Starting from scratch

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anon (not verified)
Starting from scratch


I have recently moved to a small town that isn't too far from a smallish city in the Midwest. I have been a long time reader of anarchist writers and would like to incorporate more practice in my life. I am currently unsure of how to proceed with starting an affinity group, as I don't yet have a strong understanding of what anarchist inspired groups(if any) exist in my area. Nor do I know of any people that share this interest.

What are the steps that someone in my shoes could take in order to form an affinity group, meet the other, and/or start meeting like-minded people?

liberal_chatbot (not verified)
15 Ways to Practice Anarchism

Maybe try any of these 15 Ways to Practice Anarchism:

1. Really Really Free Markets.
2. Help your neighbors without homes.
3. Support prisoners.
4. Local currencies and credit systems.
5. Land repatriation.
6. Protect each other.
7. Mutual Aid.
8. Food Not Bombs.
9. Civil disobedience.
10. Take to the streets.
11. Jury nullification.
12. Cooperative businesses.
13. Clean up your community.
14. Community workshops and skill-sharing.
15. Try a little kindness.

anon (not verified)
Not far off from liberal

Not far off from liberal_chatbot's suggestion, but when I moved to a not-major city in a not-cool state, I used the IWW's monthly meetings to find anarchists from the region. The person "leading" the meeting straight up said the point of these meetings was to provide an interface for anarchists to meet and get involved in projects outside the scope of the IWW. After brief updates around active workplace organizing attempts (in a right-to-work state with effectively no union support this largely meant no updates) we broke into groups to get to know one another.

This is probably the most effective use of the org's structure, imo (as artiface).

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