
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta More. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta More. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

Dia G 25.01.09 (2) - More - More (1974 YUG)


Ex Yu Music Biography - MORE (Split)

The pop band “More” (en. “See”), founded Split known musicians in 1973. Originally the band consisted of bassist Slobodan M. Kovacevic, (born in 1947. - ex “Lutalice”, “Indexi”, “Pro Arte”), vocalist Meri Cetinic (ex “Splitski Delfini”, “Che”), drummer Vjekoslav Benzon, guitar player Dalibor Jurasin, keyboard player and vocalist Oliver Dragojevic, as well as vocalist Marija Kuzmic. During 1974 the group gets a new look, so with the Slobe Kovacevic, Mari Cetinic and Marija Kuzmic, the band consists of drummer Dragoljub Milos Vasic, Tonci Dellazotta guitarist and flautist and keyboard player Zvonko Boldin. After a series of singles, the band published in 1973, the debut LP "More". LP brings a couple of successful ballads "On je moj bol" (en. "He is my pain"), "More" (en. "See"), as well as a few instrumentals characteristic for Mediterranean folk tradition. The band often participates in festivals, particularly in Split, where in 1975 with the song "Gdje god da podjes" (en. "Where you go to") win the first prize of the jury and a third prize of the audience. During the bend existence, they are often changed members (one time with them, sang Doris Dragovic), and at the end of 1975 the divergent original set heppend. Mary Cetinic becomes the mother and prominent, but non-profitable singer. Kovacevic create a new variation of the band, but disappointed by reception, he leaves the band and returns to the “Pro Arte”. The rest of musicians founded the group “Put” (en. “Way”), and after that they continue on the work as the studio musicians. In the spring of 1978 they gathered in modified set, take part in Split festival with the song “Simpatija” (en. "Sympathy"), but soon the band ceased to work, again. Mary Cetinic starts solo career, half the group join the Oliver Dragojevic as his band, and Sloba Kovacevic, with new musicians, continue to work and assume the role of singer. LP "More II" in 1979 was recorded by Sloba Kovacevic, Zvonko Boldin, Ante Miletic drummer, guitarist and Bojan Belapovic, as well as the following vocals by Vanja Eterovic and Tonkica Katunaric. From the album stand out the songs "Sami sebi mi smo krivi" (en. "You yourself we are guilty") and "Ti i ja bi mogli sve" (en. "You and I could all") Immediately after the second LP, the band finally moving apart, and the members of the band begins their solo carriers. Slobodan Kovacevic continued work as a composer and studio musician. Now he is living in Montenegro and his compositions often win on local festivals. Drummer Milo Vasic, a number of years worked as a studio musician, he is a member of the National Theater Orchestra Split, and his singing career embarked under the name of Jasmin Stavros.


"More" / "Zla djevojka" (Jugoton 1973) "More" / "Bad girl" (Jugoton 1973) "Moj muž" (Jugoton 1974) "My husband" (Jugoton 1974) "Bakalar"/"Ja cu plakati sama" (Jugoton 1975) "Cod" / "I'll cry alone" (Jugoton 1975) "Ovo vrijeme" (Jugoton 1975) "This time" (Jugoton 1975) "Gdje god da podjes" / "Znam da ti nisi moj" (Jugoton 1975) "Where to podjes" / "Znam that you're not my" (Jugoton 1975) "Ti si moja"(Jugoton 1976) "You are my" (Jugoton 1976) "Simpatija" (Jugoton 1978) "Sympathy" (Jugoton 1978) "Sami sebi mi smo krivi" / "Ti i ja bi mogli sve" (PGP RTB1978) "You yourself we are guilty" / "You and I could all" (PGP RTB1978)

"More" (Jugoton 1974) "See" (Jugoton 1974) "More II" (PGP RTB 1979) "See II" (PGP RTB 1979)