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The place to talk about your car

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The place to talk about your car

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It's okay to be jealous

My commute to work is 25 miles to one direction so car is pretty much only choice. Luckily i can work around 50% remotely.

But this has always been the case in Finland gas and diesel are expensive. We prefer cars that don't use much fuel if possible. My van can go 30-35 mpg. Not great but pretty good for a van.

We have two cars and drive around 35000km per year total so yeah it gets expensive.

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The place to talk about your car

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The place to talk about your car

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It's okay to be jealous


Just filled up my van with diesel this morning. It was 48litres and 1,579€/l and that is cheapest price I've filled my car since beginning of pandemic. I'm in Finland.

My 76€ fillup will last me couple of weeks or so.

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Welcome to r/Finland, the English language Subreddit dedicated to all things related to Finland. Here, every active user enjoys full democratic rights and serves as a moderator. Check out for recent community moderator actions, and join the discussion on, the Finland-hosted Lemmy instance—a Reddit alternative.

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Welcome to r/Finland, the English language Subreddit dedicated to all things related to Finland. Here, every active user enjoys full democratic rights and serves as a moderator. Check out for recent community moderator actions, and join the discussion on, the Finland-hosted Lemmy instance—a Reddit alternative.

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I do not know how can some people stay home without jobs in Finland

If i would have time to do hobbies every day i would definitely do so. I do little bit on most days even if it is just 10 minutes or so.

Yes life is busy with work, spending time with kid and doing chores. If i would not have to go to work to earn money i would most definitely have enough stuff to do to keep me busy.

My parents have both recently retired and I don't think i have ever seen them so busy with the things they love.

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Henkilökohtainen talous & sijoittaminen Omatalouden sponsoroima työaiheinen podcast nyt Spotifyssa! Kuuntele Työelämä 360!

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Henkilökohtainen talous & sijoittaminen Omatalouden sponsoroima työaiheinen podcast nyt Spotifyssa! Kuuntele Työelämä 360!

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Auton hankinta

replied to allmnt-rider

Meillä sillä ajetaan 20km tai 40km päivittäistä työmatkaa riippuen onko mulla vai emännällä ajossa. Mut joo näppärä kauppakassihan se on pääasiassa.

Voi olla et Auris tai Corolla olis oikee kokoluokka aloittajan tarpeisiin.

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Henkilökohtainen talous & sijoittaminen Omatalouden sponsoroima työaiheinen podcast nyt Spotifyssa! Kuuntele Työelämä 360!

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Henkilökohtainen talous & sijoittaminen Omatalouden sponsoroima työaiheinen podcast nyt Spotifyssa! Kuuntele Työelämä 360!

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Auton hankinta

replied to allmnt-rider

Ostettiin just 11v bensa yaris keväällä ja nyt sillä on jo 5tkm rullailtu ja ei oo mitään valittamista. Jos joka päivä ajelis motarilla 120 niin saattais ottaa päähän, mutta 110 matkavauhtina on vielä varsin miellyttävä.

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This sub is for tool enthusiasts worldwide to talk about tools, professionals and hobbyists alike. We welcome posts about "new tool day", estate sale/car boot sale finds, "what is this" tool, advice about the best tool for a job, homemade tools, 3D printed accessories, toolbox/shop tours. NSFW content will get you banned. Promotions and ads are not permitted on this sub. NO comments/posts related to politics. We welcome visitors/DIYers asking questions about which tools to use.

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This sub is for tool enthusiasts worldwide to talk about tools, professionals and hobbyists alike. We welcome posts about "new tool day", estate sale/car boot sale finds, "what is this" tool, advice about the best tool for a job, homemade tools, 3D printed accessories, toolbox/shop tours. NSFW content will get you banned. Promotions and ads are not permitted on this sub. NO comments/posts related to politics. We welcome visitors/DIYers asking questions about which tools to use.

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Electric "screwdriver" vs drill/driver with clutch? 90+% redundancy?

replied to armergeocafea

We got the green 20V ones and they are ok as well. Might be so that black ones are sold out all the time so they are not expanding where they sell them.

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This sub is for tool enthusiasts worldwide to talk about tools, professionals and hobbyists alike. We welcome posts about "new tool day", estate sale/car boot sale finds, "what is this" tool, advice about the best tool for a job, homemade tools, 3D printed accessories, toolbox/shop tours. NSFW content will get you banned. Promotions and ads are not permitted on this sub. NO comments/posts related to politics. We welcome visitors/DIYers asking questions about which tools to use.

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This sub is for tool enthusiasts worldwide to talk about tools, professionals and hobbyists alike. We welcome posts about "new tool day", estate sale/car boot sale finds, "what is this" tool, advice about the best tool for a job, homemade tools, 3D printed accessories, toolbox/shop tours. NSFW content will get you banned. Promotions and ads are not permitted on this sub. NO comments/posts related to politics. We welcome visitors/DIYers asking questions about which tools to use.

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Electric "screwdriver" vs drill/driver with clutch? 90+% redundancy?

replied to armergeocafea

Oh i wish we'd have those black parkside performance series tools in Finland. None of the 20V ones have been sold here.

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Paras suomalainen vaihtoehto. Suositellaan myös old.reddit-käyttöliitymää!

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Paras suomalainen vaihtoehto. Suositellaan myös old.reddit-käyttöliitymää!

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Vuokranantaja haluaa pidättää vuokravakuuden vedoten korjaus.- ja siivoiskuluihin.

replied to Pikinokka

Ei makseta korkoa vuokra aikana, tuo korko siitä että sitä ei palauteta oikeaan aikaan on eri asia ja siitä vuokranantaja pääsee eroon vain maksamalla sen vakuuden takaisin ajallaan.

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/r/Tampere is for news and discussion related to the City of Tampere, in both Finnish and English. News, events, travel and more. Can't find information? Ask a Tamperite!

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/r/Tampere is for news and discussion related to the City of Tampere, in both Finnish and English. News, events, travel and more. Can't find information? Ask a Tamperite!

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Owning a boat on näsijärvi

replied to retart123

I've been planning this but there is so many to choose and really difficult to say which ones are quality ones. Any recommendations? And also if getting LiFePo4 battery you need specific charger for it as well that is 70-100€

All things paracord! Projects, Art, Tutorials, Knots, Reviews, etc!

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All things paracord! Projects, Art, Tutorials, Knots, Reviews, etc!

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Where to buy good quality paracord?

I ordered Atwood rope from site above to Finland. It is not cheap but cheaper than in Finland at least. I have not gotten parcel it should arrive in couple of days after that i can say better about the buying experience.

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For all things Yaris.

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For all things Yaris.

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Yaris AC


Have you taken it to fillup and it is the system empty?

Have you replaced cabin air filter?

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Paras suomalainen vaihtoehto. Suositellaan myös old.reddit-käyttöliitymää!

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Paras suomalainen vaihtoehto. Suositellaan myös old.reddit-käyttöliitymää!

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Viimeyönä oli aika komeet revontulet. Pirkanmaalla ihan koko taivas loimusi. Kuka muu bongasi? Kuvattu 00-01 välillä.

replied to kissatmikroon

Kolmas kuva otettu Samsung s22 automaatti asetuksilla ja aavistus säädetty valotusta ja kontrastia Photoshop expressillä.

Loput kuvat otettu Canon M100 aps-c mikro järjestelmäkameralla 22mm f2.0 linssi kiinni. Oli alle 500€ setti uutena. Iso 800, manuaali tarkennus tähtiin, 2s valotus ja f2.0. Riippuen tulista voi valotus olla mitä vaan 1s ja 15s välillä, nyt olis ollu hyvä olla alle 2s mutt sen verran himmeitä että ei kuitenkaan voinut lyhentää aikaa vaikka oli aika aktiivisia revontulia.

Nää siis otettu ihan harrastelija kalustolla, siinä ei oo mitään järkee, mitä kunnollisella kalustolla saa tällaisesta myrksystä talteen. :)

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Paras suomalainen vaihtoehto. Suositellaan myös old.reddit-käyttöliitymää!

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Paras suomalainen vaihtoehto. Suositellaan myös old.reddit-käyttöliitymää!

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Viimeyönä oli aika komeet revontulet. Pirkanmaalla ihan koko taivas loimusi. Kuka muu bongasi? Kuvattu 00-01 välillä.

replied to ValorousAnt

Jos olet facebookissa niin revontulikyttääjät ryhmään mukaan, siellä selviää aina joka päivän ketjussa, että kannattaako illalla seurata taivasta vai ei.

Yeah exactly. But most newer Toyota's haven't been driven 500k km a lot just yet so you never know if their quality is going down or not.

For 25year old Toyota it is easy to check online car market and you can see for every Toyota model there is someone selling one with 500k km. But that is not the case with 10-15 year old cars as most of the smaller ones at least only get 10-15k km per year.

r/Finland icon
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Welcome to r/Finland, the English language Subreddit dedicated to all things related to Finland. Here, every active user enjoys full democratic rights and serves as a moderator. Check out for recent community moderator actions, and join the discussion on, the Finland-hosted Lemmy instance—a Reddit alternative.

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Welcome to r/Finland, the English language Subreddit dedicated to all things related to Finland. Here, every active user enjoys full democratic rights and serves as a moderator. Check out for recent community moderator actions, and join the discussion on, the Finland-hosted Lemmy instance—a Reddit alternative.

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People really liked my other picture of the auroras from Finland, so here's some more.

Camera sees lot more than eyes but also when watching sky with naked eye even tiny bit of colour looks vibrant and getting the same feel you actually have to highlight the existing colours a bit.

r/Tools icon
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This sub is for tool enthusiasts worldwide to talk about tools, professionals and hobbyists alike. We welcome posts about "new tool day", estate sale/car boot sale finds, "what is this" tool, advice about the best tool for a job, homemade tools, 3D printed accessories, toolbox/shop tours. NSFW content will get you banned. Promotions and ads are not permitted on this sub. NO comments/posts related to politics. We welcome visitors/DIYers asking questions about which tools to use.

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This sub is for tool enthusiasts worldwide to talk about tools, professionals and hobbyists alike. We welcome posts about "new tool day", estate sale/car boot sale finds, "what is this" tool, advice about the best tool for a job, homemade tools, 3D printed accessories, toolbox/shop tours. NSFW content will get you banned. Promotions and ads are not permitted on this sub. NO comments/posts related to politics. We welcome visitors/DIYers asking questions about which tools to use.

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Store metal files on welding magnets


Nope, niw you have magnetised those files and all the metal dust will keep gathering on the files rather than falling on the floor. Cleaning the file will be pain as well.

Sahaneuvos u/Jaska-87 avatar