Saytrs - In The World Of Glass Teardrops

Country Joe and The Fish - I Feel Like Im Fixin To Die Rag

Nirvana - You Are Just The One

Spirit - Fresh Garbage

Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze

Nirvana - Wings Of Love

Jimi Hendrix Experience - If 6 was 9

WAMO-FM 1968-04-01 Brother Love Ken Reeth

Electric Prunes - The Great Banana Hoax

Country Joe and The Fish - Grace

Iron Butterfly - Stamped Ideas

Jefferson Airplane - Rejoyce

Steppenwolf - The Ostrich

Spirit - Fresh Garbage

Jimi Hendrix - Castles Made Of Sand

Jefferson Airplane - Two Heads

WAMO-FM 1968-04-03 Brother Love Ken Reeth

Beatles - With A Little Help From My Friends

Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme

Donovan - The Fat Angel

Jefferson Airplane - RejoyceBlood Sweat and Tears - The Modern Adventures of Plato, Diogenes and Freud

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Manic Depression

Country Joe and The Fish - Porpoise Mouth

Jefferson Airplane - Two Heads

Spirit - Fresh Garbage

Iron Butterfly - Possesion

WAMO-FM 1968-04-04 Brother Love

Blue Cheer - Out Of Focus

Blood, Sweat, and Tears - I Can't Quit Her

Electric Prunes - Great Banana Hoax

Jimi Hendrix Experience - One Rainy Wish

Jefferson Airplane - Watch Her Ride

WAMO-FM 1968-07 Frank The Freak

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Fire

Mind Garage - Circus Farm (1/70)

Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

Eric Anderson - A Woman Is A Prism

Spirit - Fresh Garbage

Steppenwolf - The Ostrich

Hugh Masekela - Almost Seedless

Beatles - A Day In The Life

Cream - Traintime

Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues

WAMO-FM 1968-xx-xx Brother Love Ken Reeth

Mothers Of Invention - Help I'm A Rock

Beatles - Sgt Pepper's Reprise/A Day In The Life

Fugs - Ramses II is Dead, My Love

WAMO-FM 1968-yy-yy Brother Love Ken Reeth W SCOPED

Blue Cheer - Summertime Blues

Spirit - Fresh Garbage

Great Society - Sally Go 'Round The Roses

Steppenwolf - Desperation

Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme

Autosalvage - Burglar Song

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze

Country Joe and The Fish - Superbird

Blood, Sweat and Tears - Without Her

Great Society - Outlaw Blues

Rolling Stones - 2000 Man

Autosalvage - Rampant Generalities

Donovan - ???

WAMO-FM 1969-07

Jeff Beck Group - All Shook Up

Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme

Crosby Stills and Nash - Marakesh Express

Jethro Tull - Beggar's Farm

Paul Butterfield Blues Band - Mornin' Blues

Iron Butterfly - In The Time Of Our Lives

Joan Baez - Love Is Just A Four-Letter Word

WAMO-FM 1969-08 The Sounds Of The Underground Don Gable

Led Zeppelin - Your Time Is Gonna Come

Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Fanfare/Fire

Jeff Beck - Beck's Bolero

Julie Driscoll Brian Auger and The Trinity - This Wheel's On Fire

Mind Garage - What's Behind Those Eyes

Beatles - All You Need Is Love

Joan Baez - Love Is Just a Four Letter Word

Bob Dylan - Lay Lady Lay

Blood Sweat and Tears - Spinning Wheel

Iron Butterfly - Possesion

Crosby Stills and Nash - Marekesh Express 

Moody Blues - The Best Way To Travel 

Child - Exodus

Poco - Picking Up The Pieces

Racket Squad - Corners of Your Mind

Procol Harum - A Salty Dog

Iron Butterfly - In The Time Of Our Lives

Butterfield Blues Band - In My Own Dream

John Mayall - Walking On Sunset

Deep Purple - One More Rainy Day

Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Nightmare

WAMO-FM 1969-08-yy Porky Chedwick

Man - The Missing Pieces

Man - The Future Hides Its Face 

Big Brother and The Holding Company - Combination Of The Two

Janis Joplin - Maybe

Lee Michaels - The War

Phil Ochs - The War Is Over

? - ?

Mind Garage - Angel Asks

Mind Garage - Ruby Rose

WAMO-FM 1969-12-xx Brother Love

Spooky Tooth - Jubilation

Ten Wheel Drive - Ain't Gonna Happen

The Doors - The End

Battered Ornaments - Sunshades

Love - Live And Let Live

Charles Lloyd Quartet - Journey Within

Leslie West - Storyteller Man

Ten Years After - Help Me

Ten Years After - Summertime

Ten Years After - Two Time Mama

Al Kooper - Season Of The Witch

WAMO-FM 1969-12-xx Gemini 

Cream - Born Under A Bad Sign

David Bowie - Space Oddity

Jimi Hendrix Experience - One Rainy Wish

Jefferson Airplane - Wooden Ships

Velvet Underground - Sister Ray

WAMO-FM 1969-12-yy Brother Love Ken Reeth

Grand Funk Railroad - Inside Looking Out

Autosalvage - Auto Salvage

Ten Wheel Drive - Tightrope

Canned Heat - Marie Laveau

Plastic Ono Band - Give Peace A Chance

Brute Force - Monster

Chicago - It Better End Soon

Lord Sutch - Thumping Beat

Carl Perkins - Boppin The Blues

John Mayall and The Bluesbreakers - Blood On The Night

Eric Andersen - Tin Can Alley

Apple Pie Motherhood Band - I'd Like To Know

Amboy Dukes - Surrender To Your King

Eric Andersen - 16 Year Grudge

Apple Pie Motherhood Band - Ice

Eric Andersen - Miss Lonely Are You Blue

Amboy Dukes - Flight of The Byrd

Donovan - Sunshine Superman

WBCN 1970-05-29 Charles Laquidara

Wonder K Frog - Jumping Jack Flash

Groundhogs - Time

Free - Songs of Yesterday

Peter Ivers Band - Cat Scratch Fever

Townes Van Zandt - Talkin' Karate Blues

Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band - Mr Apollo

Bo Diddley - I'm A Man

Forever More - You Too Can Have A Body Like Mine

Rumplestiltskin - Make You Make Me

Gordon Lightfoot - Saturday Clothes

Poco - Honky Tonk Downstairs

Bob Dylan - Temporary Like Achilles

Linda Rondstadt - I'm Leavin It All Up To You

The Band - Lonesome Suzie

Neil Young - Cowgirl In The Sand

Jerry Hahn Brotherhood - What I Gave Away

Jimi Hendrix - Star Spangled Banner

WBRS 1968 Mitch Kertzmann

Ultimate Spinach - Hip Death Goddess

Circus Maximus - Wind

Eric Anderson - Thirsty Boots

Fever Tree - Nintey Nine and a Half

Cream - Toad

Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today

Buddy Guy - A Man and The Blues

Ultimate Spinach - Ego Trip 

Beacon Street Union - South End Incident

Bob Dylan - Girl From The North Country

Doors - When The Music's Over

Simon and Garfunkel - Bookends Theme/Save The Life of My Child/America

Blues Project - Wake Me Shake Me/Cheryls Coming Home/Flute Thing/Caress Me Baby/Fly Away

Tim Hardin - Don't Make Promises

Otis Redding - Try A Little Tenderness

Gary Puckett and The Union Gap - Young Girl

Ahmad Jamal - Night Mist Blues

Vanilla Fudge - Phase Three: Voices In Time

Jefferson Airplane - Comin Back To Me

Paul Butterfield Blues Band - Driftin' and Driftin'

Steve Marcus - Tomorrow Never Knows

Cream - Strange Brew

Big Three - Banjo Song

John Mayall and The Bluesbreakers - Dust My Blues

Canned Heat - Dust My Broom

Tangerine Zoo - Gloria

Bob Dylan - Desolation Row

Earth Opera - When You Were Full of Wonder

Tom Rush - The Circle Game

Siegel Schwall - Bring It With You When You Come/My Baby Thinks I Don't Love Her/That's Why I Treat My Baby So Fine/I Liked It Where We Walked

Cream - SWABLR

Buffalo Springfield - Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing

Jefferson Airplane - Get Together

Rolling Stones - In Another Land

Pearls Before Swine - Drop Out!

Grateful Dead - Morning Dew

Greatful Dead - Golden Road/Beat It On Down The Line/Good Morning Little Schoolgirl/Cold Rain and Snow/Sitting On Top Of The World/Cream Puff War

The Doors - The End

Orpheus - I've Never Seen Love Like This

WHFS 1969 Spiritus Cheese

Steve Miller Band - Can't You Hear Your Daddy's Heartbeat

Country Joe and The Fish - I Feel Like I'm Fixin To Die Rag

John Lee Hooker - I Don't Wanna Go To Vietnam

Arlo Guthrie - Alice's Resturant

Paul Butterfield Blues Band - Blues With A Feeling

Johnny Winter - Leland Mississippi Blues

WHFS 1969-05 Spiritus Cheese

Band - To Kingdom Come

Byrds - This Wheel's On Fire

Traffic - Shanghai Noodle Factory

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Graveyard Train

WKNR-FM 1968-07-12 Jerry Taylor

Eric Burdon and The Animals - San Franciscan Nights

Jefferson Airplane - Plastic Fantastic Lover

Big Brother and The Holding Company - Bye Bye Baby

Canned Heat - ? 

Grateful Dead - Viola Lee Blues

WKNR-FM 1969-02 Jerry Goodwin

Byrds - Child Of The Universe

Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride

WKNR-FM 1969-04-27 Russ Gibb, Martin Bell 

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Good Golly Miss Molly/Penthouse Pauper/Proud Mary

Donovan - Atlantis

The Who - Pinball Wizard

Procol Harum - The Devil Came From Kansas (3pm)

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Manic Depression

Man - Riverhead Jail (25 mins after 5 pm after)

Arlo Guthrie - Motorcycle Song

Rolling Stones - Street Fighting Man

Mark Spoelstra - Hobo Poet

Maffitt and Davies - Just Like A Woman

Pentangle - Sweet Child

WKNR-FM 1969-05-02 Russ Gibb

Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets

Quicksilver Messenger Service - Mona/Maiden Of The Cancer Moon

Tom Rush - The Circle Game

Procol Harum - In Held Twas In I

Dr. John - Danse Fambeaux

Brian Auger and The Trinity - Light My Fire/Indian Rope Man

Lee Michaels - Goodbye Goodbye

Sly and The Family Stone - Don't Call Me Nigger, Whitey

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Born On The Bayou

Donovan - Atlantis

Chuck Berry - Roll Over Beethoven

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Lodi

Procol Harum - A Salty Dog

Frost - Mystery Man

The Who - Happy Jack

Eric Burdon and The Animals - Sky Pilot

Zombies - A Butcher's Tale

? - ?

Merill Station Choir - This Is The Army Mr Jones

Barry McGuire - Eve of Destruction 

? - ?

Beatles - Revolution

Judy Collins - Marat/Sade

Eric Anderson - For What Was Gained

Amboy Dukes - Surrender To Your Kings

Doors - Unknown Solider

? - ? 

Eric Burdon and The Animals - All Is One

Rascals - A Ray Of Hope

Buffy Sainte Marie - Ananias

Rascals - America The Beautiful 

Judy Collins - Marat/Sade

MC5 - ?

(incomplete, various segments previously)

Dr John - The Patriotic Flagwaver

Joe Cocker - Just Like A Woman

The Who - In The City 

Tim Buckley - Morning Glory (russ leaves)

Rare Earth - Get Ready (Live?) 

(1969-04-27 onwards?)

Sons of Champlin - Don't Fight It, Do It 

Bob Dylan - One More Night/Country Pie (2pm)

WKNR-FM 1969-11-05 Jerry Goodwin

Three Dog Night - Try A Little Tenderness

? - ? 

WKNR-FM 1969 Jerry Goodwin

Electric Flag - Qualified/Hey Little Girl/Mystery/My Woman That Hangs Around The House

Johnny Winter - Mean Town Blues/Broke Down Engine/It's My Own Fault

Paul Butterfield Blues Band - Screamin/Our Love Is Drifting/Last Night

Bob Sillers - Journey Man

? - ?

Brian Auger and The Trinity - Ride To Cairo

WLS-FM 1968-07-12 Spoke

Brian Auger and The Trinity - Tramp

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxy Lady

Chocolate Watchband - Are You Gonna Be There

Dr John - Jump Sturdy

Mandala - Word Of Love

Doors - Hello I Love You

Spencer Davis Group - Don't Want You No More

Simon and Garfunkel - Bookends (ad)

Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Turn On A Friend

Traffic - Smiling Phases

Big Brother and The Holding Company - Down On Me

Lightnin' Hopkins - Back Door Friend

Ten Years After - I Want To Know

Rolling Stones - Jumping Jack Flash

Little Boy Blues - Is Love?

Rotary Connection - I Didn't Want To Have To Do It

Rooks - Ice and Fire

Tiny Tim - The Other Side

Fraternity of Man (ad)

Cream - Crossroads

Steppenwolf - The Pusher

Albert King - I Almost Lost My Mind

Steppenwolf - The Pusher

Spirit - Mechanical World

Beatles - A Day In The Life

WLS-FM 1968-07-13 Spoke

Taj Mahal - Statesboro Blues

Country Joe and The Fish - Cetacean

Bar-Keys - Soul Finger

Incredible String Band - The Water Song

Yusef Lateef - Juba Juba

Simon and Garfunkel - Bookends (various)

Jose Feliciano - Nena Na Na

People - I Love You

David Ackles - Down River

Spirit - Fresh Garbage

Fraternity of Man (various)

Doors - Hello I Love You

Cream - Sitting on Top of The World

Grateful Dead - Sitting on Top of The World

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Up From The Skies

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Little Miss Strange*

HP Lovecraft - Spin Spin Spin*

*from 1969-02-02

WLS-FM 1968-08-08 Spoke 

Country Joe and The Fish - Not So Sweet Martha Lorraine @

Big Brother and The Holding Company - I Need A Man To Love

Donovan - The Trip #

Colours - Love Heals

Jimi Hendrix Experience - The Wind Cries Mary

Cream - Tales of Brave Ulysses

The Band - The Weight

Iron Butterfly - Termination

Holy Modal Rounders - Mobile Line/Duji Song/My Mind Capsized/STP Song/Interlude 2/Half A Mind

Colours - Love Heals

Chrysalis (various)

Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

Deep Purple - And The Address

The Rockets - Let Me Go

Jimi Hendrix - EXP @ #

Jeff Beck - You Shook Me $

Jimi Hendrix and Curtis Knight - Happy Birthday

Steppenwolf - Sookie Sookie

Big Brother and The Holding Company - Call On Me

Little Boy Blues - The Fox

The Fraternity of Man - Don't Bogart That Joint

Mandala - Mellow Carmello Palumbo

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - She's So Fine

Vanilla Fudge - Ticket To Ride

Colours - Love Heals

James Cotton - Lovin' Cup

Steppenwolf - Hootchie Coochie Man $


# Part 1

$ Part 2

WLS-FM 1968-10 Spoke

Salloom Sinclair and The Mother Bear - Be Born Again

Albert King - Laundromat Blues

Three Dog Night - Try A Little Tenderness

Yardbirds - Smokestack Lightning

Mount Rushmore - Stone Free (ad)

Joni Mitchell - The Pirate of Penance

Steve Miller Band - Song For Our Ancestors

Jimi Hendrix Experience - The Wind Cries Mary

The Deviants - Nothing Man

Dragonfly - Blue Monday

Cream - Tales Of Brave Ulysses

Cream - SWABLR

Vanilla Fudge - Season Of The Witch

Big Brother and The Holding Company - Combination of The Two

Pacific Gas And Electric - Long Handled Shovel

Mount Rushmore - Stone Free (ad)

Beau Brummels - Turn Around

Chocolate Watchband - Voyage Of The Trieste

Beau Brummels - Deep Water

Rotary Connection - I Took A Ride

? - ?

Laura Nyro (ad)

Vanilla Fudge - Voices In Time

WLS-FM 1968-11 Spoke

Rotary Connection - ?

Touch - The Spiritual Death Of Howard Greer

Donovan - Hi It's Been A Long Time

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Burning Of The Midnight Lamp

Tangerine Zoo - Young Dream

Love - The Good Humor Man He Sees Everything Like This

Otis Redding - You Made A Man Out of Me

John Mayall and The Bluesbreakers - I'm A Stranger

Jerry Jeff Walker - I Keep Changin

Small Faces - Talk To You

Beatles - Glass Onion

Touch - Seventy Five

Jefferson Airplane - Last Wall Of The Castle

Byrds - My Back Pages

Teegarden and Van Winkle - Alright Mama

Cream - Tales Of Brave Ulysses

Moody Blues - Ride My Seesaw

Paul Butterfield Blues Band - Mary Mary

WLS-FM 1968-12-xx Spoke

Touch - Miss Teach

Touch - We Feel Fine

Ritchie Havens - The Parable Of Ramon

Beatles - Birthday 

Teegarden and Van Winkle - Can't Get Enough Of Your Love

Touch - Alesha And Others

Donovan - Hurdy Gurdy Man

Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme

Crazy World Of Arthur Brown - Spontaneous Apple Creation

Albert King - Oh, Pretty Woman

Terry Reid - Loving Time

Wendy Carlos - Two-Part Intervention In B-Flat Major

Amboy Dukes - Migration (ad)

Touch - The Spiritual Death of Howard Greer

WLS-FM 1969-02-02 Spoke

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Little Miss Strange

HP Lovecraft - Spin Spin Spin

Donovan - Jennifer Juniper

Pentangle - Moon Dog

Pentangle - Watch The Stars

Joe South - Games People Play

Bob Seger System - Ramblin' Gamblin' Man

Aynsley Dunbar Retaliaton - Memory Band

Jethro Tull - My Sunday Feeling

Ultimate Spinach - Sacrifice of the Moon

Grahame Bond - Love Is The Law

WLS-FM 1969-08 Love

Blood Sweat and Tears - Smiling Phases

Jeff Beck - Beck's Bolero

Ultimate Spinach - Sacrifice of the Moon

Ten Years After - The Stomp

Ian Whitcomb - You Turn Me On

Bread - Don't Shut Me Out

Natalie Cole - Take a Look

Goldenrod - Descent of the Cyclopeans

Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone

Spooky Tooth - I've Got Enough Heartaches

? - ?

WMOD 1969-07 Subterranean Sound Experiment Essex 1

Canned Heat - Sic' Em Pigs

Canned Heat - Same All Over

Canned Heat - Down In The Gutter, But Free

Traffic - Who Knows What Tomorrow May Bring

Neil Young - Cinnamon Girl

Neil Young - Cowgirl In The Sand

Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme

The Band - Tears of Rage

Chicago Transit Authority - Prolouge

Jethro Tull -  Beggar's Farm

Steppenwolf - Howlin' for my Baby

Steppenwolf - Goin' Upstairs

WMOD 1969-07 Subterranean Sound Experiment Essex 2

The City - That Old Sweet Roll

It's A Beautiful Day - White Bird

Steve Miller Band - Sitting In Circles


Crosby Stills and Nash - You Don't Have To Cry

Procol Harum - The Devil Came From Kansas

Cream - Badge

Country Joe and The Fish - Doctor of Electricity

United States of America - The American Way Of Love

Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Woman


Steve Miller Band - Space Cowboy

Cat Mother and The All Night Newsboys - Bramble Bush

WMOD 1969-07 Subterranean Sound Experiment Marv Brooks

Country Joe and The Fish - Crystal Blues

Steve Miller Band - My Dark Hour

The Who - Overture/It's A Boy

Howlin' Wolf - Evil 

Aorta - Thoughts and Feelings/Main Vein IV

Big Brother and The Holding Company - Down On Me

Paupers - Numbers

Illinois Speed Press - Get In The Wind

Traffic - Medicated Goo

Taste - Sugar Mama

WNEW-FM 1967-11-28 Rosko

Melanie - Beautiful People 

Jefferson Airplane - She Has Funny Cars

Captain Beefheart - Zig Zag Wanderer

Cyrkle - Turn of The Century

Bee Gees - Holiday

Donovan - Sand and Foam

Bob Dylan - Pledging My Time

Dionne Warwick - I Say A Little Prayer

Rolling Stones - Dandellion

Beach Boys - Good Vibrations

Peter Paul and Mary - Too Much of Nothing

Ritchie Havens - Maggies Farm

Sandpipers - Michelle

Beatles - Yesterday

(not finished)

WNEW-FM 1969-02-11 Alison Steele

Brian Auger and The Trinity - A Day In The Life

Janis Ian - Mistaken Identity

Incredible String Band - Jokes Tears

Dragonfly - Miles Away

Floating Bridge - Hey Jude

Good Rats - The Truth Is Gone

Donovan - Peregrine

Ritchie Havens - Wear Your Love Like Heaven

Buffalo Springfield - Bluebird

Al Kooper Mike Bloomfield - Dear Mr. Fantasy

Earth Opera - The American Eagle Tradgedy 

United States of America - The American Metaphysical Circus

Taj Mahal - You Don't Miss Your Water

Butterfield Blues Band - Last Hopes Gone

Mel Brown - Chunk of Funk

Vanilla Fudge - Some Velvet Morning

WNEW-FM 1969-11-28 Johnny Michaels Jonathan Schwartz

Santana - Soul Sacrifice

Sons - Terry's Tune

Youngbloods - Grizzly Bear

Rolling Stones - Midnight Rambler


Bob Dylan - With God on Our Side

Pentangle - House Carpenter

Isley Brothers - The Blacker The Berrie

Sly and The Family Stone - I Want To Take You Higher

Rolling Stones - Jumping Jack Flash

Valhalla - Hard Times

WNOR-FM 1970-11

Joe Cocker - Let's Go Get Stoned

Cactus - Let Me Swim

Jimi Hendrix - The Star Spangled Banner

Black Sabbath - The Wizard

Badfinger - Carry On Till Tomorrow

Uriah Heep - Gypsy 

The Allman Brothers Band - Midnight Rider

The Moody Blues - Melancholy Man

WNOR-FM 1970-12 Zera

Amboy Dukes - Dr. Slingshot

Aum - Bye Bye Baby

Cold Blood - I Just Want To Make Love To You

Hank Williams - Lovesick Blues

Herbie Mann - Chain Of Fools

Blonde On Blonde - Conversationally Making The Grade

John Berberian and The Rock East Ensemble - The Oud and The Fuzz

Booker T and The MGs - Summertime

Big Mama Thornton - I'm Feeling Alright

Fear Itself - Crawling Kingsnake

WOL-FM 1968-06  Subterranean Sound Experiment Essex

Who - Odorono/Tattoo/Our Love Was/I Can See For Miles

Autosalvage - Our Life As We Lived It/Good Morning Blues

Neighb'rhood Childr'n - Happy World Of Captain K/She's Got No Identification

Sagittarius - The Truth Is Not Real

Scott McKenzie - What's The Difference (Chapter II)

Johnny Rivers - What's The Difference

Traffic - Paper Sun

Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

WPGC-AM 1968-11 Magic Carpet Ride Davy Jones

Buffalo Springfield - Mr. Soul

? - ? !!!

WPGC-FM 1968-11 Magic Carpet Ride Davy Jones

Doors - Light My Fire

Cream - Tales of Brave Ulysses

Doors - Spanish Caravan

Great Society - Didn't Think So

Paul Butterfield Blues Band - Run Out Of Time

John Mayall and The Blues Breakers - Killing Time

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Chile 

WXYZ-FM 1969-06-25 Love, Brother John

? - ?

The Beatles - Fixing A Hole

Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride

The Free Design - ? 

The Rolling Stones - Jumping Jack Flash

Donovan - To Susan On The West Coast Waiting

Harry Nilsson - Together

The Beatles - Birthday

The Doors - Light My Fire

? - ? !!!

? - ?

The Who - I Can See For Miles

The Who - My Generation

Spanky and Our Gang - Yesterday's Rain

Canned Heat - On The Road Again