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Sherlock series 3 US air-date confirmed

The third series of Sherlock is coming to the US on Sunday the 19th of January...

The UK may still be waiting for exact confirmation, but our chums across the pond can now mark the date on their calendars, have their deerstalkers dry-cleaned, and otherwise make plans to welcome episode one of Sherlock's third series. Sunday the 19th of January at 10pm is the date and time of the US premiere on PBS Masterpiece.

That time slot makes Sherlock a neighbour to ITV's Downton Abbey, series four of which is currently airing in the UK, and which comes to America on January the 5th. The Sherlock series three debut will be screened immediately after episode three of PBS' other popular UK import.

The US air-date does little to budge our best guess at when the UK will be seeing the Sherlock series three premiere, which remains New Year's Day, or Wednesday the 1st of January. The minute that changes, or is confirmed, we'll let you know.

Entertainment Weekly

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