Francisco Solar

Publication in Solidarity w/ Monica & Francisco

From Informativo Anarquista, tanslated by Act for freedom now!

Activity in Solidarity with Monica and Francisco and Launch of Publication “Complicity & Sedition”

Thanks to everyone who came to the activity in solidarity with Monica and Francisco in Villa Portales, in the context of the trial that they are facing right now.

Gesture of Solidarity with Monica and Francisco


From Informativo Anarquista Translated by Act for freedom now! [Video in original link]

On the afternoon of July 17, 2023, on the eve of the beginning of the trial against the anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, we decided to carry out a solidarity action in front of the Chilean embassy in Montevideo. The purpose of this action is to demonstrate the violence and viciousness of the government in power and the justice system in general that has kept them in preventive detention for three years now, a government that even dressed in its best progressive clothes cannot hide the fact that it keeps political prisoners in its prisons.

in Complicity w/ Monica & Francisco, One Naturgy Car is Gone


From Barcelona Indymedia Via Act for freedom now!


The early morning of July 13, a group of insolent people stopped daily time for a few seconds to place an incendiary device in a car belonging to Naturgy in the neighborhood of Horta.

words by Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar at the beginning of the trial

Via Act for freedom now!

July 16, 2023

In the next few days will begin the culminating phase of this long judicial process that has kept us in prison for the last 3 years. This oral trial should not take very long insofar as Francisco assumed responsibility for the actions, politically vindicating each one of the attacks. However, everything indicates that the prosecution will spare no effort and resources to achieve all possible aggravations, making this instance the precise moment in which Power will come down with all its brutality.

Poster for Francisco and Monica

from anarchist hangout nadir

Solidarity and complicity with anyone who attacks the state & domination

“Through anarchic combat that we contribute to the propagation of the revolt, betting on taking the conflict to unsuspected limits, denying in fact any peace or constitutional agreement that pretends to direct our lives.“
“Armed Affinities in Revolt”

Mónica & Francisco: New Date for Trial

From publicacionrefractario, English version via Act for freedom now!

Full title: Chile: New date for the Oral Trial against compañerxs Mónica and Francisco

Although the trial was initially scheduled for 19 May 2023, at the request of the defence, it was possible to reschedule on 18 July 2023.

Claim of the placement of an incendiary device against a police van


From Dark Nights

In the early morning of April 6, around 3:30 a.m. on Mariscal Santa Cruz Avenue, between Oruro and Cochabamba streets, four half-liter bottles filled with gasoline were placed on one of the front wheels of a police van parked in the middle of downtown La Paz, tied with tape and a simple activation system (consisting of incense with matches tied at one end).

Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar’s words in view of the upcoming trial

From Publicacion Refractario English version via Dark Nights

The sword of justice has been kept in storage waiting for the key moment to strike the right blow to our bodies. That moment translated into punitive punishment will find its climax in the oral trial, which is already set for May 19. This trial is expected to be a long process of several months.

May 19: Beginning of trial against Mónica Caballero & Francisco Solar

From Publicación RefractarioVia Dark Nights

May 19, 2023 is the date set for the beginning of the trial against the anarchist comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar accused of various attacks on power and the powerful. We call to unleash anarchist solidarity in the face of this new judicial lynching that the comrades will face.

[Chile] Hearings begin against Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar


From Act for freedom now!

Before the preparation of the trial against Mónica and Francisco

On March 14, 2023 a series of hearings will begin in the so-called preparation for the oral trial against the anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar. In this instance, which we expect to last a month, it will be decided which evidence will be brought to trial and which will not.

Urgency Requires Forcefulness


From Anarquía


The hunger strike as a tool of struggle is the last resort that the prisoner has to combat the suffocating life of prison. It is an extreme measure in which the body is used as the final trench of combat. Urgency determines the decision to carry out a struggle with these characteristics. An urgency that, undoubtedly, the situation of comrade Alfredo Cóspito, whom Power tries to silence under an insane isolation, presents today.


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