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Our full list of rules is here
r/Movies is about “Movie News and Discussion of Major Motion Pictures.”
As you can see, our front-page is an aggregate for movie news and discussion. We like to keep it that way.
Put quotes in quotation marks, we don't know every offensive quote from every movie ever made.
Discuss the subject of the thread, not the users.
Don't incite comments for negative attention. This also applies to any complaints of controversial subjects such as woke/SJW issues. Complaining about virtue signaling or dogwhistling is one thing, but complaining about minorities or women being included in a movie is against the rules.
The site-wide definition of spam is when a user has more than 20% of their submissions coming from one source.
If your username is the same as the website or YT channel you're trying to promote - you will be banned and your website blacklisted. Sharing Letterboxd accounts is not allowed either.
Memes are not allowed.
Single images or albums of behind the scene of already released movies are prohibited, as are memes, "movies I like/recommend" and infographics.
Make a text post if you want to talk about a specific and link the image in there.
Official first looks and posters ARE allowed if they've not been posted before.
Any type of submission that doesn't include the actual subject in the submission title. We really don't like 'click to find out' titles.
For upcoming movie news, we take misinformation seriously. "In development" does not mean a movie is coming out. "In talks" or "in negotiations" does not mean "This person is working on this project."
We want actual news; official announcements, not investigative journalism.
Anything that isn't official, hard-lined news about comic book movies/Superhero movies will be removed. No featurettes, fan art, parodies, etc.
That means nothing.
Please read the wiki for further information
This rule also applies if there is an official discussion of the same movie stickied on the front page.
Official discussions will be your go-to place for reviews/reactions/discussion of that movie and applies for 4 weeks after the U.S. release date.
Intentional or careless spoiling of a plot, true or false, without a spoiler bar (example
Encouraging illegally pirated content by suggestion, instruction, and/or direct links. This includes variations of the "Aye matey." Stop. It's not 2012 any more.
Brigading will result in a perm-ban.
/r/DC_Cinematic brigaded us for removing Batman v Superman TV Spots
Report possible brigading operations with this tag.
The following list of websites are restricted as link-posts.
Streaming Sites Letterboxd (See also; Self-Promotion & Spam) IMDB Rottentomatoes Social-media
No AI generated content, such as content made with Chat GPT or another program. Do not expect someone to read something that a human didn’t even bother to write.
If you're submitting an open ended question, please do not provide your own answer in OP. This rule is still under evaluation.