Posts must make an original point and provide any necessary background information. Search before posting, to prevent making a repost. Direct sub meta feedback to modmail.
All posts must be directly related to CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk universe. Refrain from posting any pornographic content and political or religious discussions.
Please see this list of subreddit megathreads and direct related content to its respective megathread.
Follow Reddiquette; be respectful, kind and appropriate in your attitude towards other users. Refrain from posting overly-vulgar content and personal information.
Posts must have a descriptive title and provide sources when necessary. Follow the subreddit’s spoiler posting guidelines when posting spoilers.
No links to pirated or leaked content may be requested or posted. Please purchase through official CD Projekt Red channels and do not overly share purchased content (i.e. entire magazines).
Do not excessively promote your own content follow reddit’s 9:1 rule. Giveaways, petitions and surveys must be approved by the moderators first.
Do not encourage others to take action towards, target or vote for/against something, or to boycott/support a person/organization. These posts must be approved by the moderators first.
Miscellaneous reasons for a post to be removed include, but are not limited to: Baseless suggestion/speculation, being reported multiple times, being directed at CD Projekt Red (the subreddit is fan run!) or for excessive "simping" over a character without adding much to the discourse.
Posting porn, hentai or any sexually explicit content is not allowed. Plain nudity that is not pornographic in nature is otherwise generally allowed, as long as the appropriate "NSFW" tag is applied and the subjects are not underage or depicted with child-like features. We reserve the right to remove posts that, whilst not pornographic in nature, are either excessively sexualized, in general poor taste, or sexualizing characters that are either underage or depicted with child-like features.
Official Cyberpunk 2077 and CD Projekt pages.
Unofficial Cyberpunk 2077 / CD Projekt pages.
Creators of the Cyberpunk 2020 tRPG; the PNP game which Cyberpunk 2077 is based upon.