
Antti Rautiainen: Autonomous Action, Anarchy And Ukraine

From Avtonom

This video on YouTube channel "The Right Podcast" includes an overview of Autonomous Action and an interview with Antti Rautiainen who was exiled from Russia. Antti talks about the history of Autonomous Action, the current website that arose from the movement, events in Russia leading up to his exile, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, anarchist resistance to Russia, work with political prisoners and more.

Refusals to fight from both sides of the front: entering the second autumn of war

Refusals to fight from both sides of the front: entering the second autumn of war

From Anarchist Communist Group
September 6, 2023

The following article originally appeared on the libcom site. It was written by the comrades of the Ukrainian anarchist group Assembly

The bloody counter-offensive dragged on for months, which turned into a new meat grinder on the Somme after the new Verdun battle near Bakhmut, is being noticeably reflected in the social atmosphere. The interlocutor of Assembly, driving trains in the Kharkov subway, anonymously told back on June 25:

A Talk on the Ukrainian-Russian War

A Talk on the Ukrainian-Russian War

Based on a talk I gave at the August 12, 2023 Los Angeles Anarchist Book Fair
by Wayne Price

When the Russian state invaded Ukraine, I was immediately on the side of the Ukrainian people. Mainly this was because, like most people, I hate oppression, exploitation, and bullying. I am on the side of the oppressed, the exploited, the beaten, the marginalized, and the dominated. Especially whenever they fight back. While my political opinions have evolved over the years, this attitude has continued to be at the heart of my worldview.

New Pamphlet: Against capitalist wars, against capitalist peace

New Pamphlet: Against capitalist wars, against capitalist peace


In Ukraine, the Czech Republic, the UK, Italy, Syria, France etc… All over the world there is a voice against capitalist wars and also against capitalist peace. Only class war can end this terror and that is what we mean when we say No War but the Class War!

Azat Miftakhov revealed that in 2019 FSB managed his downgrade to the caste of “roosters”

Write an anarchist prisoner today!

From Avtonom

The anarchist political prisoner and mathematician Azat Miftakhov decided to make public his status in prison as “rooster”, due to his bisexuality. Azat’s wife Elena Gorban DOXA that he found himself in that status when, at the beginning of 2019, FSB used against Miftakhov his intimate photos, by passing the information to the inmates of the prison.

Alexey Rozhkov told how he was taken from Kyrgyzstan to Russia

Anarchist and anti-war activist Alexey Rozhkov told how he was taken from Kyrgyzstan to Russia


Original title: Anarchist and anti-war activist Alexey Rozhkov told how he was taken from Kyrgyzstan to Russia

On May 29, anti-war activist Alexey Rozhkov, who had fled from Russia to Kyrgyzstan, was extending his temporary registration in his host country. And the very next day, early in the morning, security forces broke into his home. On June 7, lawyer Kamil Isabekov visited Alexey Rozhkov in a temporary detention center in the suburbs of Yekaterinburg (the largest city in the Urals) to find out the circumstances of his transfer to Russia.  Anti-war human rights initiative Solidarity Zone .

Anarchists at the back of history?

 Anarchists at the back of history?

From Pramen

For many years the anarchist movement in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine has participated in major political events with varying degrees of success. Maidan in Ukraine, protests against slavery and 2020 in Belarus, actions in Russia – wherever the struggle against authoritarianism began, anarchists were at the forefront. The same situation developed when Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Many comrades from various parts of the former Soviet Union took up arms to fight against Putin’s inhumane regime. Today there are more than a hundred anarchists and anti-fascists fighting in Ukraine, scattered across different units and sections of the front. Some have been able to create their own small fighting group of comrades and friends, while others fight on their own in the ranks of the ZSU.

Anarchists Support Self-Determination for Ukraine

From Anarkismo by Wayne Price

Alex Alder wrote an article, “British Anarchism Succumbs to War Fever.” (Alder 2023) He was unhappy that many British, Eastern European, and other anarchists were supporting the Ukrainian people against the imperialist Russian invasion. I argued against his view in, “Are Anarchists Giving in to War Fever? In Defense of Anarchists Who Support the Ukrainian People.” (Price 2023)

My article was republished on the website of the Czech Anarchist Federation. Then Tridni Valka (Class War), another Czech anarchist grouping, wrote an angry response, denouncing my (and the Anarchist Federation’s) support for the Ukrainian people’s resistance. (Tridni Valka 2023) “The delay in our brief response can only be explained by the fact that it took us a long time to recover from [Wayne Price’s] text…” This is my response, in which I will try to cover key aspects of their argument.

What’s new in “anarchism”?

From Tridni-valka

National self-determination and the coincidence of interests with capital?!

The following lines are a short response to an article by Wayne Price published on the Czech Anarchist Federation (AFed) website. The delay in our brief response can only be explained by the fact that it took us a long time to recover from the text “Are Anarchists Giving in to War Fever?” [originally this text was published in English on the Anarkismo network]. We assumed that even an organization as programmatically disparate and confused as AFed could not deviate from at least the basic principles of anarchism, since it already has it in its name. But we were wrong.

In Memory of Dmitry Petrov

In Memory of Dmitry Petrov

From CrimethInc.

An Incomplete Biography and Translation of His Work

On April 19, 2023, three anarchists were killed in battle near Bakhmut: an American named Cooper Andrews, an Irishman named Finbar Cafferkey, and a Russian named Dmitry Petrov, known to us until then as Ilya Leshy. People in our networks have shared undertakings with all three of these comrades over the years.


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