As this is a fan community dedicated to Doja Cat, all content posted here must generally relate to Doja or the subreddit itself.
Posts that do not follow this rule will be removed.
This is a welcoming community for all Doja Cat fans to gather. Please be friendly when engaging in discussion with other users. Bullying and hate speech are strictly forbidden.
The atmosphere of this subreddit should encourage fans to discuss Doja Cat and her music projects. Posts which are overly hateful or sexual will be removed and you may receive a ban from posting in the community.
Posts should encourage discussion in the community. Any images which appear to have a vague title will be removed, in order to keep the focus on Doja's life and music.
Shitposts and memes are allowed, but please tag your post with the correct flair. If a shitpost appears to be highly low effort, it may be removed.
When sharing content to the subreddit, please try to flair your posts as accurately as possible. This allows the community to remain organised, and means older posts can be found easily in search.
Posts which are untagged may be removed from the subreddit.
Please do not post anything with the intent of causing controversy.
If this rule is continuously violated, you will be banned permanently from posting.
This includes repetitive posts and tired topics such as:
What is your favorite album / favorite song?
Am I the only male/straight/white/any characteristic Doja Cat listener?
What did you guys think of the new album?
r/Dojacat wants to promote healthy discussions revolving around Doja Cat. Any overly sexual posts will be removed.
As well as the rules for this community, there are wider rules that apply to content across all of Reddit. Please ensure you have read up on these and are following them at all times.
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