Unrest in Puente Alto on 4th Anniversary of the Revolt

Unrest in Puente Alto on 4th Anniversary of the Revolt

Via Act for freedom now!

4 years since the revolt that overtook the territory with yearnings for transformation, we have witnessed power’s renewed ability to restructure and penetrate, introducing, once again, the false fash-lib dichotomy as the only political alternatives, denying our own ability to organize ourselves.

Antenna Burnt

Via Act for freedom now!

Original title: Berlin (Germany): incendiary attack on a telecommunications antenna by Anarchists

On the night of October 19, we placed several incendiary devices on the exposed cable bundles at the foot of the telecommunications antenna in Herzbergstraße, Berlin-Lichtenberg. On a trailer, we tagged the reason for our appearance there: Switch-Off.

Bakunin's Ghost and the 1926 Indonesia Communist Uprising

Bakunin's Ghost and the 1926 Indonesia Communist Uprising

From Pustaka Catut
October 25, 2023

On November 12, 1926, the Dutch East Indies colonial government was hit by a nationwide rebellion by the communist party. The rebellion did not occur all at once and lasted until 1927 in Sumatra. At that time, the communist parties in the Dutch East Indies were heavily influenced by the idea of anarchism.

STATEMENT FROM 12 OF 61 RICO CO-DEFENDANTS: Anarchism Must Not Be Criminalized

From Scenes from the Atlanta Forest

This statement was written before the Al-aqsa Flood, during which Palestinian fighters broke through the fence around the open-air prison known as the Gaza strip in 29 locations. We condemn Israel in the strongest terms, & support the liberation of the Palestinian people. We know that the same weapons and tactics that have been and continue to be used to colonize Palestine have been and continue to be used to colonize Turtle Island, as we can see in the GILEE Program (Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange) where the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) soldiers share “best practices” with police in Georgia. The proposed  Cop City [in Atlanta] will be the military base from which the occupation of Atlanta is furthered, and we oppose their progression of the genocidal project  known as the United States.

Anarchy Radio 11-07-2023

get it together Anarchy Radio! (JZ txt me!)

From John Zerzan: Anarchy Radio

Israeli genocide - is it sparking a new era of resistance? Latest enviro bad news, life declines.Message from Tina, action briefs, events. "AI Safety Summit"(!) in UK. AI revealed, tech addiction(nomophobia). News from Chiapas. Adverse tech health effects. DEVO on tour at 50: "We arekind of like the house band on the Titanic." Walking down, pedestrian deaths up. More inert, less alert.

Another reportback from the Tacoma Block the Boat action

From Puget Sound Anarchists

On November 3rd, we got word of the inspiring action down in Oakland where people were blocking a Merchant Mariner ship delivering weapons to Israel, we were filled with joy and excitement! Not long after, we got word the ship was going to be coming to the Port of Tacoma on Sunday and a call went out for people to come block the boat.

Davide Delogu has been transferred to house arrest

Davide Delogu has been transferred to house arrest

From Act for Freedom Now!

Original title: Sardinia, Italy: Anarchist comrade Davide Delogu has been transferred to house arrest (15th October 2023)

We inform you that the Sardinian anarchist comrade Davide Delogu has been released after 14 long years, 12 of which deported in the prisons of the continent.

The Joy of Alex Comfort: A Review of Eric Laursen’s Polymath

The Joy of Alex Comfort:  A Review of Eric Laursen’s Polymath

by Wayne Price

Original title: The Joy of Alex Comfort: A Review of Eric Laursen’s Polymath; the Life and Professions of Dr. Alex Comfort Author of The Joy of Sex.

Alex Comfort (1920—2000) is best remembered as the author of the bestselling The Joy of Sex. Not as many recall him as an anarchist and pacifist, who was also a significant poet and novelist, a medical doctor, an authority on mollusks, a founding figure in gerontology (the study of aging) as well as sexology, and a writer on humanistic views of religion.


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