all 177 comments

[–]9spades[S] 228 points229 points  (27 children)

Repost after a few typos were noticed.

[–]CaptainCaring 3 points4 points  (0 children)

You're a scholar and a saint. Thank you for this.

[–]RChamy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thank you very much for this post! Now I can plan some crazy expeditions with my gf!

[–]IllustriousTooth6 106 points107 points  (10 children)

Great info and well presented.

So a meadow will never touch a mistlands, ashlands or deep north biome...

And only black forests can border anything...

[–]RickMuffy 87 points88 points  (9 children)

I think the data may be incorrect for meadows, as I've seen them in fringe places.

[–]mortemdeus 15 points16 points  (1 child)

There is a forced meadow area around the spawn point too, it is a weird flower like shape on every map that isn't stopped by water and cuts into other biomes. Only Ocean can exist outside meadows in that area.

[–]9spades[S] 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I Concur with this. I could probably add a circle or something to the very center of the infographic that is exclusively meadows or ocean. Its the only time a place must have a specific biome.

Someone posted the world gen code in the thread and I'm still scrutinizing it, but I think what you are describing is the first few functions.

[–]MrMallow 6 points7 points  (6 children)

Its incorrect for Mountain Biome as well. Mountain definitely spawns in the Ashlands but is not populated. Mountain spawns automatically above a certain elevation no matter where it is on the map. You can still find snow capped peaks in the Ashlands, it will just not be populated.

[–]MKanes 34 points35 points  (2 children)

Can you really call it a biome if it doesn’t have any of the mobs or resources native to that biome though? I found mountains in the meadows but they’re kind of “fake mountains”.

[–]EmperorLlamaLegs 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Agreed, there are lots of places high enough to snow that aren't mountains. It's gotta say mountains on the map for it to count as a biome.

[–]MrMallow 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Its still snow on the ground, it still spawns at the same altitude as it always does. But the Ashlands region is unfinished so it makes sense the interactions with the Mountain biome has not been finalized. Its an unfinished section of the map.

[–]9spades[S] 11 points12 points  (2 children)

I'm afraid I have to disagree that Mountain Biomes are in the Ashlands. I think it is just quirk of the minimap display that there are snow caps there. Valheim identifies biomes in game, it displays the biome in white text in the minimap in the top right corner. If you go to ashlands and enter areas that are depicted as "snow caps" the biome indicator still says "biome_ashlands."
In areas that border the ashland biome you can walk from mountain biomes with the "mountains" label in the minimap to area classed as "biome_ashlands" with the same elevations, but which lose all the characteristics of the mountain biome. Areas depicted as snowcapped in the Ashlands have black ground, no snowstorms, no trees, no obsidian, no silver deposits, Moder pawns, etc etc.

In the Far North, the biome identifier switches from "Far North" to "Mountain" at high elevation, and all the trappings of the mountain biome return.

[–]MrMallow -1 points0 points  (1 child)

Its almost like its an unfished section of the game and they have not decided how Mountain will interact with it. Its still spawning there though.

[–]PM_ME_HOTDADS 1 point2 points  (0 children)

the gist seems to be, just because the game is procedurally generating mountainous terrain, does not mean it is the Mountains Biome. sometimes i get conifers in the Meadows, or a troll makes it out there - doesnt make it Black Forest.

[–]zqmvco99 124 points125 points  (53 children)

Am I understanding this correctly - that from kilometer 5.1 onwards, no more meadows will be generated?

[–]Xgamer308 71 points72 points  (1 child)

Extrange since i've seen meadows spawn outwards of that central circle

[–]MoreThanMeepsTheEyes 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Maybe they're a lot less common past the 5.1 kilometer point? I'm not too sure on the technicals of it.

[–][deleted] 49 points50 points  (34 children)

Has to be wrong im certain I have a meadow way further out than that.

[–]9spades[S] 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Can you tell me the seed you play on?

[–]FireflyCaptain 27 points28 points  (31 children)

Yeah I’ve definitely seen meadows further away from the world center than the mist lands

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (30 children)

Yeah I’m not sure what they’ve based this on but it doesn’t match my ingame explorations either.

Edit: confirmed this in a nested comment, but I remembered incorrectly some black forest near the poles as meadow.

[–]9spades[S] 9 points10 points  (11 children)

It's based on generating six random seed maps in the Valheim world generator (valheim-map.world) georeferencing them into a circle with a 10km radius on a local cartesian projection in ESRI's ArcGIS, then plotting biome locations.

[–]Nsfwthrowering 21 points22 points  (6 children)

Isnt six a way too low sample?

[–]9spades[S] 5 points6 points  (5 children)

I don't think so. I looked at dozens of randomly generated maps, the patterns are very consistent. EDIT: I'll add this isn't a natural environment that requires huge sample sizes to cope with uncontrolled variables. These maps are generated using a relatively simple set of functions in 100% controlled environment the output is highly formulaic.

[–]BeerAndSkittles90 11 points12 points  (3 children)

Wait so was it 6 or dozens?

[–]9spades[S] 13 points14 points  (2 children)

I georeferenced six maps. I looked at dozens of maps on valheim-map.world during the process.

[–]Sightblind 14 points15 points  (1 child)

This definitely needs a larger sample size actually compared. “Studied six and eyeballed a dozen” does not an invariable make. It think this is super cool though and I’d love to see it expanded on.

[–] CruiserCapnris -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Yeah, this needs a way larger sample. Like, an order of magnitude bigger. I wouldn't consider it reliable before at least a hundred were directly referenced, if not a lot more. The chances of coincidence between six and even twenty maps is too high. What you have here are trends, not rules.

[–]SolidParticular -1 points0 points  (2 children)

Has to be wrong, look at this image. Far down south I have circled a Meadow in red and to the left you can see two Mistland biomes circled in magenta, one is vertically above and one is vertically below.

This shouldn't be possible according to this post, or is that right on the 5KM border? Hard to tell for me.

[–]9spades[S] 8 points9 points  (1 child)

First thanks for sharing this; I appreciate any sincere attempt to double check what I shared and endorse the practice of being skeptical of things your read on the internet.
Luckily you included the seed name in your image. It is easy enough to pull a map output into the GIS program I use. I did it on the fly - it's not as polished as my initial sample group but I've attached a clipping of the circles in the graphic above, overlying a map of the seed you used.

It can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/0L04Yh5
What you shared is consistent with the infographic above. All biomes are generated using functions that depend on a value called "Magnitude" that number represents the digital meters to the center point (the spawn at the beginning of the game where boss trophies hang and the precise middle of a Valheim map). "Magnitude" increases based on distance from the center point, rather than along cardinal directions. The World Generator displays coordinates based on a cartesian (N,S,E,W) grid, and the coordinates displayed on screen are from the point that is very close to the top left corner of the two numbers in parentheses. So in your image, your cursor rests a short distance south from some meadows a few degrees west of due south from the center point (5km 54m). The Mistlands in your clipping are due west of the meadows, parallel on a cartesian grid but they are much further from the center point so their "magnitude" value is much higher. Based on my model, the meadows end at 4,912 magnitude and the mistlands begin around 5,716 magnitude, or just within the predicted ranges. Those mistlands couldn't be much closer to the center point, and those meadows couldn't be much further from center point.

[–]SolidParticular 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ah alright, so it was on the very edge of the 5KM radius. It was hard to judge using eyeballs so I wasn't sure if that was the case and I didn't know about the mouse coordinates on Valheim Map. Thank you.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Very cool! I should've said this in the first place, but this is really cool, my personal explorations notwithstanding.

[–]roflmao567 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Post your seed! Always easier to confirm on the seed generator.

[–]EmperorLlamaLegs 31 points32 points  (15 children)

According to this map, but ive had meadows joining to deep north, so...

[–]9spades[S] 22 points23 points  (14 children)

That's interesting, can you tell me the seed you're playing in?

[–]EmperorLlamaLegs 0 points1 point  (2 children)

Wish I could, It was a world I played with my wife before my buddy opened up a mp server. Migrated all our stuff to MP and deleted all my local saves.

There was a large mistlands biome that had forest nestled between it and the deep north, and there was a fairly small meadows biome on the shore of that little stretch of forest. Ended up building a small base in that meadows area to teleport back anything that I could and resupply food while exploring the north.

That map was really buggy though, tons of little biome spots that weren't big enough to look different, but would spawn draugr and slimes or fulings into what looked like normal black forest. Lots of spots of ocean with no sandbars or land in sight that would pop up saying plains.

This was also a while ago, so its possible that the world gen system has changed in an update, or something just went wrong on creation. Definitely said meadows, had a little wood building with a fence and a bunch of boar though. *shrug*

[–]9spades[S] 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Fair enough. I've also noticed while sailing that I sometimes register as going through small biome sections that are not the same as what I can see on nearby shoreline. The data I used for this infographic wouldn't account for those shallow water patches. Valheim world generator site also provides options of generating worlds according to different versions of the beta, which at least implies that the map generation functions are being tweaked and changed. So maybe in earlier versions of the game layouts were different. Some more programming savvy folks have posted some code explainers somewhere else in the comments, if you are interested. If I update the infographic it'll be based on those algorithms and not using the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) method I used here.

[–]EmperorLlamaLegs 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Honestly, I'm 95% sure it was meadows... that being said, human memory is terrible and this was probably back in February. So I'm not ruling out that I may just be misremembering. The work you've done here is really great regardless of whether or not the game sometimes glitches and puts things where they don't belong.

[–]Unjammer 42 points43 points  (6 children)

for those who swear they see meadows after 5000.. here the code...

When you read "magnitude" it's distance from center..


[–] Buildercarpenteer 3 points4 points  (4 children)

So, what is the return value range for WorldAngle(wx, wy)? Because that gets multiplied by 100 and added to Magnitude.

[–]Unjammer 2 points3 points  (3 children)

vector need a starting point x100 to be accurate with the world scale.

[–] Buildercarpenteer 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Not sure if you are responding to the wrong comment or if I'm just not mathematically savvy enough!

I'm honestly asking what the expected return value min/max is for the function WorldAngle() because I am not familiar with it and Google was no help. If it returns a float between 0.0 and 1.0, then clearly even multiplied by 100 it has a minimal effect... but if it returns a number between 0 and 100, different story.

[–]Unjammer 3 points4 points  (1 child)

in fact when generating world with perlin noise, game engine test some point (chunk) to determine biome. so you have your map, and game pass trough every chunk coords (wx, wy) and set appropriate biome, according to "distance from center" and height. for game the world is not a round but a square and need some transformation to make it "round", so calculate angle from center to coord

private float WorldAngle(float wx, float wy)
    return Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Atan2(wx, wy) * 20f);

[–] Buildercarpenteer 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Are you a teacher by profession? Feel like you're making me do the research, with hints, rather than just answer my question, LOL.

For anyone else that got this far, WorldAngle() returns a float between -1 and 1, so num is equal to +/-100

[–]TheBlindDuck 24 points25 points  (2 children)

Can the mountains and deep north overlap? Interesting

[–] SailorJust_wanna_talk 38 points39 points  (1 child)

Yes, I'm currently building my mountain base on a giant mountain surrounded by deep north biome.

[–]emelecfan2048 4 points5 points  (0 children)


[–]ThatCantBeTrue 46 points47 points  (3 children)

I love the math here - Valheim's world is a circle of radius 10KM, which makes the total area exactly π x 100. So, we know it's actually 314.159 KM² without even having to measure anything.

[–]involviert 14 points15 points  (2 children)

Well someone had to "measure" the 10km radius

[–]Pumpelchce 15 points16 points  (0 children)

It took around 1 month to walk and count the steps and sailing times on nice days without waves with a stop watch blah...

[–]MordecaiXLII 17 points18 points  (0 children)

For reference, Malta is about 316 km².

[–]Sellefane1699 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Nicely done. Put this on the wiki

[–]FlamerBreaker 30 points31 points  (1 child)

For a second there, I thought I was looking at a Naruto infographic.

[–]rafter613 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Weirdly, I had the exact same thought. Get rinnegan'ed

[–]Leevens91 43 points44 points  (1 child)

I feel like I've seen Meadows outside of that ring. But usually in stupidly small patches

[–]Oikeus_niilo 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I was gonna say the same

Edit: Actually, the meadow on my map seems to have a border that is exactly the shape of the radius so I guess it really is inside the 5km circle

[–]ManitouWakinyan 10 points11 points  (4 children)

Whats going to happen when new biomes are introduced? Will our worlds be playable in final release?

[–]hammercycler 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Last I read, new biomes will spawn if there's somewhere for them to spawn on your world. If you uncovered the entire map, then you will likely have to start a new world to see a populated/complete mistlands etc.

[–]Seawolf87 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Or more likely they'll add a command to regen those spawn points in the new biomes.

[–]EmperorLlamaLegs 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I thought the new biomes were ashlands and mistlands, both of which are already there but mostly empty?

[–]5150-5150 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I don't think they have announced any plans to release new biomes in the future

[–]Polydipsiac 10 points11 points  (3 children)

Wait it’s Odin’s eye? 👁

[–]It-Gets-Worse 18 points19 points  (0 children)

🔫 Always has been.

[–]Misticdrone 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Its the rinnegan

[–]zqmvco99 0 points1 point  (0 children)

which eye? The one in his head or the one that "fell" off? hehe jk

[–]Dr_Loveylumps 3 points4 points  (4 children)

Can't wait for mistlands next year

[–]DieIsaac 1 point2 points  (3 children)

Next year????

[–]Dr_Loveylumps 5 points6 points  (2 children)

At the rate these devs are working

[–]DieIsaac 1 point2 points  (1 child)


[–]Seawolf87 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Don't worry, the year is half over already!

[–]Dalarrus 13 points14 points  (1 child)

IMO the Deep North coloring is too close to the background color.

[–] Builderccjmk 6 points7 points  (0 children)

yup, a blue hue would have probably worked nice there.

[–] Sailorslimecookies 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I hope they make the Mistland as scary and creepy as possible. I want dark giant spiders crawling up high on the trees, barely visible even when looking directly at them. Have them stand still when facing in their general direction and stalk the player from behind when we're not looking.

[–] Buildersouthsil 10 points11 points  (2 children)

Lmao at all the people stating meadows must be wrong, then replying saying "The only other POSSIBLE explanation is that I'VE remembered it wrong!" No shit. Either post some proof or shut up.

Beginning to remind me of Trump style, anti-vaxxing idiots who, in this case, think their own personal memory is more valid than the actual code of the game.

[–]LeSewerTank 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Beginning to remind me of Trump style, anti-vaxxing idiots who

I don't know what's more sad, the fact the existence of Trump voters and anti-vaxxers is something you obsess over to the point you're randomly bringing it up here, or the fact that people thinking the OP may be wrong bothers you so much you have to personally insult them. Get a life.

edit; just realized how old this thread is. Regardless, it needs to be said that you're a loser you needs to go outside more.

[–] Buildersouthsil 1 point2 points  (0 children)


Obsess is a real stretch. This was 11 months ago, when United States election deniers and anti-vaxxers were probably the biggest global stories. I am not American, nor do I live in America, and yet they were on my radar enough to bring them up.

Even so, I stand by it, hugely. The worrying modern trend of ant-science, anti-intellectualism and stance of "it's an opinion, therefore it cannot be wrong" are all garbage. They were 11 months ago and they are now, too. 11 months ago I was involved in vaccine roll-out (working in health). Like many of us working in health, I was (and still am) so tired of individuals presenting their anecdotal evidence as somehow equally, or more, valid to real scientific data on population level scale. This ignores science, evidence and logic and rather lets emotion and stupidity guide a person. Much like commentors in this thread, in this case ignoring evidence (the code of the game) and believing their personal memories should be equally weighted in this debate!

I stand by my comment. I am sorry it's triggered you. On reflection, the comparison is better between commenters here and anti-vaxxers (for reasons explained in my above paragraph), however there is still enough overlap to lump Trump supporters in there too.

I am not sorry for my comment. If you hold either opinion or stance - supporting Trump or being anti-vaxx - your opinion sucks and I am happy to assume you're letting stupidity, fear and ignorance guide you in this life. As a person of science, and reasoning, I can happily say I have objectively considered your opinion, and concluded it is incorrect. Have you sat back, taken a moment, and done the same? Perhaps, and this may really shock you, it is you who ought to get outside more and "get a life".

Have a nice day.

[–]stupidfreakingidiot4 2 points3 points  (7 children)

Was there an update? Never seen Ashland or deep north

[–]hjd_thd 10 points11 points  (6 children)

Deep North and Ashlands have been there since release.

[–]stupidfreakingidiot4 3 points4 points  (5 children)

That's odd. Not even once have I seen someone mention either.

[–]docandersonn 10 points11 points  (1 child)

There's nothing currently in those biomes, so it's not super useful to go there at the moment.

[–]0chazz0 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hard disagree. Stock up on that flametal ore and surtling cores from the ashlands before it becomes a pain in the ass.

[–]hjd_thd 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Understandably so, one is completely empty, the other would be empty if not for hordes of surtlings.

[–]JohnnySkynets 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I’m working on a large build in the Deep North. I’m not willing to share any build details yet (OMG it’s so cool though!) but working there has been interesting. In the waters surrounding the land masses there are icebergs that can be pushed and broken by boats, broken by weapons and you can stand on them. The land masses are barren and snow covered. I’ve found very sparse smatterings of trees but this could be Mountain biome for all I know. It snows pretty consistently and it’s actually quite a hinderance for building, dropping my frames considerably so I usually sleep through snow storms. I also sleep through most nights because it gets DARK. Probably the same flat, dark af light as the swamps but since it’s just wood on wood on wood in my build for the most part it’s extremely difficult not to make mistakes when building, even with torches and fires. Nothing grows there, so everything has to be brought in. No cheats or mods so I’ve had to source ores locally and boat them in. Luckily there is a black forest biome on the island so I portal over and walk back when I need copper and tin. My build is at the water and if I get wet while it’s snowing I get the freezing debuff and have to run quickly to a fire unless I have the foresight to build a fire where I am building. Overall it’s been very, very fun building there and my friend and I are absolutely enamored with the theme and setting.

Edit: I forgot to mention that snow doesn’t accumulate on structures like it does in the mountains. I’m sure it will when the biome is actually in an update but for now it doesn’t. I’m not sure how I feel about this yet. On one hand my build stands out very well (when it’s not snowing) without the snow on surfaces but it does cost me a few immersion points. If there is a mod that does this near the finish I might consider using it but otherwise, oh well! It’s not a huge concern and it still looks pretty dope without it.

Edit 2: Just to head off any mod/cheats comments, I absolutely endorse using them as creative mode. I’m not using them mostly because I am lazy but also because this is the end game (at least until updates) I worked so hard to get to. This build is my reward for playing and grinding mats gives me the opportunity to still venture out into the rest of the map and play the game. That said, when I’m finished with the build I will happily use console commands and mods to make the video of the build and share it here.

[–] Sailordeusxanime 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah the mountains extend into the Deep North, some of them pretty far. It's not like the Ashlands where once you get past a certain point it is all just Ashlands, in the Deep North there is quite a lot of mountain biome mixed in that I've noticed, some almost all the way to the northern edge of the map.

[–]Thefrayedends 2 points3 points  (9 children)

Wait, are the mistlands active?

[–]GenericUnoriginal 5 points6 points  (7 children)

No. All biomes exist in the game at release, only the last 3 aren't populated properly or at all

[–]MrMallow 1 point2 points  (6 children)

Last 4 actually, Ocean is a biome and is not fully populated.

[–]KayToTheYay 6 points7 points  (3 children)

My thalassophobia hates everything about this comment.

[–]kenspiracy66 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Yeah. Ocean is way overpopulated as it stands if you ask me.

[–]KayToTheYay 2 points3 points  (1 child)

You are correct. I'm honestly scared enough of just the part where the music changes. I yelped the first time it went "ocean"

[–]kenspiracy66 1 point2 points  (0 children)

First serpent attack was at night and I wasn't even in the Ocean biome. Scarier than Resident Evil 7.

[–]GenericUnoriginal -1 points0 points  (1 child)

Yeh but ocean isn't on this infographic.

[–]MrMallow 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Its still considered a biome by the devs and it even has its own update in the road map. There is a lot wrong with this infographic.

[–]demostravius2 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You can walk around them, but there is nothing but scenery. Think I found a thistle once. not checked out Ashlands yet, heard there is a metal you can mine.

[–]J4ko6 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Sorry but your infographic is a little wrong. The game forces the meadow biome over the spawn area in a star looking pattern. Where the distance from the center to the shortest part of the star is 500m and to the farthest it is 700m. So the black forest and mountain biome can't spawn in that range (0 -> ~600 ±100).

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (6 children)

As has been pointed out, this is incorrect with regard to meadows as a lot of us have seen them further out. I suspect that each of these zones are larger and actually are more akin to probability clouds, with each biome more or less likely to be generated in each region.

[–]Unjammer 27 points28 points  (5 children)

Meadows can't generate after 5000m from center.. not a theory, it's literally in code.. after 5000 every "possible meadows" became Black Forest)

[–]9spades[S] 8 points9 points  (1 child)

This is pretty interesting. I didn't look at code, but I'd be very interested to see the sections that describe biome generation. I'd be willing to adapt the image above based on some hard data.

[–]Unjammer 0 points1 point  (0 children)

https://ibb.co/qWwLVsb And after "world edge" generation didn't end.. the ground is just lowered by 100m and became only "Ocean"

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children)

If that's correct then the only possible explanation for my experience is that I have been closer in than I remember when I've seen meadows, as I'm almost certain that I've sailed through a narrow strait with meadows on one side and plains on the other, and emerged from that into mistlands.

[–]9spades[S] 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Can you tell me the seed you play in?

[–]Xgamer308 1 point2 points  (0 children)

He said it was a matter of perspective regarding the map, not that what you said was wrong. I also thought that the info was wrong just by comparing and it turned out to be right

[–]Aujax92 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So there's only black forest, mountains, and mistlands far east and west? Interesting...

[–]MJBotte1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

wait, there are more biomes in the game than ones that are for bosses and the ocean?!

[–]Misticdrone 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Oh cool, new versions of the Rinnegan

[–]MarcusTheAnimal 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Trying and failing to resist urge to sarcastically say... 314 square km, yes that's how Pi r squared works....

[–]klyxes 1 point2 points  (4 children)

Wait, what are the mistlands?

[–]ChemicalDirection 0 points1 point  (3 children)

Ever go sailing and hit what looks like spiderwebby swampland? That isn't swamp.

[–]klyxes 0 points1 point  (2 children)

Haven't seen it. What's in there?

[–]Superlolz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Nothing at all. seriously

[–]ChemicalDirection 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Just trees atm. It's an unfinished biome.

[–]danr246 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thanks for sharing this. I was wondering why on the outskirts I wasn't finding any meadows.

[–]Apotatos 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Doesn't matter; I still won't find that yagluth spawn point.

[–]9spades[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well at least you can rule out the center of the map. But seriously I feel your pain on Yagluth - how can something so large be so elusive?

[–]gomab -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Where's the one that shows all of the game that isn't being played while people wait for Hearth & Home?

[–]jonr 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Now we need far East/West

[–]Chamchams2 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I wish I'd known this earlier! I joined an established server and thought I'd just find a nice meadows tucked away near the edge of the map and was sorely disappointed to find only mistlands and swamp.

[–]smbell 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And when you overlay the colors you see the eye of Odin.

[–]ZahdaErstl 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I guess it really is all in the eye of the beholder.

[–]Dakramar 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It should also be noted that Ashlands > Deep North. If you go off the map using console commands you will see nothing but Ashlands. Probably this is just a coding byproduct, either Ashlands biome as added after Deep North, or Ashlands is generated before Deep North - depending on how it is programmed.

[–]samyazaa 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Wait was mistlands finished yet? I stopped playing a while back and just watched.

[–]knirhz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

its not.

[–]Thompithompa 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't get it

[–]Throttle_Kitty 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This is really nifty!

[–]DaddyDookie 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The Ashlands isn't an inactive biome?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

the currently inactive biomes, the Deep North and Ashlands

Haven't playing in a while, but as far as I'm away the Mistlands are also inactive. Did they update them recently or something?

[–]Technobladesimp69 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Isn't there supposed to be 9 biomes? What's going to be the ninth?

[–]Unjammer 0 points1 point  (0 children)

  1. Meadows
  2. BlackForest
  3. Mountain
  4. Swamp
  5. Plains
  6. MistLands
  7. Ashlands
  8. DeepNorth
  9. Ocean .. Ocean is a Biome

[–]JayKayGray 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Are these new biomes out?

[–]9spades[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Not yet.

[–]Moriras 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Can I just say how much I love the level of mathematical and scientific debate going on in a gaming forum?

Nerds rule.

[–]rud3y 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I do not understand this infographic

explain to me like I'm 5.