Posts should only be about Forza, or, in limited circumstances, auto racing.
2. No low effort posts
This is at moderator discretion. Generally we'll let upvotes/downvotes decide.
Any screenshots should be taken properly, not just an external photo of a screen taken with a camera.
NOTE: In-game photos are not low effort.
3. No inappropriate/offensive/harassing content
r/forza is a family-friendly sub in essence. Although we're not banning all strong language, don't go overboard with the F's and C's.
4. No karma-baiting post titles (DAE want x?)
This rule is fairly self-explanatory. Don't beg for upvotes; that won't get you anything.
5. No spamming/flooding, including YouTube videos
Please don't spam the sub with your videos, it makes it more difficult to get people to get help with their issues. A general rule of thumb is make one self-promotional post for every 10-or-so other posts.
6. No platform (PC/Xbox) bashing
We're all here to talk about and play Forza, so who cares what system everyone's on when it comes to supremacy?
7. No discussion of pirating the game
Why not support Turn 10 and Playground Games? After all they made some of our favorite games (forget Forza 5) to date. This includes but it is not limited to accessing the dev builds.
8. No wheelspin/crate reward posts
Don't make a post about how you "got a Bugatti Chiron on your first wheelspin" or anything like that. If you have a question about wheelspins that got picked up by Automoderator, feel free to message the moderators and ask about that.
9. No discussing how to perform in-game exploits
Reporting game issues is permitted, but encouraging others to exploit the game or explaining how to manipulate the game in contravention to intended use is prohibited.
10. No discussion of game modification
Any posts containing information on how to modify game files, export game assets for external use, or content otherwise not found in the actual game will be removed. Please note that T10/PG adhere to the XBOX CoC, which explicitly bans modded content, including trainers.
Posts should only be about Forza, or, in limited circumstances, auto racing.
2. No low effort posts
This is at moderator discretion. Generally we'll let upvotes/downvotes decide.
Any screenshots should be taken properly, not just an external photo of a screen taken with a camera.
NOTE: In-game photos are not low effort.
3. No inappropriate/offensive/harassing content
r/forza is a family-friendly sub in essence. Although we're not banning all strong language, don't go overboard with the F's and C's.
4. No karma-baiting post titles (DAE want x?)
This rule is fairly self-explanatory. Don't beg for upvotes; that won't get you anything.
5. No spamming/flooding, including YouTube videos
Please don't spam the sub with your videos, it makes it more difficult to get people to get help with their issues. A general rule of thumb is make one self-promotional post for every 10-or-so other posts.
6. No platform (PC/Xbox) bashing
We're all here to talk about and play Forza, so who cares what system everyone's on when it comes to supremacy?
7. No discussion of pirating the game
Why not support Turn 10 and Playground Games? After all they made some of our favorite games (forget Forza 5) to date. This includes but it is not limited to accessing the dev builds.
8. No wheelspin/crate reward posts
Don't make a post about how you "got a Bugatti Chiron on your first wheelspin" or anything like that. If you have a question about wheelspins that got picked up by Automoderator, feel free to message the moderators and ask about that.
9. No discussing how to perform in-game exploits
Reporting game issues is permitted, but encouraging others to exploit the game or explaining how to manipulate the game in contravention to intended use is prohibited.
10. No discussion of game modification
Any posts containing information on how to modify game files, export game assets for external use, or content otherwise not found in the actual game will be removed. Please note that T10/PG adhere to the XBOX CoC, which explicitly bans modded content, including trainers.