Category Archives: Video

Semi Detached the films of Gee Vaucher



Semi – Detached is a collection of films made by Gee Vaucher, that were show along side Crass during their live shows on TV monitors. Gee made these collages of video by in camera edits, filming straight from an old black and white TV at Dial House.

Gee interviewed at “In all our decadence” her New York show states “we thought it needed some imagery , I started working with Mick Duffeild, he was working with Super 8 and I was working with Video, because video had suddenly been invented, so thats whenI picked that up, because it was cheap and you could re use the film. We had a lot of imagery on stage in terms of the banners, we had a screen at the front of the stage for the super 8, then we had, I put two big monitors on either side of the stage, which would have the films I made and their would be a loop film on stage, and then there would be a TV on stage running what ever was on TV that night, coronation street or whatever, so there was a lot going on, They just fitted with the collages, I just started filming off the TV, there is nothing there that has not been see and I just cut it inside the camera. I would just choose one of the songs and think i’ll illustrate that”

Originally released on VHS Semi – Detached has been reissue on DVD  by exit stencil Press you can get it here. Cleaned up from the original VHS and issued accompanied with a booklet.




Christ the Movie

VHS Release cover.

‘Crass: Mick Duffield’s Christ: The Movie is a collection of short experimental films created by Mick Duffield, a member of the Crass collective, which were designed to be shown on-stage during Crass’ live performances. The films are accompanied by music the group recorded for their album Yes Sir, I Will, a 1983 polemic on the ideas and realities behind the War in the Falklands’.