
In support of Palestine



Fight for rights

Indigenous rights

Peace Budget


Australian Marxist Review

Issue #73



Lift the blockade on Cuba

Join the CPA

Current Guardian

THE GUARDIAN. Issue #2076 October 30, 2023

Criminal Israel

THE GUARDIAN. Issue #2076 October 30, 2023

Silencing voices

THE GUARDIAN. Issue #2076 October 30, 2023

Communist Party of Australia members show up for Palestine

THE GUARDIAN. Issue #2076 October 30, 2023

Condemning the blockade and solidarity with Cuba


THE GUARDIAN. Issue #2076 October 30, 2023


THE GUARDIAN. Issue #2076 October 30, 2023

WA confirmed as climate pariah

THE GUARDIAN. Issue #2076 October 30, 2023


THE GUARDIAN. Issue #2076 October 30, 2023

Criticism of Israel and Zionism is not antisemitism

THE GUARDIAN. Issue #2076 October 30, 2023


THE GUARDIAN. Issue #2076 October 30, 2023

Killers of the Flower Moon

THE GUARDIAN. Issue #2076 October 30, 2023


THE GUARDIAN. Issue #2076 October 30, 2023


CPA Policies

Mutual respect policy

INTRODUCTION The CPA opposes discrimination and harassment and is committed to creating an environment free from victimisation, intimidation, bullying or harassment. Among Party cadre there...

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Social Media

Social Media Guidelines for CPA comrades

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A progressive, healthy and capable youth are the basis of a sustainable socialist society, but Australian youth is facing increasing barriers to their aspirations after...

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A socialist society aspires to enhancing the position of women in society, particularly those women who form part of the working class. Female workers make...

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Provision of adequate public transport to services to all communities is a social and environmental imperative. Private road transport is a major contributor to carbon...

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On trade unions

CPA members are active members of their trade unions and seek to play an active role in their union in the workplace and at all levels of the union.

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Temporary visa workers

Globalisation has brought about a massive restructuring of economies and new international divisions of labour. The global expansion of trade in commodities was followed by...

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US Imperialism in Asia

After World War II, British colonialism was replaced by US imperialism in Australia as the dominant economic, political and military power. Today, Australia’s military forces...

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Public sector

The public sector of the economy consists of all that is owned and run by government, including industrial enterprises, infrastructure and the services provided by...

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Military spending

Australia’s military spending is close to $30 billion per annum and set to rise in coming years to $40 billion. The Defence Minister claims Australia...

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Manufacturing industry

The Communist Party of Australia sees the development of the manufacturing sector as critical for the future development of the Australian economy and for the...

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Living wage

The Communist Party of Australia is committed to not only stopping the attacks on and erosion of the living standards of the Australian working class...

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LGBTQI rights

LGBTQI is an acronym referring to a group of identities that includes, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgendered, queer and intersex people, encompassing other sexualities and gender...

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The Internet has become an integral part of Australian people’s lives. Since the beginning of the 21st century it has been steadily replacing television and...

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International solidarity

The Communist Party of Australia is internationalist in its outlook and considers international solidarity a duty. Capitalism is a globalised system of oppression and exploitation...

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Housing is a basic human right enshrined in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. In a modern, industrialised and relatively wealthy nation like Australia...

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Universal access to medical care is fundamental to building a healthy socialist society. Medical expertise, medical institutions, and medical research are part of Australia’s social...

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A socialist society is a society that recognises humanity’s place in nature and lives with nature on the basis of sustainability. This means the provision...

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The right to employment is a basic human right. However, capitalism to survive keeps wages in competition creating and promoting unemployment. Capitalists are only interested...

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The Communist Party of Australia supports an education system which promotes collective and democratic values, co-operation not individualism, equality not discrimination, multiculturalism not racism, and...

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Indigenous rights

In 2007, Operation Outreach involving 600 Australian Army soldiers was launched against Indigenous communities to implement the Howard Coalition Government’s Northern Territory Intervention policy. The...

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Mutual respect policy

INTRODUCTION The CPA opposes discrimination and harassment and is committed to creating an environment free from victimisation, intimidation, bullying or harassment. Among Party cadre there...

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CPA Statements

74th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China 2023

74th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China

To the People of China and its leadership the Communist Party of China The Communist Party of Australia sends warm greetings to the people of...

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On 14th October vote and write YES! 2023

On 14th October vote and write YES!

For the last 4 months since launching a week of action in July, the CPA has actively campaigned for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander...

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Terrorist attack on Cuban embassy: statement in solidarity 2023

Terrorist attack on Cuban embassy: statement in solidarity

The Communist Party of Australia condemns in the strongest possible terms the latest terrorist attack on the Cuban Embassy in Washington DC. The attack on...

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Communist unity is strength! 2023

Communist unity is strength!

Martin Minka Jensen International Secretary Communist Party of Denmark, DKP Dear comrade, The Communist Party of Australia conveys its warmest greetings to the Demark communists...

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Solidarity with the Communist Party of Venezuela, PCV 2023

Solidarity with the Communist Party of Venezuela, PCV

The Communist Party of Australia has growing concerns at the increasing actions against the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) by the use of the judiciary...

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Communist Party of Australia greetings to the heroic people of Cuba on the 70th anniversary of the assault on the Moncada barracks on 26th July 1953 2023

Communist Party of Australia greetings to the heroic people of Cuba on the 70th anniversary of the assault on the Moncada barracks on 26th July 1953

The Communist Party of Australia salutes the Cuban revolution and its revolutionary government led by the Communist Party of Cuba on the 70th anniversary of...

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United around the world against the criminal US Blockade on Cuba! 2023

United around the world against the criminal US Blockade on Cuba!

The Communist Party of Australia, condemns in the strongest possible terms the inclusion of Cuba in the US list of countries sponsors of terrorism. The...

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Message in solidarity with the Chiatura striking workers 2023

Message in solidarity with the Chiatura striking workers

The Communist Party of Australia conveys its solidarity with the thousands of Manganese Miners currently on strike in the central Georgian Mining town of Chiatura....

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CPA greeting to the 5th Congress of the Communist Party of Swaziland, CPS 2023

CPA greeting to the 5th Congress of the Communist Party of Swaziland, CPS

The Communist Party of Australia conveys its warmest greetings to the 5th Congress of the Communist Party Swaziland, CPS.

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CPA appeal with the Türkiye & Syria earthquake victims 2023

CPA appeal with the Türkiye & Syria earthquake victims

The Central Committee decided to launch a Quake Appeal in solidarity with the earthquake victims in Türkiye and Syria to support the efforts by our fraternal organisations on the ground.

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CPA greeting to the 25th Congress of the German Communist Party, DKP 2023

CPA greeting to the 25th Congress of the German Communist Party, DKP

The Communist Party of Australia conveys its warmest greetings to the 25th Congress of the German Communist Party.

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CPA greeting to the General Congress of the Palestinian Workers’ Struggle Federation 2023

CPA greeting to the General Congress of the Palestinian Workers’ Struggle Federation

The Communist Party of Australia conveys our warmest greeting on behalf of Australian Communists to the General Congress of the Palestinian Workers Struggle Federation.

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CPA greeting to the 92nd Anniversary of the Communist Party of Venezuela 2023

CPA greeting to the 92nd Anniversary of the Communist Party of Venezuela

Oscar Figuera General Secretary Central Committee Communist Party of Venezuela E: internacional.pcvenezuela@gmail.com Dear comrade, The Communist Party of Australia convey the warmest greetings to your...

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The CPA calls for a YES vote to the Voice in the upcoming Referendum 2023

The CPA calls for a YES vote to the Voice in the upcoming Referendum

The Communist Party of Australia Central Committee at its meeting in January 2023 came out proudly in favour of a YES vote in the upcoming...

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Tribute to Comrade Eugene McCartan 2023

Tribute to Comrade Eugene McCartan

The Communist Party of Australia conveys its warmest greeting to Comrade Eugene McCartan on his retirement as General Secretary of Communist Party of Ireland. Comrade Eugene was the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Ireland for two decades during a most crucial time in the history of the Communist movement.

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Communist Youth of Bolivia Organic Conference 2023

Communist Youth of Bolivia Organic Conference

The Communist Party of Australia conveys its warmest greeting to the leadership, members, supporters, and delegates to the Organic Conference of the Communist Youth of Bolivia.

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