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Building Cohesive Workplace Cultures

Written by: Dr. Troy Hall, Executive Contributor

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Executive Contributor Dr. Troy Hall

“It’s not your grandpa’s workforce anymore!”

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How does an organization adapt to fit employees’ changing needs? I recommend that leaders adopt this philosophy going forward:

“Make culture a strategy and it will find something else to eat.”

Businesses should prioritize establishing a strong organizational culture as one of their primary objectives. In my professional experience, this involves fostering cohesion within the work environment and positioning culture as a strategic imperative.

There are four actions leaders must take if they want culture to be a strategy and not just a string of tactical initiatives they learned about at a conference.

  1. Make monetary considerations in the budget for programs that are devoted to culture, inclusion, and employee welfare.

  2. Advocate for the employee voice by ensuring the lead of Human Resources has a seat at the senior leadership table.

  3. Keep the strategic intensity of culture on par with how the organization targets objectives to grow market share, expand revenue, pour into product research and development, and balance sheet management.

  4. Educate leaders at all levels of the organization about their responsibility to connect with employees, include them in decision-making when appropriate, ensure meaningful work is happening, and promote collaborative opportunities for people focusing on needing each other and trusting people will do their job.

As leaders come to recognize that their employees represent their most valuable asset, they significantly enhance their prospects for both survival and prosperity. This entails moving beyond the hopeful assumption that camaraderie will spontaneously materialize merely because the company has a ping-pong table, a “bring your pet to work” day, or offers beer on Friday afternoons.

Leaders should direct their initial attention and resources towards nurturing their workforce first, followed by the organization, and ultimately the consumer. By aligning these priorities in that order, business leaders initiate a transformative mindset that fuels optimal performance and fosters high-level engagement.

A transformative leader places the focus on others before themselves, without veering into martyrdom or self-sacrifice. It's simply a mindset that prioritizes assisting others in the pursuit of accomplishment and prosperity. Ultimately, the transformative leader does take care of themselves, but only after considering the needs of those they serve first.

Today’s workforce wants to be included, have meaningful work, and share responsibilities within a collaborative environment filled with being needed and trusted.

The top global driver of employee retention is inclusion followed by a healthy and interactive relationship with their immediate supervisor.

Successful leaders of cohesion grasp that culture encompasses an array of aspects, such as the organization's customs, rituals, traditions, language, and symbols. Above all, culture should be accessible to everyone within the organization, irrespective of whether they work under the same physical roof or not.

“Culture is built from how you treat people, not the treats you give them.”

In an organization where cohesion thrives, it fosters an atmosphere in which individuals experience a sense of being a part of something extraordinary. In a Cohesion Culture™, employees:

  • Have this sense of being included (Belonging)

  • Understand their job has meaning and purpose (Value)

  • Participate in creating outcomes that benefit many and not just a few (Mutual Commitments)

However, this journey is not meant for the faint of heart. It demands unwavering determination, unswerving dedication, and unyielding discipline to become a transformative leader who inspires, influences, and empowers others to achieve success.

As we conclude 2023 and look ahead to 2024, organizations must maintain a trajectory of growth, continual improvement, and a commitment to innovation in the areas of culture and leadership.

For more insights into how cohesion positively impacts culture, performance, and engagement, you are invited to download complimentary copies of the electronic and audio versions of my bestselling title, Cohesion Culture: Proven Principles to Retain Your Top Talent.

Follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and you can learn more about my services on my website. I also write a blog, and a bi-weekly newsletter that readers can subscribe to on LinkedIn by clicking here.

Read more from Dr. Troy!

Dr. Troy Hall Brainz Magazine

Dr. Troy Hall, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Recognized as a top business leader by ValiantCEO magazine and featured on The Today Show, ABC, the Global BV-TV Network, Beyond the Business Radio Show, and CEO World, Dr. Troy Hall is an award-winning talent retention consultant, international speaker, and author of the bestselling titles: Cohesion Culture: Proven Principles to Retain Your Top Talent, Fanny Rules: A Mother’s Leadership Lessons That Never Grow Old, and Back After Burnout.

As the founder of Cohesion Culture™, Dr. Troy has dedicated his career to establishing a cycle of culture wellness in the corporate and professional sphere. His consulting and executive coaching engagements are built on the strategic framework of Cohesion Culture™, making the concepts of belonging, value, and commitment easy for organizations to adopt and implement.


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