
Jamil Dakwar (image: Witness to Guantanamo)

‘You Cannot Preach on Human Rights When You Are Not Doing Enough at Home’

  Janine Jackson interviewed the ACLU’s Jamil Dakwar about human rights and the United States for the November 10, 2023,  episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript.   Janine Jackson: As US officials and pundits appear to consider which babies are really civilians and which interpretation of law allows for their murder, you […]

Collage of cable news coverage of the Israel/Gaza crisis.

For Cable News, a Palestinian Life Is Not the Same as an Israeli Life

Cable news coverage of victims, war crimes and context show a double standard when it comes to US allies versus official US enemies.

Scott Burris on US v. Rahimi

The question is whether the Court’s conservative majority can use its special brand of backwards-looking to determine this country’s future.

Matt Gertz

‘A True Believer in Heinous Ideas’

“Steve Bannon…describes Mike Johnson as….’by far the most conservative speaker in the history of the country.'”

Image from HonestReporting of a camera held by a photographer near a border fence, with superimposed question marks.

Smearing Photojournalists as Hamas Collaborators Gets Them Added to a Hit List

Israeli officials are accusing major news media of coordinating with Hamas, painting Palestinian stringers as terrorist operatives.

Surveillance footage of Robert Card

Blaming Mass Shootings on Mental Illness Doesn’t Address Either Issue

Rationalizing the horrors of a mass shooting by emphasizing the perpetrator’s mental state does little to address the larger issue.

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CounterSpin is FAIR's weekly radio show, available on more than 150 noncommercial radio stations and online

CounterSpin, the weekly radio show of FAIR, provides a critical exposé of the corporate news. Produced and hosted by Janine Jackson it is heard on more than 135 noncommercial stations. The current show, back archives and transcripts are available online.

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FAIR Studies

Collage of cable news coverage of the Israel/Gaza crisis.

For Cable News, a Palestinian Life Is Not the Same as an Israeli Life

Cable news coverage of victims, war crimes and context show a double standard when it comes to US allies versus official US enemies.

In Hours of Israel/Gaza Crisis Coverage, a Word You’ll Seldom Hear: ‘Ceasefire’

As casualties in Gaza mount, most TV news outlets have paid scant attention to the growing calls for a ceasefire.

As Skies Turn Orange, Media Still Hesitate to Mention What’s Changing Climate

On US TV news, viewers were more likely to hear climate denial than the connection between fossil fuel consumption and worsening wildfires.

NYT’s Anti-Trans Bias—by the Numbers

The New York Times used its front-page coverage primarily to wonder whether trans people’s rights and access to healthcare have gone too far.

New York Times depiction of NYPD officers in the subway. Photo: Gregg Vigliotti

Who Gets to Talk About How Police Need to Change?

The New York Times leaned heavily on official sources when reporting on policing policy—giving the biggest platform to the targets of reform.