October 21st
November 4th
November 11th
November 18th
December 16th
No posting or requesting streaming links to the fights.
Be civil and leave the fighting to the pros
No commercial posts and/or self promotion
Relax with the politics. No political trolling. Mods will use discretion. Anyone breaking this rule will get a 31 day ban.
No Hate Speech or use of slurs. Mods will assess any slurs or derogatory terms.
Reposts/Duplicates will be deleted.
Keep the posts related to UFC. Non-related posts will be removed.
No low effort posts. This includes “what’s next for x fighter” or opinion posts.
October 21st
November 4th
November 11th
November 18th
December 16th
No posting or requesting streaming links to the fights.
Be civil and leave the fighting to the pros
No commercial posts and/or self promotion
Relax with the politics. No political trolling. Mods will use discretion. Anyone breaking this rule will get a 31 day ban.
No Hate Speech or use of slurs. Mods will assess any slurs or derogatory terms.
Reposts/Duplicates will be deleted.
Keep the posts related to UFC. Non-related posts will be removed.
No low effort posts. This includes “what’s next for x fighter” or opinion posts.