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Wednesday, December 17 2008 @ 03:17 PM CST

Youths Occupy Greek Consulate In Berlin Over Boy's Death

Anarchist MovementBERLIN (AFP)--About 15 young demonstrators occupied the Greek consulate in Berlin Monday to protest against the police killing of a 15-year-old boy in Athens which sparked riots across Greece.

"Around 15 young people - Greeks living in Germany, possibly students - invaded the premises this morning," said Pantelis Pantelouris, a spokesman for the Greek embassy, which is in a separate building in the German capital.

"They left a letter to be sent to Athens in which they expressed their outrage over the death of the adolescent," he told AFP.
The protesters also unfurled a banner out a window reading "State Murderers" in German and Greek.

Pantelouris said the demonstrators were still in the consulate, in the western Schoeneberg district, but had not used violence or vandalized the building.

A police spokesman said the authorities would not remove the demonstrators by force but would "tolerate" them if the protest did not escalate.
Greek youths mounted a third day of street battles Monday in cities across the country as anger mounted over the police killing of the boy.
Police have arrested two officers involved in the shooting of the teenager in the tense Athens district of Exarchia during clashes between authorities and youths Saturday. The district's police chief has also been suspended.



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