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Showing posts with label jaime hernandez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jaime hernandez. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

No Big Deal

I've been listening to the new Crocodiles album a lot, especially the superb single Foolin' Around (posted a week or two ago). Good fun. But all the while there was something about Foolin' Around that I couldn't put my finger on, it really reminded me of another song. And then I worked out what it was...

No Big Deal

No Big Deal was a 1989 single by post-Bauhaus offshoot Love And Rockets. If you image search Love and Rockets you get many more returns for the Hernandez Brothers comic book than you do for Daniel Ash and co.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Love, Rockets

Jaime Hernandez (see earlier) wrote and drew the legendary 80s comic strip Love And Rockets, full of edgy indie-punk girls, who sometimes hung around in their underwear and sometimes played in bands, and who you might have fancied if you were fifteen and they weren't two dimensional creations.

Love And Rockets were also a sometimes iffy pop goth band. I used to have something by them on the hard drive, but I don't anymore. So no Love And Rockets song.

I Had Dreams When I Was Your Age

Back to yesterday's postees Wendy and Lisa (as drawn by comic artist Jaime Hernandez, thus cleverly tying in with the post about comics earlier this week). Wendy and Lisa escaped from Prince's sticky clutches in 1987, fed up with the way The Revolution were changing (too male, too macho, not enough credit). Staring At The Sun is a piece of summer-y, slightly psychedelic pop that could only have been made in 1990- just listen to those drums- and it appeared on their Eroica album. If truth be told I prefer the remix from The Orb but this has a good groove, a nice chunky guitar riff and cracking vocals.

Staring At The Sun

I'll probably get shot down for this but I never cared too much for Prince- I don't dispute the man's way with a tune early on, Purple Rain and When Doves Cry are, y'know, good and I did like Sign Of the Times (the song), and Cream and Get Off are funky. I don't believe I own much by him other than a couple of 7" singles that I must have been given at some point and an album.

Edit- there's been some problems with Mediafire so here's the song on Youtube (which you could always rip yourself though I wouldn't condone such practices)