Prop 35 — California

Posted on behalf of Maxine Doogan:
Our group’s ballot argument was picked to represent the no on California
Proposition 35. It will be printed in the voter information guide.
If prop 35 passes in our state, you can bet this bait and switch ballot
measure brought to us by the same old extremist who’s real goal is to
exterminate the sex industry at any cost.

Prop 35 uses the same old junk science to target our intimate, domestic
and economic relationship to now be called traffickers and have to
register as sex offenders with 70% of the fines going to the anti
prostitution non profits who now call themselves trafficked victims. The
other 30% goes to the cops. These failed policies of ballot box budgeting
has bankrupted our state.

Apparently, the California State Attorney Generals office has a report on
human trafficking that is being compiled via working groups with 100
people from law enforcement, state social service providers and non

So why didn’t the proponents wait for the report before they paid 1.6
million dollars to bring this overreaching salacious ballot measure
before the voters?

Lots of these kinds of questions have to asked and answered in the public

Your help is needed now! Inform your selves and speak out about the many
way prop 35 will further criminalize our industry, target the innocent and
completely erode any opportunities to help victims because it relies on
their failed practice of alienating the community most effected by their
abusive practices.
Stop prop 35

Here are the links to the testimony from the Informational Hearing in
Sacramento on August 14th in front of the joint Assembly and Senate
Public Committee.

These kinds of ballot measures bring lots of concerns for legislators Mark
Leno and Tom Ammiano.

Maxine Doogan of ESLPERP

Jane’s ESPU


Susie Israel of California Public Defenders Association

Stephen Munkelt of California Criminal Justice Association

Maxine’s Op-Ed Calling out the California Democratic State Party for not
soliciting the No On Prop 35 position before they endorsed this bad
ballot measure

Links to supporters of no on 35

John Vanek retired in the rank of Lieutenant from the San Jose Police
Department in October 2011. John managed the SJPD Human Trafficking
Task Force from 2006-2011, sits on a variety of state- and
national-level advisory boards, and currently works as a consultant
on anti-human trafficking, collaboration, and leadership-related
Bay Area sweep: 61 adult prostitutes ‹ ten consensual sex workers for
every underage victim.
No on Prop. 35: Vague wording, unintended consequences

Prop 35: Bad for the body and Bad for the brain.

Proposition 35 evolved from two bills that last year failed to make it
through the Legislature, SB 57 by former Sen. George Runner and AB 755
by Assemblymember Cathleen Galgiani. One feature of AB 57 contained in
the initiative is the requirement that all sex
offenders to register their online aliases with the state.

Proposition 35 evolved from two bills that last year failed to make it
through the Legislature, SB 57 by former Sen. George Runner and AB 755
by Assemblymember Cathleen Galgiani. One feature of AB 57 contained in
the initiative is the requirement that all sex
offenders to register their online aliases with the state.

Maxine Doogan
Erotic Service Providers Legal Educational and Research Project.2261
Market Street #548San Francisco, CA 94114


skype noonprop35

ESPLERP is a diverse community-based erotic service provider led group
which seeks to empower the erotic community and advance sexual privacy
rights through legal advocacy, education, and research. ESPLERP includes
everyone who earns a living through providing
erotic services and members of the general community at large.

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