The Man Who Knows No Boundaries

Featured translation: investigative reporter Hannes Grassegger’s 2022 longform profile of “the Swiss man who built the global passport industry and turned citizenship into a commodity.”

The Burning House

Today, in light of the coming catastrophes, the question posed by African-American author James Baldwin once again presents itself: “Do I really want to be integrated into a burning house?” Also, the structural integrity of the house is questionable.

Do Not Suffocate Truth

Denying chemical massacres is a form of cognitive violence against us Syrians who strive for freedom, justice, and democracy. It hinges on a complete disregard for the truth and the lived experiences of communities subjected to…

Squatting in Defense of Queer Autonomy

Getting involved in a self-organized space means evolving in a place that changes, transforms, and varies; it allows us to make mistakes, to challenge what we think is immutable, to try something new.

When in Doubt, Do

A report from “Anarchy 2023,” the recent conference in Switzerland observing the 150th anniversary of the Anti-authoritarian International. How international was it?

Zine: Pride and Rage by Sour Queer Press

In an empire leaving disabled and sick people for dead, why are so many queers following suit rather than rebelling against such structural neglect? Is the phrase We Keep Us Safe only a slogan with no meaning behind it?

Why White Nationalists Love Assad

The Assad regime’s open genocidal policies against its own people are enviable to people on the far right. For people…

We’re All Staying!

The example of Hamburg shows how antiracist protests against European asylum policies can link up…

Dispatch from 2013 Exarcheia

Now based in Minneapolis, Antidote is engaging with new struggles that echo in many ways the situation a cofounder encountered in 2013 Exarcheia. Lessons from Greece feel very relevant to people’s struggles in our new home, ten years on.


The Antidote Writers Collective seeks to resist and counteract the poisons that course through the veins of our politics, our cultures, our movements, our relationships, ourselves.

We believe that a strong collective immune system is built through knowledge and understanding and that the struggle against division and repression requires building a new culture of discussion that goes beyond flat definitions, brittle ideologies, stubborn dogmas, idle preconceptions, and petty rivalries.

We will share knowledge with each other, aiming to build empathy, and in turn enable the emergence of genuine solidarity—one which does not demand uniformity across contexts, one which does not “include” you, but in which you include yourself.

In this spirit, we will provide a platform for a diverse set of voices, especially for those otherwise silenced or ignored in “mainstream” discussions. We want to hear from people engaged in radical struggles all over the world. We seek neither agreement nor conflict, but rather to identify issues at their roots, and to consider different radical approaches to their resolution. And though we at the Antidote Writers Collective have voices—and we will use them—we will not presume to speak for anybody.

On the contrary, we invite you to offer us new ways of thinking, new ways of seeing. It’s not about establishing a space for comfy ideological self-indulgence, but for questions, for a true diversity of voices and viewpoints, and for turning all of this into action.

One World. One Struggle.

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