Abuses worldwide in real time

Killed since 1st January 2023
35 journalists
2 media workers
Detained as of today
510 journalists
21 media workers
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2023 Press Freedom Index

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  • Journalism Trust Initiative

    The JTI is a self-regulatory mechanism designed to promote reliable news and information sources in an online environment in which difference kinds of content (including propaganda, advertising, opinion and journalism) are in direct competition.

  • Information & Democracy

    The International Information & Democracy Initiative aims to establish safeguards for freedom
    of opinion and expression in the global online information and communication space

  • Collateral freedom

    Operation #CollateralFreedom enables news sites to evade online censorship
    by means of the creation of mirror sites.


  • Become a donor

    Support RSF in defending and promoting news and information throughout the world that is freely-reported, independent and reliable.
    Thanks to your generosity, RSF pursues and develops its projects all over the world in a completely independent manner.

  • Become a member

    Media freedom is a fundamental right, but nearly half of the world’s population has no access to freely reported news and information.
    We need you. Join our organisation!

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    You support our activities when you buy our books of photos: all of the profits go to Reporters Without Borders.
    Thanks to you, we remain independent."