Armagideon Time

Archive for the ‘History’ category

On returning (2020-2023)

May 17th, 2023

First things first: I am incredibly lazy do not lack for well-considered (and self-serving) reasons not to do something. This site has always been something I worked on when I couldn’t do the things I’d rather be doing — be it playing video games, napping next to the puppy, or staring into space for hours […]

One of the happier events to come out of the pandemic lockdown period was discovering a full run of Our World on YouTube. The short-lived ABC show was a favorite of my teenage self, and its weekly wide-angle coverage of particular historical moments had a tremendous impact on my own academic development. It racked up […]

Figure Two: And this pattern is always the same? Figure One: With few variations. They pick the most dangerous enemy they can find…and it’s themselves. And all we need do is sit back…and watch. Figure Two: Then I take it this place…this Maple Street…is not unique. Figure One: [Shaking his head.] By no means. Their […]

Nostalgia is all about counting the hits while ignoring the misses. This is especially true with childhood nostalgia, where youthful affections gain intensity over the temporal distance and blot out less pleasant memories. The gap between “what was” and “what we choose to remember” has been a recurring theme over AT’s decade of posts. My […]

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