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Bosses still out to undermine Awards in changing workforce


While the federal government in Canberra makes minor amendments and deals with opposition to their Closing the Loopholes Bill, some reports emerging about the changing composition of the Australian workforce have not raised concerns from the business-classes.  In fact, the business-classes have remained totally quiet about the massive growth of temporary work visas, which hinder security of longer-term, viable employment and permanent residency leading to citizenship status.

more...- Posted on 2023 Nov 06


Imperialism and the Israeli state condemned Palestinians to poverty.


In his book Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine , Jeff Halper provides readers with an insight into how imperialism and the Israeli state imposed their neo-liberal economic policies on the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) to impoverish the Palestinian people.

more...- Posted on 2023 Nov 05


Strength In Diversity - The Australian Working Class


The Australian Bureau of Statistics has recently released its Population By Country Of Birth Report for 2022. The Report recorded that the overseas-born people in Australia represented 29.5% of the total population. 

According to the Report, by international standards, Australia has a high proportion of overseas-born people. The USA has 15.3%, Canada has 21.3 % and France has 13.!%.

more...- Posted on 2023 Nov 03


For a United Front against Fossil Fuels and Feral Species


This week, dozens of fires have burned across Queensland. More homes have burned in the state than during the 2019–2020 Black Summer – 57 so far this year, compared to 49. 

more...- Posted on 2023 Nov 03


Support for Albanese, Wong and Marles declines, even within their own ranks


Within the governing Labor Party parliamentarians there are a range of views regarding the Palestinians struggle against Zionist state of Israel and its imperialist backers, led by the USA. 

Some in the ALP government such as Tony Bourke are more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and are also worried about an election voter backlash in his western Sydney electorate. Others like Sue Lines from WA are strong supporters of the ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Nov 03


Microsoft buys into AUKUS and Australian surveillance industry


An announcement that Microsoft was planning joint operations with Australian security agencies has revealed higher level Cold War security provision with the military-industrial complex. It has also revealed even closer diplomatic links between Australia and the United States, and a further escalation of hostilities directed toward China across the Indo-Pacific region. While ostensibly concerned with cyber-related defence and security concerns, the move will affect every level of Australian society, directly ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 30


Beware AUKUS expansion


US imperialism wants to expand AUKUS on several levels, neither of which contribute to global peace or to Australia as an independent and sovereign nation.

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 29


Free Palestine! The National Liberation struggle of the Palestinian people is just!


The massive offensive by Hamas forces, with numerous rockets, the breaking through the Israeli prison fence and the entry of Palestinian fighters into seven Israeli-occupied areas of Palestine on Oct 7, is the just reaction of a people who, for decades, have been suffocating under Israel’s murderous grip. 

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 28


“Understanding of Zionism…” available again


A Canadian friend has sent us a Canadian reprint of a 3-part article on Zionism that was first published in Vanguard in 1975. The series provides evidence of collaboration between Nazi and Zionist leaders...

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 27


The GPS system: military use and US strivings to maintain domination


Revelations that the US is urgently seeking to upgrade their dual-use Global Positioning System (GPS) intelligence facilities has emerged due to significant factors, including competition from China and the Russian Federation together with other systems controlled by those usually associated as US allies. 

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 27


After the referendum, we cannot fight blindly


The enemies of First Peoples have announced their strategy and tactics. Over coming days, weeks, months and years, allies of First Peoples must be ready to join the fight with the clear eyes of truth. 

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 22


Dan Duggan - a shameful anniversary


Today marks the first anniversary of the jailing of US-born Australian citizen Dan Duggan.
He was seized by Federal Police officers at the insistence of our US rulers who want to extradite him to face charges in the US. The charges relate to training he undertook of Chinese pilots.

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 20


Palestinians just struggle demands support!


Hundreds of thousands around the world rallied in the streets of more than 90 cities demanding Israel immediately ends the genocidal bombardment and barbaric blockade of Palestinian Gaza. 

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 18


Capitalist interference disrupts Australian science


It is pretty common under a capitalist system for scientific progress to receive unnecessary obstacles and roadblocks as capitalist interests are given priority. Its predictable that one of Australia’s premier scientific research organizations, the CSIRO, would become a significant target for this kind of interference. Recently, a boiling point within the organisation has gone public.

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 17


We stand with Rojava and Palestine (Farsi)


We have received the following Farsi translation of our statement on Palestine and Rojava from an international friend. We reprint it here for circulation amongst Farsi-speaking Australians - eds.

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 17


From the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine


There is no doubt that you are following the Israeli aggression against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, which left thousands of civilians martyred and wounded, and hundreds of thousands of displaced people whose homes were destroyed above the heads of women, children and the elderly, and the complete destruction of civilian, health and media facilities, UNRWA schools, places of worship and others... via the scorched earth policy and ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 16


For our friends who fought for Yes


“When I think of the battles that lay ahead for our people on the other side of the Voice referendum, I am drawn to the legacy of the late Gladys Tybingoompa, who successfully led her people in the landmark High Court case, The Wik Peoples v The State of Queensland  & Ors HCA 40. 

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 14


Bosses deny need for “Closing the Loopholes” Bill


While the 'Closing Loopholes Bill' makes its way through parliament and into law the response from the Business Council of Australia (BCA) and their associates has been particularly interesting and quite predictable. Once implemented the new laws will potentially benefit millions of workers, especially those in low-paid and vulnerable employment by enhancing their workplace rights and living standards together with increasing their opportunity to raise loans with enhanced credit-ratings.

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 13


Put Kaurna People's Land of Cultural Significance Before Private For-Profit Housing Development


As people in South Australia went to vote on the Voice Referendum on Saturday 14 October 2023, the local Advertiser newspaper contained an article about the discovery of Aboriginal remains on a private for-profit $3 billion Riverlea housing development of the Walker Corporation. 


more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 13


We stand with Rojava and Palestine


At the same time as the Israeli Zionist regime’s war against Palestinians, the Turkish fascist regime is unleashing war against the liberated Rojava region in north-eastern Syria.

Rojava is an area liberated from ISIS by the People’s Defence Units (YPG) and the Women’s Defence Force (YPJ) which are predominantly Kurdish organisations, but also include other Arab peoples.

more...- Posted on 2023 Oct 13


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Vanguard expresses the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)