Contributions must be civil and constructive. We permit neither personal attacks nor attempts to bait others into uncivil behavior.
Posts and comments expressing animosity or disparagement of an individual or a group on account of a group characteristic such as race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, religion, or sexual orientation will be immediately removed and may result in a loss of posting privileges.
Doxxing/witch-hunting is not okay, not matter how much you think someone deserves it. Any stalking, harassment, witch-hunting, or doxxing of any individual will not be tolerated.
Posting of others' personal information including names, home addresses, and/or telephone numbers is prohibited without express consent.
As license plates and faces are public, we do not regard them as personal information if posted without a specific intent to identify or harass an individual.
No posts about blocked chargers, others unplugging you, or similar outrage-provoking behavior relating to EV chargers.
This is not an investment forum. We don’t permit hyping EV stocks/SPACs or engaging in EV investment speculation.
If your post mentions a stock in any context, it is likely to be removed.
Self-promotion is prohibited in this community. Links to your own websites, articles, referral sites, social media pages, or requests for likes, upvotes, follows, etc. are likely to be removed by the team.
Certain exceptions will be made for good-standing members of the community. Please contact the team if you believe your submissions warrant an exception.
All posts must be relevant and related to plug-in electric vehicles — BEVs or PHEVs.
Posts regarding fuel cell vehicles, other hybrid vehicles, or novel forms of energy storage and propulsion should be directed elsewhere.
General automotive news is allowed if there is an obvious connection to electric vehicles.
Surveys must be approved by moderators first. Please send a message to the mod inbox to inquire.
Please note that surveys done for commercial reasons or on behalf of for-profit businesses are unlikely to be approved.
Please search for similar posts before making a new submission as per reddiquette. Reposts of the same article/content will be removed.
Posts complaining about dealership experiences or individual instances of dealership markup are prohibited. We encourage you to add this information to the markup tracker map. This is linked in the sidebar, menu bar and wiki.
General constructive topics about markup may be allowed, at the team's discretion.
Spotted posts should be original (taken by you) in-the-wild photos of unreleased, out of production, or otherwise unique vehicles. Photos from dealerships, museums, or exhibitions are prohibited. Photos of current or late model mass production vehicles as well as photos taken in an unsafe manner while driving will be removed.
While we all get excited about new EVs, consider sharing these in moderation. For your own safety, we strongly discourage taking pictures from a moving vehicle.
This is primarily a news and discussion community. Requests for purchasing advice ("Which car/charger should I buy?", "Will I get a tax credit?") should go in the weekly thread, where there's also a template for information you can provide to help us help you make a proper decision.
We require "Check out my EV!" submissions to be more than just a picture.
Tell us something about your vehicle, by writing a minimum of 500 characters in a comment or by submitting as a text posts — how long have you had it? What do you like about it so far? Anything else we should know?
It's up to you, but tell us about it!
Editorializing is allowed in this subreddit, within reason. Sometimes an excerpt from an article is better or more relevant to this community than the given headline. However, do your best to keep titles neutral and otherwise true to the article itself.
Please leave your personal feelings on the topic contained to the comments section and refrain from tactics to make your post stand out (capitalization, sensationalizing), or your submission may be removed.
We understand that electric vehicles are inherently a political topic — however, this is not a place for politics. Submissions and comments about effective policymaking are allowed and encouraged in the community, however conversations and submissions about parties, politicians, and those devolving into general tribalism will be removed. Full details on our "policy, not politics" rule are available here.