Prague Winter Anarchist Bookfair (Czechia)

Prague Winter Anarchist Bookfair
Saturday, December 9, 2023
1-10 PM
@ prostor39 (Řehořova 33/39)
Prague 3 (Žižkov), Czechia

Books, lectures, debates, vegan food and music.
entry: donations

We invite you to the Winter edition of Anarchist Book Festival, which will take place on Saturday 9th of December in Prague.

As in previous years, the festival will be attended by publishers and distributors of czech and foreign anarchist literature. An important part of the festival is personal meetings with authors, publishers, various organizations, groups and collectives across the anti-authoritarian movement.

Bookfair is an ideal place to meet, make friends, forge alliances, arrange collaborations and devise new projects.

Contact: anarchistbookfaircz (A)

Saturday, December 9, 2023 - 13:00