Outside the Circle

Cindy Milstein

Live Like the World Is Dying

It’s a bittersweet challenge these days to figure out, much less practice, what it means to “live like the world is dying.” After nearly three pandemic years, given how much … Continue reading

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Hanukkah 5783: Ritual as Resistance

NIGHT 1 There’s nary a Jewish holiday or ritual that isn’t about sorrow as well as joy. They are as inseparable as the braids in a challah loaf or havdallah … Continue reading

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Recording of Beautiful “Try Anarchism for Life” Event Hosted by Firestorm Books

For those who missed @firestormcoop’s lovely offering of (cyber)space for a celebration of my new book, Try Anarchism for Life (@tangled_wilderness), here’s the video for your leisurely viewing. What I … Continue reading

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Six Cheers for “Try Anarchism for Life”

By way of celebrating my new book “Try Anarchism for Life: The Beauty of Our Circle” being in print and out in the world, and because I have a backlog … Continue reading

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Firestorm Books: Recording of “Mending the World as Jewish Anarchists” Book Event

To celebrate the release of a new collection of contemporary essays, art, and poetry by Jewish anarchists, Firestorm Books kindly hosted a conversation on April 15, 2021 (or 5781 if … Continue reading

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Ten-Year Yahrzeit

Today I did nothing. Yesterday I did almost nothing. In between, I barely slept. I want to say that I’ve been catapulted back ten years. Maybe because I feel so … Continue reading

October 3, 2023 · Leave a comment

“Constellations of Care”: My Next, Forthcoming Edited Anthology—on Pluto Press!

It’s taken an unusually long time to get here, but today I signed a contract with Pluto Press to publish my next edited anthology, “Constellations of Care: Anarcha-Feminism in Practice.” … Continue reading

August 21, 2023 · Leave a comment

A (Short) Tale of Two Spaces

I’m writing this while listening to an adult at an outdoor, evangelical Christian festival in a park exhort kids to “come to Jesus,” when they look like they’d prefer to … Continue reading

August 20, 2023 · Leave a comment

Full-Stop Magazine Interview

The beauty of anarchism comes in the doing of it, as imperfect as that will always be. And we need each other to do anarchism, because it’s nothing if not … Continue reading

August 6, 2023 · Leave a comment

Free City Radio Episode with Yours Truly

My longtime friend Stefan Christoff sat down with me on a park bench this past winter, both of us bundled in coats and scarves, to chat about anarchism. It wasn’t … Continue reading

July 10, 2023 · Leave a comment

Destroy Capitalism

Two days ago, on an “unseasonably” [fill-in-the-blank] day as I slogged through the discomforting humidity en route to a do-it-ourselves Shabbat in a park, I wandered by a fresh wheat-paste … Continue reading

June 25, 2023 · Leave a comment

Making a Whale of a Difference

On many a #FuckCapitalism walk (or should I say #FuckYachts walks?) through the stolen streets of Tio’tia:ke/Montreal, I’ve chanced on small, multicolored, clearly hand-crafted stickers—some torn and others faded from … Continue reading

June 19, 2023 · Leave a comment

Short Musings on the Occasion of My Dad’s 10-Year Jahrzeit

Grief sneaks up on you. It also plays havoc with time, shattering any semblance of linearity. And suddenly, some significant date hurls you backward on a calendar that didn’t make … Continue reading

May 17, 2023 · Leave a comment

Blessed Solidarity

Such a blessing to be an accomplice yesterday at the #Nakba75 rally and march on the stolen lands of Tio’tia:ke/Montreal, not only alongside generations of resistance, but alongside Palestinians youths … Continue reading

May 15, 2023 · 2 Comments

A Climate of Grief

“Climate grief” is a daily companion of late. And not just in the narrow (albeit enormous) sense of capitalist-fueled ecological catastrophe. Like the fact that it’s snowing in May while … Continue reading

May 2, 2023 · 1 Comment