Showing posts with label Recommended Reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recommended Reading. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2011

#Occupy Phoenix reading roundup for 10/22

 There might not be much more added today since we're going to be at the #occupyphoenix general assembly all day.


Despite eviction warnings, Occupy Oakland protesters revel into the night (Oakland North)

On Immanence and Occupations (Ian Alan Paul)

Occupy Oakland, Day 12, Morning of Looming Forcible Eviction by Police, 10/21/11: photos (Indybay)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Recommended Reading

Anarchy: Introductions to Freedom and Self Organization
"Anarchy: Cooperation Without Restraint": BBC Interview with Noam Chomsky

"Anarchy in Action" by Colin Ward

"Anarchism: What it Really Stands For" by Emma Goldman

"Anarchy Alive" by Peter Gelderloos
"Anarchy" by Errico Malatesta
"Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction" by Colin Ward

Insurrectionary Thought
: Solidarity Means Attack

"Against the Corpse Machine: A Post-Leftist Critique of Violence" by Ashen Ruins

"The Anarchist Tension" by Alfredo M. Bonanno

"Autonomous Self-Organization and Anarchist Intervention: A Tension in Practice" by Wolfi Landstreicher

"Armed Joy" by Alfredo M. Bonanno

"Some Notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism" from Venomous Butterfly and Willful Disobedience

Enemies of Freedom: The City, Work, and Progress

"Nowtopia: Strategic Exodus?" by Chris Carlsson and Francesca Manning

"The Abolition of Work" by Bob Black

"Progress and Nuclear Power: The Destruction of the Continent and Its Peoples" by Fredy Perlman

"In the Distance: Suburbia Against the Barricades" from Killing King Abacus #1

A Crime Called Freedom: The Writings of Os Cangaceiros (Volume One)

Rebel Against the Future: An Interview with Kirkpatrick Sale

"Organized Labor versus 'The Revolt Against Work'" by John Zerzan

"Five Facets of a Myth" by Kirkpatrick Sale

"Black Cats,White Cats,Wildcats: Auto Workers in Detroit" (and other texts) at Class Against Class

"The Reproduction of Daily Life" by Fredy Perlman

"The Rising of the Barbarians: A Non-Primitivist Revolt Against Civilization" by Anonymous from Willful Disobedience

"Workers Against Work: Labor in Paris and Barcelona During the Popular Fronts" by Michael Seidman

"Technology and Class Struggle" by Wolfi Landstreicher
Bone Idle: or Work Doesn’t Work! An Interview with Ian Bone and Ray Roughler Jones

The Fire and the Word:
"'Together, We're Going to Shake This Country Up from Below, Lift It Up, and Stand It on Its Head': Opening Words from the First Plenary Session of the Other Campaign" by Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos


"The Freshness of Fanaticism: The Abolitionists and the Democratic Uses of Zealotry" by Joel Olson

"Friends and Enemies, Slaves and Masters: Carl Schmitt, Wendell Phillips, and the Radical Critique of Political Moderation" by Joel Olson

"Radically Democratic Extremism: An Interview with Joel Olson"

The History
We Make

"Harass the Brass: Some notes toward the subversion of the US armed forces" by Kevin Keating

"LA '92: The Context of a Proletarian Uprising" from Aufheben #1

"Resistance and Collaboration: O'odham Responses to U.S. Invasion" by JD Hendricks

"The Many-Headed Hydra: Sailors, Slaves, and the Atlantic Working Class in the Eighteenth Century" by Peter Linebaugh & Marcus Rediker

"The Edelweiss Pirates" by the Anarchist Federation


Alternative Visions
"bolo'bolo" (from the 'Introduction' to bolo'bolo) by ibu

The Un-Natural Disasters of Capitalism and State

"The uses of an earthquake" by Harry Cleaver

"Murdering the dead: Amadeo Bordiga on capitalism and other disasters" (Antagonism Press)

Against White Supremacy: For Humanity

"Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary" from Race Traitor #1

"The Point Is Not To Interpret Whiteness But To Abolish It" by Noel Ignatiev
"Back From Hell: Black Power And Treason To Whiteness Inside Prison Walls" by Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin

"Introduction to the United States: An Autonomist Political History" by Noel Ignatiev

"Black Worker/White Worker:
Understanding and Fighting White Supremacy" by Noel Ignatiev

"White Supremacy" by Joel Olson
"'Speak Out Now When Others Grow Silent': The Messenger, the IWW and Debates Over New Negro Radicalism" by George Robertson

Rebel Women

"Jailbreak Out of History: the re-biography of Harriet Tubman" by Butch Lee

"Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers" by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English 
"Women's Subversive Individualism in Barcelona During the 1930s" by Michael Seidman

"Caliban and the witch: women, the body and primitive accumulation" by Silvia Federici

Beer and Revolution

"Beer and Revolution: Some Aspects of German Anarchist Culture in New York, 1880-1900" by Tom Goyen

"The Rise of the Saloon" by Roy Rosenzweig

Movement Lessons

 "PROFILES OF PROVOCATEURS: Recent case studies of the use of agents provocateurs; warning signs; practical advice" by Kristian Williams