The Ted K Archive's One-Year Anniversary; A roundup of all the archiving work that's been done

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The Ted K Archive's One-Year Anniversary; A roundup of all the archiving work that's been done

The Ted K Archive turns 1 year of age! This roundup shows lots of interesting archival work of green anarchist texts. There's also lots of critiques of Ted K's vanguardism:

anon (not verified)
activist journies day 1003:

activist journies day 1003: still boring

anon (not verified)
anon (not verified)
are these all made up quotes,

are these all made up quotes, like the one you attributed to john zerzan that time to try and make him look bad?

No, anyone can google search

No, anyone can google search most of them to public websites like reddit. And I sent the cleaned up transcript to Zerzan to get his approval, he read at least a long way down it as he corrected the name Adam Lanza. I just made a mistake trying to clean up a confusing sentence, full of 'urm's'. Which subrosa acknowledged at the time was a confusingly worded sentence:

>yeah… I wouldn’t... uh... argue against it, I mean if thats… uh… It’s conceivable, and uh… I think that, you know, hunter-gatherer life was more gathering than hunting, but still… uh... maybe that would be more ideal, uh [...]

I think Zerzan was struggling to form a full sentence here, emphasizing that is "more ideal" and "it's conceivable" (given that hunter-gatherer life was more gathering than hunting), while also suggesting that it's a bit hard to imagine (if you're "trying to learn anything from the record" / "in terms of our evolution". Whatever that means.)

anon (not verified)
Interesting. I myself, a very

Interesting. I myself, a very intelligent intellectual type with minimalistic hunter/ gatherer desires, find that when I'm in conversation with illiterate peasants suddenly, and involuntary, dumb down in my vocabulary, with many umm errs in my sentences and quizzical glances at my surrondings, like a hungry predator, but vegan and non-violent, which I attribute to my catholic upbringing, which lingers unfortunately. Am I boring you,,,seee, almost forgot the question mark?

anon (not verified)
long live uncle ted. we love

long live uncle ted. we love you

thank you for all your work, ted k archive

anon (not verified)
He died, brow

He died, brow

anon (not verified)
martyrs never die!!

martyrs never die!!

anon (not verified)
Satyrs don't get ED

Satyrs don't get ED

anon (not verified)
dude how'd you get banned

dude how'd you get banned from raddle?

The claim I was attempting

The claim I was attempting anarchist and/or anticiv entryism. Even though I am an anarchist who has been going to earth first gatherings since I was 17. I also accept anticiv anarchists and anprims as anarchist. I've just talked about desiring to have the effect of deprogramming some Ted K fans from their dogmatic beliefs like for example when some of them glorify the Cambodian genocide.

It's clearly stated on the front page of the website that the project is in part simply attempting to fulfill a request made by one of the people Ted sent a mail bomb to, to just help bring more clarity to the foundations of many eco-terrorists political philosophy and the psychology of people who buy into it.

There's also a long about this project page being incredibly transparent that's linked at the top and the first item of the Introductory Texts page linked on the front page. Explanations of the admins pro-tech beliefs are pinned to the top of the twitter account for the website and pro-tech labels are tagged to the accounts of admins on discord.

I think part of the problem is some people were in a bubble because they just weren't on any of the platforms where the website was getting positive feedback.

anon (not verified)
you missed the bit where you

you missed the bit where you registered hundreds of subreddits (, for example) and then spammed william gillis texts in all of them. if that isn't entryism, i don't know what is.

come to think of it, you and Gillis are very similar. in every story you tell you are the misunderstood hero.

anon (not verified)
Is this... a sock-puppeting

Is this... a sock-puppeting massive battle between anon and Ziq? Coz Ziq is also heavily into this obsessive sock-puppeting to a point of making Raddle look like a spoof forum.

anon (not verified)
"sock puppet, cringe, cringe,

"sock puppet, cringe, cringe, cringe, sock puppet, sock puppet, base. ACAB lol"

fucking trained seals! your minds have been twisted into little fucking cyber-knots.

I like spreadsheeting lists

I like spreadsheeting lists of shit to de-stress, so I spreadsheeted a tonne of anarchist and vegan sub-reddits in order to create master lists of suggested anarchist and vegan sub-reddits.

As I was doing that I thought it might be nice to try and fill in the gaps of anarchist themed sub-reddits that didn't already exist, so I created and am currently a moderator of this many subreddits (tho only 7 of them are currently above 100 members):[1]

  • Anarchist related: 61.
  • Vegan related: 41.
  • AntiCiv related: 14. Of which I posted the Gillis text in 10 of them.
  • Misc.: 33.

Entryism is pretending to support an ideology and trying to redefine it to be something different whilst hiding within it.

Claiming branding real estate of ideologues you don't like, making clear it's a critique space of said ideology and posting highly critical essays of said ideology is simply not that.

[1] Source:

anon (not verified)
Tell everyone about how you '

Tell everyone about how you '''hide your power level''' when trying to '''deprogram''' ppl, Ishkah

anon (not verified)
LOL, anyone who claims to be "de-programming" people is probably

just re-programming them in some way...cult think 101.

lumpy (not verified)
so ... your worldview doesn't

so ... your worldview doesn't include the possibility of factual, conclusive truth?

anon (not verified)
once again, we dont have to be

Objectivists or agree about everything, lumpy. My worldview changes everyday, try not to gaslight yourself in the face of "consensus".

lumpy (not verified)
ew! every single day? sounds

ew! every single day? sounds like WORK. whatareyou a fukin marxist?

anon (not verified)
not everyone thinks being

Open minded to being wrong takes a tremendous amount of effort, but if you grasp "your worldview" like its awesome than that explains why you have trouble interpreting posts.

lumpy (not verified)
you mean like how you think

you mean like how you think "objectivism" is when you're objective about something? might want to run a search on that one champ ;)

Sure, so for example I create

Sure, so for example I create anonymous accounts, join diehard ted k supporting servers who share fascist reading material among each other, and simply hide my warm feelings for the people working towards a pro-tech anarchist world, and it means I get entry into those spaces.

Then I look to see for example what books and articles they enjoy reading most, then I upload some of those to the archive, either 'as is' or as a research text dump.

Then I hope it encourages wider discussion, plus book and essay critiques of those books, which will hopefully have the effect of deprogramming some dogmatic people who were true believers in the goodness of their ideology based on false premises.

"Pe No: Pol pot was way more effective at society wide change. Everything was going good until war weary Vietnam invaded. Ted's still better tho."

"Clay: Here's the most comprehensive textbook on the history:
And I've added it to the archive for linking to specific chapters: "

anon (not verified)
> earth first gatherings since I was 17

wow so you've been going for a year and a half?

anon (not verified)
Goody-goody. Quotations from

Goody-goody. Quotations from Chairman Hyper-Alienated One-Dimensional Criminal Psychopath Guy is just what my United States of 'Murika type delusions and nihilism needs! Koo-Koo for Coco-Puffs!

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