top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]Seankps 7649 points7650 points  (59 children)

A most excellent photograph

[–]freefolkForever 1012 points1013 points  (15 children)


[–]OsoChistoso 270 points271 points  (12 children)



[–]TimeForTiffin 79 points80 points  (10 children)


[–]mark-five 80 points81 points  (8 children)


[–]mydeadface 27 points28 points  (2 children)

They melvined me.

[–]SmokeAbeer 13 points14 points  (1 child)

A hit....You have sunk my battleship!!

[–]licentiousbuffoon 25 points26 points  (0 children)


[–]TheSecretestSauce 17 points18 points  (1 child)


[–]longrifle 2 points3 points  (0 children)

We should go to Jamaica!

[–][deleted] 86 points87 points  (7 children)

guitar sounds

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (2 children)

tapping intensifies

[–]ParioPraxis 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K

[–]WHO_AHHH_YA 93 points94 points  (4 children)

I love Keanu Reeves what a fucking beauty

[–]FlyRobot 84 points85 points  (0 children)

I heard that perfectly in his voice 👌

[–]lipp79 83 points84 points  (15 children)

He’s way cooler than Alex Winter when it comes to photos. Alex wouldn’t even do the Wyld Stallyns pose. He was just like, “Nah, I get that all the time”, which I understand but at the same time, what else are you famous for dude besides Bill & Ted? Not talking in “The Lost Boys”?

[–]DontBuyAHorse 78 points79 points  (14 children)

I've been acquainted with him in the biz for a while. He's actually a pretty talented director and has done some really well-received work. If you appreciate B horror at all, you should see his movie "Freaked". He also is a very well-regarded documentary filmmaker now.

But yeah, working in the business I have come to know and become friends with a lot of people who are overly recognized for one role and it's a mixed bag. Some people relish in the recognition, others begrudgingly accept it to cash in, and many others simply spend their career trying to transcend a single character. Characters that often are why they don't get many roles going forward. Alex Winter is a super nice guy and I hope people don't ever misconstrue his reluctance to humor the Bill fans as being a jerk.

[–]bannakafalata 9 points10 points  (3 children)

Freaked is a classic. No one ever knows about it when I mention it.

Also the least known Keanu role

[–]Arcterion 4060 points4061 points  (143 children)

I wonder how many people have called him breathtaking so far, and if he's gotten a bit tired of it yet.

[–]amorousCephalopod 1714 points1715 points  (133 children)

He's so wholesome that it doesn't even bug him that people expect him to be unrealistically wholesome.

[–]zachsonstacks 1657 points1658 points  (120 children)

It actually does bother him lol. He's said at some point that he doesn't like how people think he's this amazing person because he's "just a regular guy", or something in that nature.

[–]invinci 1696 points1697 points  (59 children)

That is clearly something an amazing person would say.

[–][deleted] 757 points758 points  (50 children)

Only the true messiah denies his divinity

[–]murunbuchstansangur 309 points310 points  (28 children)

He really is the one.

[–]Special_KC 118 points119 points  (12 children)

I remember learning that the second coming of JC would be towards the end of the world.


[–]sixthmontheleventh 39 points40 points  (2 children)

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!

[–]Himen_Cholo 23 points24 points  (0 children)

How shall we fuck off oh lord?

[–]againstbetterjudgmnt 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Don't spank the messiah.

[–]SyntaxRex 20 points21 points  (7 children)

Whoa wait! The One unscrambled spells Neo. I wonder if this is the actor from the Matrix!?

[–]unknownart 8 points9 points  (4 children)

Depends. Did you take a blue pill or a red pill?

[–]Maxis47 20 points21 points  (1 child)

All right! I am the messiah! Now fuck off!

[–]BasvanS 12 points13 points  (1 child)

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!

[–]in4dwin 8 points9 points  (0 children)


I'm not

[–]Darkhoof 7 points8 points  (2 children)

The God-Emperor of Mankind.

[–]I_ate_a_milkshake 9 points10 points  (0 children)

reminds me of Muad'Dib.

[–]jaybasin 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Even Keanu doesn't want y'all on his dick lmao

[–]IKnewYouCouldDoIt 312 points313 points  (44 children)

I was with my uncle once on vacation and we went to an amusement park in Canada you have to take a ferry to get to, awesome place i completely forget the name, but its an island obviously. So here we are, sitting on this ferry waiting for it to take off, some guy sits next to us and i start chatting him up, talking about power rangers or some shit, uncle tells me to leave the guy alone but he just smiles and says its alright, so my uncle goes back to his conversation with his boyfriend about what we are going to do first. Ferry takes off, guy gets up and walks to front of boat, i follow and stand next to him, joking around being a kid. I end up just walking away and going back to my uncle and he says to me "Do you know who that is?" and obviously i didn't so i just say "yea, he said his name was dave" And my uncle laughs and slaps me upside the head and says "no you idiot, thats a stranger, don't walk off with strangers"

[–]Krak3rjak3r 235 points236 points  (27 children)

I don't know what I was expecting from this story, but I do know I didn't get it.

[–][deleted] 123 points124 points  (24 children)

We were all expecting it to be a famous person. My problem is that I can't tell if /u/IKnewYouCouldDoIt did this on purpose or if they're just a terrible story-teller.

[–]IKnewYouCouldDoIt 73 points74 points  (21 children)

I do have a good story about meeting a celeb and treating them like a normal person and they fucking loved it. But i thought this would be more fun.

[–][deleted] 32 points33 points  (7 children)

Alright, spill the beans. I need some closure.

[–]IKnewYouCouldDoIt 114 points115 points  (4 children)

Went to the Bahamas, met johny depp at the bahamas airport because its the size of a grocery store, didn't let on that i knew who he was, we had a little chat while we smoked together. Later that night we ran into him at a really nice restaurant, he must have been served for being a super star or whatever because he had enough food for 10 people, 3 gourmet pizzas, a giant bowl of pasta and some sides. He had his plate, he invited us to his table, we sat there for like 5 minutes then left us with the rest of it, said we could box whatever we wanted and take it with us. So we ended up spending like $100 on drinks and ate $500 worth of food and had leftovers for days, was awesome.

[–][deleted] 35 points36 points  (0 children)

That is a good story. Thank you for allowing me to sleep tonight.

[–]suchemptie 5 points6 points  (1 child)

It would be funny if he actually ordered all that food and left you guys with the bill haha.

[–]sillystyle420 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I think it's about time we boot up seanV3.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

That would be a really funny parody account: They just reply to all of my comments by one-upping whatever I say.

[–]afutureexcon 18 points19 points  (11 children)

My ex-brother-in-law (nerd, married to an attractive, hip wife) was at a party in Pacific Palasades, CA (only the very wealthy reside there). He had an hour long conversation with DAVE GROUL (drummer for Nirvana) about politics and other boring stuff. XBIL had no idea who he was speaking with. Groul was probably thrilled to have a normal conversation with a regular guy not kissing his ass.

XBIL's wife just watched from a distance and told him later who he was talking to.

[–]DudeVonDude_S3 15 points16 points  (2 children)


[–]ClevelandOG 30 points31 points  (1 child)

There is no dave, only GROOUUULL.

[–]MayorHoagie 5 points6 points  (3 children)

Is the XBIL's wife your sister? Or is it his current wife?

[–]Zombieaterr 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It's Grohl my man

[–]NightSky222 5 points6 points  (0 children)

It was a story with a moral. Don’t walk off with strangers

[–]StartupDino 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Oh good wasn’t just me.

[–]R_P_W 10 points11 points  (2 children)

Boblo Island?

[–]IKnewYouCouldDoIt 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Holy hell that was it, i had never been able to find the name but after looking up some pictures i clearly remember some of those ride, and that tower you could go up in that rotated. Awesome, thank you.

[–]jl_theprofessor 8 points9 points  (6 children)

And that man's name? Emilio Estevez.


[–]NightSky222 7 points8 points  (3 children)

And the island?

It was Albert Einstein.

[–]Hitman3984 6 points7 points  (0 children)

It bothers him like a hero being called one when they consider themselves an ordinary person. I seriously doubt he's ever gotten upset or mad at someone over it. It probably just makes him feel awkward.

[–][deleted] 36 points37 points  (1 child)

I’m sure that’s why he was happy to play”himself” in Always Be My Maybe. That character is the complete opposite of what you expect Keanu to be IRL, a self-absorbed, pretentious prick.

[–]feministmanlover 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I loved this movie. It's hard to find rom coms anymore that are light and funny but not STUPID. Keanu was so great in it!

[–]LardPhantom 6 points7 points  (1 child)

He's said so many times publicly that he's not wholesome, that the internet has their image of him completely wrong. He's slightly bemused by it all and is completely aware of the gulf between who the world thinks he is vs. who he actually is.

[–]amorousCephalopod 2 points3 points  (0 children)

So, are you saying he screams at babies?

[–]BillMurrie 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Wtf is 'wholesome' even supposed to mean in this context

[–][deleted] 1694 points1695 points  (14 children)

I love his face when he gets into character, it’s like a small reboot. And the twist back into Keanu at the end is gold.

[–]universalabundance1 207 points208 points  (12 children)

what do u mean it's like a small robot?

[–][deleted] 1177 points1178 points  (40 children)

I like his creative ways to avoid unnecessary body contact during his time with fans. This could have easily turned into a hug attempt after the shot, but nope gonna twist on outta here.

[–]Ferg_NZ 678 points679 points  (27 children)

For sure. Notice also the step backwards after the hand shake. This man likes his personal space. Good for him.

[–]CWess12 221 points222 points  (5 children)

One: Personal space

Two: Personal space

Three: Stay outta my personal space

[–]TacoDoc 250 points251 points  (12 children)

I think it’s likely part personal space but a great deal of it is staying above reproach when it comes to alleged improper contact.

[–]Palatyibeast 151 points152 points  (4 children)

A lot of it is hygiene, too. Cons and fan-meets are a great way to catch colds, the flu and every other bug going around. You can't touch and hug a thousand people with no consequences.

[–]WayeeCool 47 points48 points  (3 children)

Still. As someone who hates to be touched, I really like his style.

I really like how he has always made an effort to not get "handsy" with certain types of fans and overall set a good example. I always crack up when in the classic fan huddle photo he always has his hands visible or at shoulder height instead of the small of the back or wrapped under the shoulder. He treats everyone like a bro (cuz u wouldn't put your hands around another man's buttocks) regardless of their gender.

To be fair he isn't alone in this. There are a few rappers and actors who exhibit the same pattern.

[–]Fresque 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Lawsuits are expensive

[–][deleted] 38 points39 points  (0 children)

That was exactly the first thing I noticed. I do the same thing when someone gets a little too close. The jerk reaction gives it away. It's like a wave of energy goes between their heads.

[–]aliensarehere 24 points25 points  (0 children)

That's what I saw. He took that step back immediately.

[–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I’m sure most celebrities get tired of people wanting to touch them.

[–]mikew_reddit 509 points510 points  (61 children)

Whenever reddit loves someone this much, I get worried we're a blink away from turning on them.

[–]shortoarsman 197 points198 points  (54 children)

Keanu's been popular for a long time now. He's probably safe unless he says he's a feminist or insults the MCU or something.

[–]LtLwormonabigfknhook 174 points175 points  (3 children)

Keanu: "You know, I'm not a huge fan of the Marvel movies"

Reddit: "I knew it was too good to be true"

[–]Jhyphi 30 points31 points  (1 child)

Then that just means someone in the production of Marvel movies is an asshole and Keanu knows the truth.

[–]Ph0X 14 points15 points  (1 child)

I remember the "keanu is immortal" memes from a decade ago, seeing he never ages. haven't seen those in a while but a decade later he still looks exactly the same.

[–][deleted] 50 points51 points  (41 children)

Unless he says he’s a feminist...?

[–]shhVI 77 points78 points  (39 children)

Reddit hates feminism

[–]Ol_Big_MC 15 points16 points  (0 children)

The replies to your comment have really strengthened this claim lol. Very entertaining.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Looking at the below...I see your point

[–]BriefFaithlessness3 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Whatever happened to reddits love for J law ?

[–]IAMATruckerAMA 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Oh no what if we see Keanu's vagina and immediately lose all interest

[–]dogfightdruid 176 points177 points  (16 children)

Every single motion he makes is hyper aware and basically to avoid contact. No uncomfortable touch Keanu.

[–]Ladadasa 127 points128 points  (15 children)

He is scared of caring for someone and for them to only grow old and die while he watches on in his immortal, never aging, shell.

[–]vengeancetactics 320 points321 points  (15 children)

My dream is meeting him and saying “We actually met before, in Prussia, around 1740” just to see what would happen.

[–]Powah96 74 points75 points  (11 children)

Is that a quote of a film he starred in or you just wanted to say a random thing to him?

[–]papakahn94 152 points153 points  (0 children)

No its because he is immortal

[–]Xaayer 57 points58 points  (0 children)

I think it's a reference to a picture that looks like him and the joke that he is immortal

[–]PresidentRex 57 points58 points  (8 children)

It's playing off the internet meme that he's immortal because he looks like Paul Mounet and some other historical people.

[–]Powah96 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Thanks for the explanation! I missed the context

[–]portlandcsc 2256 points2257 points  (176 children)

he's the man we all wanted Johnny Depp to be.

[–]Mad_Squid 740 points741 points  (94 children)

Keanu Reeves to resurrect the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise?

[–]prncrny 519 points520 points  (75 children)

Don't....don't give me hope.

[–]Mad_Squid 244 points245 points  (70 children)

If you hadn't heard they're actually rebooting the franchise with a new female lead. I think Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence were the two rumored to be in consideration. I'm probably in the minority but I've always enoyed the PoTC movies even when they were pretty average so I'm looking forward to seeing where the series goes from here. Emma Stone would make a great pirate.

[–][deleted] 339 points340 points  (43 children)

"Curse of the Black Pearl" is objectively perfect. "Dead men's chest' and "At the world's end" are great. "On Stanger tides" is bad. "Dead men tell no tales" is an abomination and everyone involved in it's production should have their day at the Hague.

[–]TheGreatCrate 220 points221 points  (10 children)

You know what's up. The original Pirates trilogy is actually really solid and all three movies fit together perfectly. It feels like a complete, three part story.

[–]hughsey94 67 points68 points  (5 children)

100% agree, I've always said I can't imagine any other actor in Jack's shoes than Depp. The first three films were some of my favourites for a while, Stranger Tides was a massive let down to me however it was just missing something for me.

[–]darazi 30 points31 points  (2 children)

For me, Jack Sparrow wasn't portrayed as the foolish genius in Stranger Tides and Dead Men. He was just an idiot. In the first 3 the things he did were somewhat calculated and made sense from the POV of a drunken pirate.

[–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I’d argue that what made the Pirates movies so compelling was the dynamic between Jack, Will and Elizabeth. The series went downhill when we were forced to start from scratch with new characters; Depp couldn’t carry the franchise on his own

[–]lugaidster 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I always laugh at the Larry joke on the third one so much. They're great movies IMHO.

[–]slappy012 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Me watching my first time: oh cool Ian Mcshane as Black Beard!! Maybe this will be pretty good

Me after the movie: what the fuck did I just watch

[–]GamingFly 21 points22 points  (10 children)

Not gonna lie, Dead Men Tell No Tales is without a doubt better than On Stranger Tides. One was laughably bad, the other was depressingly bad.

[–][deleted] 23 points24 points  (5 children)

For what it's worth, I thought Barbossa's plot line in Dead Men was pretty good, and a solid continuation from the originals. What sank it was Jack going from "clever, but acts bumbling" to "bumbling, and is clever by accident".

[–]Ixosis 7 points8 points  (4 children)

He got the Joey treatment

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (3 children)

Friends reference?

[–][deleted] 24 points25 points  (2 children)

Nah, "On stranger tides" was just your usual corporate sequel. Not good but nothing horrible. "Dead men tell no tales", however, besides having grey and depressive visuals, color pallet, story(it's the tale of Jack sparrow confronting his alcoholism and impending death due to terrible life choices), retroactively makes the earlier movies WORSE by undoing everything the initial trilogy set up.

It's badness spreads through the franchise like osmosis.

[–]TheLuckySpades 5 points6 points  (0 children)

At least if they hadn't had that after credit scene you could say it wrapped up almost all the threads of the original trilogy, but nah, more sequels!

[–]nerdiotic-pervert 39 points40 points  (4 children)

I’d rather see someone who could play an unhinged and lovable pirate, like Helena Bonham Carter.

[–]itwasquiteawhileago 16 points17 points  (2 children)

As envisioned by Tim Burton.

But why is the white paint gone?!

[–]Belgand 6 points7 points  (2 children)

I'd be all over that. I suspect part of the reason it hasn't happened yet is because the last big pirate film with a female lead was Geena Davis starring in Cutthroat Island in the '90s, which was a massive flop. It's not like we were drowning in pirate films before then, but it definitely killed the setting for quite a while.

What surprises me is that while there have been a few TV shows we haven't really seen any other pirate films or even swashbucklers in general. The market would seemingly have been ripe for a fun, light-hearted, traditional Robin Hood film or the like, but the few attempts to even do that were gritty, revisionist takes.

[–]julbull73 3 points4 points  (0 children)

If the last Robin Hood had revealed it was post apocalypse like planet of the apes style. I would've ironically been ok with it.

But their refusal to even pick a time period...

[–]trelene 5 points6 points  (2 children)

Wouldn't the obvious choice have been Keira Knightley?

[–]Mad_Squid 3 points4 points  (1 child)

If they wanted to keep it set in the current story then yes but they defintley said it would be a reboot so for whatever reason they want a complete fresh start. I don't think it's 100% confirmed yet though so who knows what they'll do.

Personally I was excited to see Davey Jones again if they continue with the same story. I'm not sure if Will/Elizabeth's son and Barbossa's daughter were memorable enough characters to carry the franchise themselves though.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It gave me a non-gay boner.

[–]NYstate 10 points11 points  (4 children)

He doesn't even have to do a British accent, just be him.

Or his brother John Sparrow.

[–]r40k 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Yeaaaah, I've seen Dracula. I'd rather he doesn't do a British accent.

[–]ifmacdo 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Ted Theodore Sparrow

[–]chileangod 2 points3 points  (0 children)


-Jack Sparrow

[–]haackedc 14 points15 points  (3 children)

I’m sorry I know Keanu Reaves is great but he could never match the character range Johnny Depp is capable of

[–]harewei 4 points5 points  (1 child)

You mean weird eccentric characters?

[–]FasTwitch 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Eh, I get what you mean, but I no longer associate Johnny Depp with "range."

He's pretty much just Johnny Depp being weird in every role he does since Black Pearl, which appears as much more rangey by nature than the more grounded parts Keanu Reeves plays. The role of Jack Sparrow basically offered up Depp the actor as a sacrifice in order to resurrect him as a franchise mega-star.

[–][deleted] 191 points192 points  (18 children)

You don’t actually believe that. You just saw it on a another thread not too long ago and decided to adopt the words.

[–]slicshuter 65 points66 points  (5 children)

Wasn't/isn't Depp literally known and admired for dressing as Jack Sparrow and visiting/cheering up kids in children's hospitals on multiple occasions?

[–]DepressionPorn 42 points43 points  (6 children)

Lol yeah I thought it was lame the first time I saw it too.

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (5 children)

Yeah I mean what were people hoping he’d turn out to be? Makes no sense

[–]Raskolnikoolaid 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Damn I hate people that do that

[–]iambob6 77 points78 points  (44 children)

What's wrong with Johnny depp

[–]flyingmonkeys345 162 points163 points  (35 children)

My guess is the person dissing JD thought the story of him being an abuser was true (when in fact, he was a victim)

[–]Djinjja-Ninja 140 points141 points  (24 children)

I think it's probably more that he appears to have turned into a bit of a crazy recluse, and it's affected his acting.

He's now just a caricature of himself.

[–]xxAkirhaxx 100 points101 points  (18 children)

Possibly because of false allegations made by his wife that cast him out of his social group and ruined his career.

[–]jl_theprofessor 47 points48 points  (9 children)

He's literally played the same character in his last ten roles.

[–]Crack-spiders-bitch 21 points22 points  (1 child)

And Keanu Reeves doesn't?

[–]ifmacdo 31 points32 points  (6 children)

In comparison to Keanu who, while I thoroughly enjoy his movies, is still Ted Theodore Logan playing as the other characters.

[–]Scapuless 35 points36 points  (5 children)

Dude. I'm not going to argue that Keanu has a huge range, but John Wick is nothing like Ted.

[–]pm-me-uranus 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Ted has become an incredibly convincing actor.

[–]smaugington 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Maybe he's tired of acting but can't because he has to many people depending on his money?

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (1 child)

So he's not participating in the whole famous world and suddenly he's a crazy recluse.

Honestly I'd give him credit for trying to break out. The fact that I can even go here and peripherally read about his private life and whatever fights he had (which in any other case would be none of anyone else's business except authorities if it's serious) is just sad. And now the word is something is "wrong". PR or not, there is a person behind the whole thing

[–]USA_A-OK 22 points23 points  (4 children)

I don't like a lot of his movies, but Johnny Depp is the better actor...

[–]DerClogger 5 points6 points  (2 children)

Keanu is pretty consistent. He's got some stand out performances but you by and large know what to expect. Depp is wildly inconsistent (though sadly a bit more consistent lately). He has his many brilliant performances, many alright ones, and many terrible ones. His lows might be lower, but when he hits high he's incredible.

[–]FolkSong 31 points32 points  (0 children)

There's nothing wrong with him, I think he's just a more private person so we don't see much stuff like this.

[–]mrwhitedynamite 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Nah man, Depp is great, he literally dresses up as Captain Jack and go to kids hospitals to cheer them up.

[–]Reddilutionary 6 points7 points  (2 children)

I thought that comment was weird the first time I saw it, but maybe you can explain it to me since you’ve decided to borrow it.

[–]A_Manly_Soul 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This comment didn't make any sense the first time it got posted, yet people keep upvoting it for some reason. Maybe we're getting memed

[–]rickgdavies 467 points468 points  (48 children)

Yes, we all know Keanu Reeves is an absolute sweetheart and a national treasure.You dont have to keep rubbing him in our non American faces.

[–]redditsgarbageman🤡 386 points387 points  (44 children)

He's actually Canadian.

[–]rickgdavies 177 points178 points  (36 children)

Well, that's what makes him even more lovely. Born in Beirut to an English mother and American father. I'm guessing he was raised in Canada though?

EDIT: Had to look it up myself out of interest. Didn't even move to Canada till he was 15 and his parents aren't Canadian. You learn something every day.

[–]anomalous_cowherd 103 points104 points  (13 children)

So he was born in the Middle East to Western parents, and appears to never age and have no dirty secrets that anyone has survived to tell about?

Hmm, does anyone else smell an ancient prophecy at work here?

[–]Spikes_in_my_eyes 29 points30 points  (5 children)

The Emperor was born in the Middle East.

[–]conitation 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Bathe in his light, and know you are among the righteous! For Tera!

[–]Das_bomb 9 points10 points  (3 children)

Well one woman claims to have a dirty secret on him...


She lives in my town. I’ve met her. She’s bat shit.

[–]PsychDocD 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yah- this is not that completely uncommon to see in mental health. Unfortunately it’s very disruptive to the people they involve. Hope she gets the help she needs someday (although if she’s made it this far without being committed it may never happen.)

[–]MikeJudgeDredd 19 points20 points  (10 children)

He considers himself Canadian and retains citizenship

[–]freedommark 11 points12 points  (7 children)

If he says “sorry” more than 2 times per day he’s one of us

[–]MikeJudgeDredd 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Keanu reeves seems like the kind of guy who would bump into a bookshelf while texting and then apologize to it

[–]spongebob4883 119 points120 points  (10 children)

Thats Irene Meier! For anyone wondering shes a Cospkay artist that also did the official CD Projekt Red supported Cosplay of V🤗

[–]TheIronSponge 45 points46 points  (6 children)

I thought I recognized her! I follow her on IG and remembered her saying that meeting Keanu was one of the best parts of working that event. Gimme a second to link her IG...

Edit: https://instagram.com/irine_meier?igshid=11pcjwkq47x6z

[–]reeepy 4 points5 points  (0 children)

She also said she has met Keanu before.

[–][deleted] 114 points115 points  (8 children)

The best kindness we can do for Keanu Reeves if you really admire him is just treat him like an individual and not a prop.

[–]KnowsItToBeTrue 56 points57 points  (4 children)

Except when he's standing by a motorcycle advertising one of his projects and meeting fans. I don't think this girl was treating him like a prop.

It's not like he's standing in the middle of the street trying to drink his coffee.

[–]crosis52 18 points19 points  (3 children)

Right, they weren't just randomly meeting, she's a cosplay model who was also hired to appear at that booth

[–]keysersosayweall 103 points104 points  (10 children)

Upvoted not because of girl.

[–]JonGarrett43 59 points60 points  (7 children)

There’s a girl in this gif? All I see is Keanu the greatest human ever

[–]Walkers_Be_Trippin 32 points33 points  (6 children)

The girl is Irene Meier, an excellent cosplayer. Her Cyberpunk cosplays in particular are really good.

[–]AALen 20 points21 points  (8 children)

Handshake is about the most contact a women will get from Keanu. I like how she inches closer to him twice, and he respectfully nopes away.

[–]Ferg_NZ 7 points8 points  (7 children)

I saw that too. Dude obviously likes his personal space.

[–]PepeSylvia11 48 points49 points  (5 children)

I don’t even need to explain how pointless it is that this got so highly upvoted.

[–]hshgfhgsfhd 19 points20 points  (3 children)

Would be cool if Arch, Keanu's motorcycle company, would build a working replica of that bike

[–]tannerisBM 7 points8 points  (2 children)

A girl, cyberpunk, and Keanu Reeves. The reddit trifecta.