Don't be rude or offensive to your co-workers. Be respectful. Disparaging comments, death threats, suicide-requests, racial slurs, homophobic slurs, or other similarly themed comments. Violation of this rule may result in a temporary or permanent ban.
Keep posts related to TV show "The Office". In addition, low-effort posts will be removed.
Low effort posts include:
Pictures of your television or monitor
Links/Screenshots of quotes/references found elsewhere
Photos of things that reference Scranton (Yes, it's a real place)
Pictures of The Office actors in other shows
AI-generated text or images
Memes/images you found on social media pages
Links, or descriptions of where links can be found, of pirated material, is punishable by a temporary or permanent ban. This includes streams, torrents, cloud-hosted files, etc and also applies to deleted scenes.
No posts related to politics. They always result in uncivil discussion and aren't welcome here. This includes posts mentioning/comparing something or someone from the show to a political figure, or anything you saw at a protest/strike/rally.
As of December 2017, a zero-tolerance position on politically-charged posts was taken. This position is bipartisan; all sides are disallowed.
Any post or comment, on the subreddit or outside of it, which requests the manipulation of votes on a post, comment, user or other material relating to r/DunderMifflin is a violation of Reddit-wide policy and will be met with a ban.
Asking for upvotes (such as "For every upvote..." or "If this gets x upvotes....") is forbidden.
Images posted in this subreddit should be hosted on either Reddit, Imgur, Giphy or Gfycat. Other sites will be removed.
Posting unrelated text-posts or links to unrelated websites for the purposes of driving traffic or advertising. Do not try to promote your website/brand/socials/channels via this subreddit. Violation includes removal of the post and a warning message from the moderators. Further violation may result in a ban. This can include any type of advertisement for goods or services.
Posts that are about items of merchandise ("look at this cool shirt", "I found this board game", "I made Cards Against The Office") are prohibited without prior mod approval. This includes Funko Pops!
Actors from The Office may feature in new media and franchises. Though it may be tempting to discuss their new roles, feeling like this is a safe community to do so: it isn't. This subreddit is for The Office only. If you make a post or comment that spoils new content (within reason, like for a major franchise) in other "cinematic universes", the post will be removed, and you may receive a ban.
r/DunderMifflin is not a primarily NSFW sub. Full pornography is not permitted. NSFW photos or videos may be an exception if exceptionally related to The Office somehow, but any video or photo that could reasonably be interpreted as pornography will be deleted. This includes lookalike porn or that horrible "XXX Parody".
Please report any posts/comments that have been stolen and reposted (word for word) by a new account, this is likely a bot and will be banned
Come join us on the Dunder Mifflin official Discord!
Please do not repost. Frequent reposts will be removed, please search the sub before posting.
Recent reposts will also be removed. If you're posting a recent tweet/article/headline, it's probably already been submitted.
Make sure your whole post is relevant to the show, not just the title or image. If you have to give it a The Office title to make it relevant, it's not worth posting.
The following types of posts are low effort and will be removed:
More examples here of low effort posts
Screenshots of Reddit/social media comments referencing the show should be posted to r/unexpectedoffice instead.
Bots and novelty accounts, as determined by the mods in their sole discretion, are subject to arbitrary bans.
Don't be rude or offensive to your co-workers. Be respectful. Disparaging comments, death threats, suicide-requests, racial slurs, homophobic slurs, or other similarly themed comments. Violation of this rule may result in a temporary or permanent ban.
Keep posts related to TV show "The Office". In addition, low-effort posts will be removed.
Low effort posts include:
Pictures of your television or monitor
Links/Screenshots of quotes/references found elsewhere
Photos of things that reference Scranton (Yes, it's a real place)
Pictures of The Office actors in other shows
AI-generated text or images
Memes/images you found on social media pages
Links, or descriptions of where links can be found, of pirated material, is punishable by a temporary or permanent ban. This includes streams, torrents, cloud-hosted files, etc and also applies to deleted scenes.
No posts related to politics. They always result in uncivil discussion and aren't welcome here. This includes posts mentioning/comparing something or someone from the show to a political figure, or anything you saw at a protest/strike/rally.
As of December 2017, a zero-tolerance position on politically-charged posts was taken. This position is bipartisan; all sides are disallowed.
Any post or comment, on the subreddit or outside of it, which requests the manipulation of votes on a post, comment, user or other material relating to r/DunderMifflin is a violation of Reddit-wide policy and will be met with a ban.
Asking for upvotes (such as "For every upvote..." or "If this gets x upvotes....") is forbidden.
Images posted in this subreddit should be hosted on either Reddit, Imgur, Giphy or Gfycat. Other sites will be removed.
Posting unrelated text-posts or links to unrelated websites for the purposes of driving traffic or advertising. Do not try to promote your website/brand/socials/channels via this subreddit. Violation includes removal of the post and a warning message from the moderators. Further violation may result in a ban. This can include any type of advertisement for goods or services.
Posts that are about items of merchandise ("look at this cool shirt", "I found this board game", "I made Cards Against The Office") are prohibited without prior mod approval. This includes Funko Pops!
Actors from The Office may feature in new media and franchises. Though it may be tempting to discuss their new roles, feeling like this is a safe community to do so: it isn't. This subreddit is for The Office only. If you make a post or comment that spoils new content (within reason, like for a major franchise) in other "cinematic universes", the post will be removed, and you may receive a ban.
r/DunderMifflin is not a primarily NSFW sub. Full pornography is not permitted. NSFW photos or videos may be an exception if exceptionally related to The Office somehow, but any video or photo that could reasonably be interpreted as pornography will be deleted. This includes lookalike porn or that horrible "XXX Parody".
Please report any posts/comments that have been stolen and reposted (word for word) by a new account, this is likely a bot and will be banned
Come join us on the Dunder Mifflin official Discord!
Please do not repost. Frequent reposts will be removed, please search the sub before posting.
Recent reposts will also be removed. If you're posting a recent tweet/article/headline, it's probably already been submitted.
Make sure your whole post is relevant to the show, not just the title or image. If you have to give it a The Office title to make it relevant, it's not worth posting.
The following types of posts are low effort and will be removed:
More examples here of low effort posts
Screenshots of Reddit/social media comments referencing the show should be posted to r/unexpectedoffice instead.
Bots and novelty accounts, as determined by the mods in their sole discretion, are subject to arbitrary bans.