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[–]NorCalAthlete 1939 points1940 points  (164 children)

Man I’d just settle for being able to share my map + markers with others in my group. We’re on a private server and we’re all IRL friends and have to resort to screenshots shared to discord to sift through.

[–]syntax1976 601 points602 points  (57 children)

Pinging the selected map position works well so others can mark on their maps

Edit: ping by clicking middle mouse button/scroll wheel

[–]Stealfur 201 points202 points  (19 children)

Yah. What I would like is something like a map table where everyone just update their map to show what others have explored. So you put your map on the table everyone else can reveal where you have been.

[–]crunchy_nut_butter 49 points50 points  (3 children)

Yeah I think this is a great idea and a cool little addition to your base. Maybe you could upgrade it to make your exploration ring bigger as well.

[–]watson7899 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Or upgrade it so it reveals more details in your current circle, like if I max out the map table I can see where the berries are or burial Chambers, but only in a small radius. And only with maxed out different levels reveal different things

[–]Randy_Scavage 2 points3 points  (1 child)

It would be dope if there was more special equipment like the belt. Like a spyglass or something that gives you a bigger line on sight on your map, maybe some kind of berry hunting pouch that shows berry bushes nearby on your minimap.

[–]Darvati 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I suggested this too, the option to build a cartographers table, where you can "upload" your map to it and other players can take it, giving them all of your discovered area and potentially markers too. Allowing your group to jointly discover the map as a group.

[–]Paranitis 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Basically they need a Cartography table or something to update your own map as well as to input your own explorations. MAYBE not all the markers since people like to mark things their own way, but just so if you have 2 boats out at once, you don't have to literally be behind them to explore the same stuff.

[–]TripWireZa 206 points207 points  (23 children)

pinging is good to mark specific places, but when my friend and i go on a exploration run, we both must run next to each other to make the map visible. it would be awesome to explore the island from both sides and both can see the explored map.

[–]syntax1976 254 points255 points  (18 children)

Maybe having a map wall or something where you can update your map or share your exploration with the one on the wall.

[–]muratbae 83 points84 points  (13 children)

There is a mod that has a map table that does basically this.

[–]MaegorTargaryen 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I wish there was a second check box next to the share location one. The second one allows you to reveal fog of war for everyone else who also has the box checked.

[–]NorCalAthlete 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Sort of - we’re not always on at the same time. Friend’s got a server running 24/7 and a group of us just kind of dip in and out and add to the base as we’re able to. So there’s like 10 of us but maybe only 2-3 ever online at the same time.

So we DO utilize the “ping-and-mark” (aka PAM) method when able to but it’s really just a workaround.

[–]Cr4ckshooter 11 points12 points  (3 children)

Now we only need an option to rebind that key. And rebind any other key. It's 2021 and a PC game, god dammit.

[–]Alt_Panic 3 points4 points  (4 children)

How does one ping? I feel a little stupid, but I haven't been able to figure it out.

[–]Thegrumbliestpuppy 7 points8 points  (0 children)

You're not stupid, there's no indication in game of how to do it.

[–]truncat 6 points7 points  (2 children)

Click the scroll wheel/middle mouse button.

[–] SailorHaLD8 53 points54 points  (9 children)

The best take I've seen on this problem was an idea to implement a map object which you can interact with, which would update what you've explored on the item, and update your own map with what other players put in there. I don't know about markers tho, I feel like things could get messy real fast if they were shared?

[–]NorCalAthlete 51 points52 points  (5 children)

Something like “4 wood + 2 deer hide + 5 coal” = large map you can put up in your base, and then everyone who accesses it would automatically get their markers and fog of war synced with anyone else who had updated it.

You could even make it to where it would only pull the most recent updates too - so if you went to update the map and had the most area explored, it wouldn’t necessarily update your map. But if another person had less area explored but added markers for cleared troll caves, it could update your map with those pins.

[–]BlackHawksHockey 22 points23 points  (2 children)

Except everyone marks their maps differently. I’d rather just see what’s explored rather than have other peoples markers.

[–]NorCalAthlete 14 points15 points  (1 child)

Could always just add a filter toggle. One for “my markers only”, one for “no markers”, one for “friend’s markers”

[–]zulugoron 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Like if you see a marker you want, click on it (or something) and add it. Perhaps you can do a dotted box selection that would add whatever is on that section (including cleared/explored areas) and/or markers.

[–]borkthegee 16 points17 points  (10 children)

Man I’d just settle for being able to share my map + markers

I've heard decent things about this mod, https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/42

It lets you share maps when you're close to one another. So it's not perma sync, but you can sync up when together.

The guys who host my valheim server for pretty cheap have this mod integrated into their panel for easy install on servers, but if you self host it would be easy to get it added to the server too I imagine

[–]-Wildhart- 13 points14 points  (5 children)

Mods are a blessing, but in any co-op game, it always feels like cheesing a bit. Be nice if they implement a sort of drawable map you can make that others can copy to add to whatever they're missing

[–]47Ronin 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I think it would be cool if they implemented a "map table" tech, but the maps that you get from other players are kind of blurry and sometimes slightly incorrect.

[–]MythicMikeREEEE 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Easy mod to install only needed on client side called explore together

[–]BluNGray 2 points3 points  (6 children)

We have a MASSIVE 15+ portal room.. so far. And 8 of us share a server here. I would love to at minimum have a globe or map on the wall I could share with the crew to share portal locations. Granted most of us at this point know it by memory 😂 “island” “mountain” “north” “1,2,3,4,5....” we were awful at portal names and creativity was lacking

[–]NorCalAthlete 2 points3 points  (3 children)

Yeah we have a “telecenter” castle from a couple guys who got the game first and beat it. Then when more of us got the game rather than start a new server we chose to just start over at a new location in the same world. Sailed the seas for over an hour before settling into a Black Forest biome with nothing but a hammer and a stone axe. We’ve built out a pretty good base now but it has taken a LOT of scouting and adventuring to try and find another meadows biome to get started. We’re on to the Elder boss now and have to cross damn near half the world to get to the closest spawn point we’ve found for him.

[–]NobleArchitect 624 points625 points  (74 children)

Not being able to teleport ores/ingots is the reason why I have 4 bases that were each at one time my "main base". I think its great that the game incentivizes migration. Its fun evolving your base designs with new biomes and building materials.

[–]BCJunglist 236 points237 points  (36 children)

Exactly this. The very mechanic that forces you to migrate like an actual viking is the fact that you need to travel around to transport your ores.

The nonstop complaining about this is annoying and these people clearly have no idea how game mechanics can fundamentally change a game.

[–]Frillsss 58 points59 points  (11 children)

Can't you just make a new world, put your ore in a chest, go back to main world take portal, go back to new world grab your ore then go back to main world? I don't see why everyone complains there's litteraly a workaround if you don't wanna do it legit.

[–]NorthernerWuwu 51 points52 points  (1 child)

You can always just spawn all the ore you want anyhow. If someone doesn't like the constraints the game has built into it, they can completely ignore them at any point in time.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yea its perfect. I normally play legit but if i wanna get something done quick ill normally just TP. The game really lets you play it how u want

[–]IceFire909 5 points6 points  (0 children)

you could also just have another world be your main base and just go between the 2.

But not everyone wants to play like that. Some people world hop to transport ores. Some people spawn it on the other side with the command lines. Some play with a single character per world, some play with one character across multiple worlds

[–]SanctusLetum 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Bingo. Exactly this. And guess what? This game works pretty well with mods, so if you don't like this core mechanic, I'm sure you can work around it anyway.

[–]Pirellan 41 points42 points  (8 children)

My only grief with this argument, which I agree with, is how much of a pain it is to level ground consistently

[–]Conlaeb 25 points26 points  (5 children)

If you build your structures on stilts the ground underneath doesn't need to be as level or at all.

[–]tyaak 25 points26 points  (3 children)

but how will everything be blue then? Fuck bottom green, I want blue baby

[–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (0 children)

You can use stone blocks to create a solid foundation. A checkerboard pattern will use less stone and still give you full blue floor to build on.

Or you can use iron poles and maybe cover them with log poles for looks. You'll have to use a lot of them, but they can space out at least 2 apart and maintain blue floor connected above.

[–] Hunterjhuseby 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Same here! We’ll just ignore the one I setup to build a canal from a tiny lake to a small lake (that at the time I thought was surely ocean).

[–]Starrystars 8 points9 points  (2 children)

It's kind of the reason I'd prefer Portals to be later game. Like have them need black metal to build. That way you can't just set up a small outpost with a portal and all the stuff you need there.

[–]JarredMack 5 points6 points  (1 child)

I partially agree, though I think portals are still really helpful early game even if you're not using them to cross oceans. I think maybe something like requiring biome specific materials to create a portal there would help, but I guess you can just go find the closest meadow and create a port still.

[–]Insane1rish 3 points4 points  (2 children)

I just make sure that all my bases are just essentially lighthouses that I can easily sail a ship up to.

[–]admiralrads 868 points869 points  (200 children)

I think my best in-game experiences have been from needing to get the ore back home.

Stuck on a boat, overencumbered with stacks of iron, floating out to sea, while my friend left the boat to lead a troll away from us was one of the funniest and most harrowing things to happen so far.

Building a canal to cut through a long peninsula to get us back home faster was an awesome accomplishment.

Trying, and failing, to get a cart full of silver down a sheer mountain face was slapstick comedy gold.

We haven't hit plains yet, but I'm sure getting black metal back home will be ridiculous as well.

[–]ReleaseTheBeeees 207 points208 points  (141 children)

Black metal is by far the easiest. The fulings just come to you. I have so much spare at my plains base that there's just piles of it hanging around outside that I've not bothered to pick up

[–]robotevil 135 points136 points  (62 children)

Yeah black metal ore just kind of goes into a junk chest at this point. We stopped producing it at this point too because there's only a few items that use it and those are all at max level. Can't really bring ourselves to throw it away either, so just several stacks of the ore sitting in multiple chests at this point. We also made complete extra sets of black metal weapons and shields as backups and still have more than we can use.

Iron is still by far the most valuable commodity in the game. I really hope they update the game to include more black metal options. Like it would be great to get some armor options or building materials associated with it in future updates.

[–]ReleaseTheBeeees 117 points118 points  (29 children)

I want a black metal pickaxe for speeding up iron farming

[–]drviceman 55 points56 points  (21 children)

Imagine if it had aoe on hit, then clearing those mud piles would finally be satisfying.

[–]kenman 61 points62 points  (18 children)

That'd be great, those mud piles are probably my least favorite thing in the game. Hard to see, no matter which lighting option you go with, and there's little chunks that are easy to miss but often contain a couple more ore. It also doesn't make sense to me using a pickaxe on mud...

[–] MinerErva420 31 points32 points  (14 children)

in my opinion making iron the building material was a mistake, after you max your gear and weapons, mining with the screen nearly pitch black, in a dark crypt with no music gets really boring.

[–]sudoscientistagain 22 points23 points  (10 children)

Black metal and iron probably should have basically just been inverted. Put black metal in the swamp and make iron drop from fulings.

[–]Thegrumbliestpuppy 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I think a better solution is to let building recipes accept both iron and black metal. That way when you get to endgame you've basically unlocked a faster way of gathering the metal you need for buildings.

[–]oNinjaDispatcho 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I agree, it makes way more sense as a progression design too. that way in order to do big end-game builds you need to fight a lot of fulings to get more ore, incentivizing combat. sure makes a lot more sense than mining in a crypt.

[–]thoalmighty 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Neat trick regarding light: shoot a fire arrow on the ground/wall nearby. Temporary glowstick that lights the room better than any headlamp could!

[–]Pharose 2 points3 points  (1 child)

It does if the mud is full of clay, bone and scrap metal.

[–]aripp 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Call me weird but mining those mud piles followed with the splash sound already gives me a satisfaction.

[–]robotevil 33 points34 points  (5 children)

Oh this would be amazing. And a bigger stamina potion.

[–]Psychological-Dig529 4 points5 points  (2 children)

You can kind of use two stamina potions. Keep in mind Tasty Mead is actually a stam refresh buff with no cooldown.

[–]sneakysnake7777 39 points40 points  (11 children)

Black metal plate armour with some spikes would be cool, or maybe I'm just an edgelord

[–]robotevil 24 points25 points  (5 children)

I would like wood black metal beams that support more weight and maybe black metal gates. Something that will make it easier to stop rampaging lox since they can completely ignore wards.

It's like you can dig a moat that keeps them out of the main base, but then you need to build a bridge to connect to the mainland. And if those bastards spawn by your gate, and some trolls or fuling show up... well you're building a new bridge and gate again. There's like no entrance you can create that an angry lox won't completely fuck up.

[–]Insane1rish 4 points5 points  (1 child)

I thought wards just stopped people from fucking with your stuff? Does it actually prevent enemies from entering the radius?

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I would like wood black metal beams that support more weight

I suspect I'd settle for just being able to make the same wood-iron beams with blackmetal instead of iron, though maybe it would have to be a separate type so it would decompose right.

[–]creepy_doll 9 points10 points  (13 children)

I only got comfortably into my iron mining setup today and I’m already over it. Everything is so dark and annoying. I can’t wait to just get into some more open areas. Also, any tricks to opening up the iron scrap piles faster? Does a better pickaxe clear more at a time?

[–]One_Trick_Monkey 9 points10 points  (4 children)

Higher tier pickaxe will clear in less hits and higher level pickaxe will have more durability. I suggest you have a base with a forge close to your swamp so u can turn and burn the iron you get as quickly as possible. Me and my buddies usually get a 30 stack every time we make a run

[–]mmmmmmBacon12345 6 points7 points  (4 children)

Antler pickaxes

Sure a bronze or iron pickaxe will do more damage per swing and can last longer without leaving the crypt but an antler pickaxe can be repaired at any workbench without needing copper for a forge so you can just plop one outside each crypt and fix it up

[–]foulrot 16 points17 points  (2 children)

I just put a portal on top of the crypt and port to my warehouse to repair, also lets me drop off all the non-ore items i get.

[–]Darrelc 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Build a campfire in the entrance to the crypt, dries you off and you can get rested status from it.

[–]Babikir205 27 points28 points  (43 children)

Same here. I have made all the BM gear I want and almost have a full reinforced chest of the stuff without even trying. In my opinion, silver is the hardest to get and get home as it usually requires getting off a mountain, getting to a coast, getting in a boat and sailing home.

[–]ReleaseTheBeeees 47 points48 points  (36 children)

Iron is the most tedious I think. Takes forever to get through those muddy piles and there's no challenge in the dungeons cause you can clear the mobs before they even hurt you. I'd like a black metal pickaxe to speed it up a little bit.

But yeah, silver is a pain cause you're constantly on the look out for golems / wolves / dragons and even with fully upgraded gear the mountains can be dangerous at night, what with 2* wolves and stuff

[–]KishCom 23 points24 points  (14 children)

The grind to get iron is by far the most annoying. It'd be nice if there was another way to get scrap iron.

[–]2rfv 31 points32 points  (1 child)

I don't criticise this game lightly but adding a higher risk/reward method for Iron is probably the top of my list.

[–]Xy13 15 points16 points  (10 children)

I think Bronze was probably the most annoying. Iron lasted the longest though. Silver was personally my favorite even though I see people here complaining about it.

[–]creepy_doll 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I feel like bronze just depends on your seed. When I started out it was godawful with any nearby Black Forest over a massive river with a steep embankment.

I decided to just scrap that map and move to another and bronze was a breeze, but iron has been annoying(just finding the crypts, and the long distance... for the most part death hasn’t been an issue). There are several mountains nearer to my base so hoping that isn’t as bad...

[–]admiralakbar06 25 points26 points  (6 children)

Swamps do get boring when your in endgame going for padded armor. Although picking up some extra blood bags and thistle for blood pudding is nice. They should have used black metal instead....I’m not sure why they regressed on the ore and went back to iron. Glad it’s not silver used in padded armor tho, that would suuuuuuucck

[–]ReleaseTheBeeees 22 points23 points  (5 children)

I imagine there's going to be some more alloy options for the later game equipment as we start getting new biomes / content. The guess is that the plains are designed to be mid-game

[–]AtlasPwn3d 6 points7 points  (4 children)

The guess is that the plains are designed to be mid-game

It's hardly a guess--I, too, know that 5-6 is roughly midway between 1 and 9.

(For those that don't know, the developers have indicated they currently have 9 biomes planned, of which we currently only have ~5.5 developed--meadows, black forest, swamp, mountains, plains, and technically ocean but which is slated for a revamp with more creatures and presumably an ocean boss. This means that obviously the currently later fleshed-out biomes in the game will eventually become mid-game as they become superseded by another 3-4 biomes [depending on how you count and where they put the ocean boss in the progression].)

[–]druidasmr 12 points13 points  (9 children)

Silver isn't really a pain in my opinion. We found two mountains in our game, neither of them near each other. One wasn't close to the base but I wouldn't call it far. The other was pretty damn far.

We set up a portal at both mountains. Then I sailed down to the far mountain, set up a portal near the veins. Added a chest as well. When my pick broke or I was full, I would store the silver in the chest and teleport to base. I'd put the stone away, repair, get food, go back.

I did it enough to clear the mountain of silver entirely. Then had a few friends help me carry it down the mountain where my boat was waiting.

[–]padmanek 6 points7 points  (6 children)

My strategy for mountain:
1. Grab 2 bronze and 16 copper + portal mats.

  1. Run to the mountain.

  2. Place a portal + chest, put metals in.

  3. Gather wood and build a small house like 4 walls wide/long.

  4. Inside build a Forge (6 copper) and Anvils (2 bronze).

  5. Port back to home base and grab materials for a Smelter, Grinding Wheel, Forge Belows + 25 Fine wood for Forge Cooler.

  6. Port to moutain and build all of these.

  7. You now have lvl 5 forge for all your silver crafts and a smelter on site.

[–]RSquared 17 points18 points  (1 child)

Silver is worth trekking 6-11 bronze, 10 copper and a few iron uphill to make a mountainside base. One good mountain with a few veins and you've saved far more time, plus in the end you've renovated a dilapidated tower hanging off the side of a cliff.

[–]2rfv 16 points17 points  (18 children)

I feel like Black Metal is your reward for all the troll dodging, swamp trudging and mountain climbing.

[–]ReleaseTheBeeees 4 points5 points  (17 children)

yeah there's just not much to build with it

[–]2rfv 14 points15 points  (16 children)

I'd heard that the game started to feel "early access" once you get out of the swamp. I made a point to savor everything up to that point because of this.

[–]FritteringChronos 29 points30 points  (1 child)

Since the game is early access getting through three biomes before feeling that way should give hope for what it will be!

[–]2rfv 6 points7 points  (0 children)


[–]Aurarus 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Absolutely not the case, mountain and plains are both where the game picks back up in my opinion. Mountains is easy upgrades and mobs that actually put up a fight, and Plains is like the highlight of the game currently with the literal raiding.

I just really, REALLY wish both of those phases didn't FLY by. They feel early access because they feel poorly tuned. Mountain with bad rng is a nightmare trying to find silver, and Plains content progression is both a mix of super fast and super tedious (there are particular materials you have to go back to a previous biome to farm)

Swamp, bar none, is the shittest biome currently. Not in terms of it being a slog (that's kinda the "idea") but it stops being difficult once you hold your own against the mobs. Boring, repetitive. No big threats akin to the iconic Troll. Mining is both trivial and exhausting.

[–]SlightlyIncandescent 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Slightly disappointing because I'm just about to get to this point but also incredibly impressive. I've had 100+ hours playing a fantastic game with fewer bugs and glitches than a lot of AAA games and I'm only starting to get close to the point where it feels unfinished.

[–]mmmmmmBacon12345 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I'm trying to build a farm in the plains, but I currently have more stacks of black metal than barley there and I'm already fully geared up so there's no use for it

[–]goatamon 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I've said it before, the grind gets easier as you move up in tiers.

Bronze is the worst. Requires two different ores and requires three ores to make one bar.

Iron is way easier, unless you get monstrously unlucky with Swamp spawns.

Silver is IMO more or less on par with Iron, maybe slightly easier, due to the fact that the mountains are less of a pain in the ass than the swamp once you get a wolf cloak.

Black Metal drops off enemies, so unless you just can't deal with the plains, it's the easiest of all.

I'm not even necessarily complaining, it's just odd.

[–] SailorSaitoh17 2 points3 points  (1 child)

For the life of me I have no idea why padded armor is iron instead of black metal. Iron is already used for so many other things besides weapons and armor and black metal isn't even used for armor.

[–]deadmurphy 39 points40 points  (6 children)

Fun/funniest experience for me so far was having 6 stacks of iron on the opposite side of our very large island, so buddy and I stripped to nothing but our Megingjord, load up as much iron as we could, ate what we could, got a rest bonus, hit our Eikthyr power and sprinted across the island.

At one point I look over and he has no less than 7 various greydwarves and 2 trolls chasing him.

[–]Zmarlicki 5 points6 points  (5 children)

This is amazing. I would have loved to see a video of that.

[–]deadmurphy 2 points3 points  (2 children)

I know. I wish I had a video. I'm gonna setup my gpu to have a record hotkey. Maybe I'll get some more ridiculous clips going forward.

[–]Explosive-Space-Mod 29 points30 points  (8 children)

Yeeting a cart down the mountains was my go to move for getting silver out lol

[–]XxMrCuddlesxX 11 points12 points  (6 children)

Yeah. I said almost this exact comment a week ago.

Just throw the damn cart off the mountain. It has worked for me every single time

[–]VolsPE 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Yeah, I've never had one break, but even if it does, so what?

[–]Explosive-Space-Mod 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I had one break but that’s because there was a troll at the bottom lol

[–]Chapped_Frenulum 4 points5 points  (2 children)

I think it's more fun to stay strapped to the cart and just power-walk down the side of the mountain while screaming "POWERTHIRST!" as your friend watches from above.

[–]LorkhanHeart 9 points10 points  (8 children)

An entire canal? How does that not destroy your perfomance?

[–]admiralrads 2 points3 points  (5 children)

Not sure, there was a river there already, we just widened it enough for ships to get through. We're hosting the game on an AWS server and we've all got solid computers.

[–]igetript 7 points8 points  (6 children)

The cart down the mountain!! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I was leading my buddy with my hoe out trying to level the ground, but it broke. Told him I had to go repair it and he just Leroy's past me with the cart down the face of the fucking mountain. We were fucking rolling on discord

[–]Jabberminor 12 points13 points  (0 children)

That's what I found. There's a sense of challenge rather than getting a bunch of portal equipment and cheesing it.

[–]BCJunglist 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yea my first time building a longboat, I sailed it to the swamps to fill the hull with iron. My VERY FIRST voyage home with a hull full of iron and immediately a storm starts and two serpents start chasing me. It was the most intense experience I've had in the game and when I eventually got home it made it feel like I was getting back from a truly massive adventure.

[–]ByThyBeardOfZeus 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Hell yeah dude, the funnest experiences in our server are from trying to get ore home and exploring. Wouldn't have it any other way, so many funny memories

[–]JmanK90 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Hell yeah. Spent roughly 2-2.5 hours getting some black metal back. Could've just destroyed and rebuilt one of my longships to make it maybe 30ish mins but wheres the fun in that? Instead took one ship far away that had some black metal on it, sailed to ore stash, which also was veeery far away from both departure point and base. Finally my fleet of 5 ships and a karve should be home🤗

[–]threehundredthousand 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Surprisingly, black metal is easy to find, but it's a do or die affair. You get them from drops as opposed to mining, so it's kill or be killed and those little fuckers love to kill. They live for it.

[–]Hanta3 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I feel the opposite, the most boring, tedious parts of the game have been transporting ore back home. Spending 40 minutes sailing across open ocean with nothing happening is miserable.

And when I bring that up, people are like "oh just talk to your friends" as if that wasn't what we were already doing when the game was actually fun. When it gets time to sail, all we can think of to talk about is "how long is this gonna take?"

[–]Lord_Emperor 2 points3 points  (2 children)

I think my best in-game experiences have been from needing to get the ore back home.

Conversely it also leads to un-fun moments. Like having to make an hour trip just to bring two iron and six copper to your new base simply for the privilege of building with stone and wall sconces.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

bring the iron and copper with you on the initial trip next time

[–]HistoricalGrounds 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Trying, and failing, to get a cart full of silver down a sheer mountain face was slapstick comedy gold.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who tried this. Bouncing my goddamn rickshaw up and down my absolutely jagged switchback trail until the whole thing flipped, broke, and I said "fuck it" and just kicked the cargo box the remaining distance to my ship.

[–]WooliesWhiteLeg 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I literally build a mega ramp down from the mountains along with a connecting road to a dock. Took three days and was not worth the effort but it was fun and looks cool

[–]bokan 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I love how the design of this game produces these experiences organically. I too have dug a canal for this reason and felt very accomplished. My buddy just did the “silver cart down a mountain” thing yesterday.

The realistic elements in this game make for fun and interesting experiences moreso than tedium IMO.

Personally I just want more (populated) biomes and bosses ASAP. Might have to do another run in a year or so...

[–]mk32 90 points91 points  (7 children)

I just want no lag on bigger bases or larger terra formed lands. That way, I can build more bases (e.g. build various "cities"/outposts scattered throughout my world)

[–]cdown13 15 points16 points  (1 child)

The first time I flew back to a big base I had built, and saw only the odd beam etc showing until it loaded in, I was so scared it was all gone!

[–]alcoholiccatholic 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yeah it has more time to load when you are running back as opposed to z debugmode flying.

[–]Ursanxiety 92 points93 points  (5 children)

I'm fine with no teleport. I tend to build a new base at each biome. They need to balance inventory/weight/craft system a bit more though.

A single piece of silver ore having same weight as 7 planks of wood or 47 carrots is crazy. Materials needed to craft a frostner are almost twice as heavy as those needed to build two entire longships.

[–]dumdum_balloon 23 points24 points  (0 children)

It can take roughly 300 weight of material to make a hat. If I weren't so freakishly inefficient with my materials, I'd have snapped my own neck. And that's without even upgrading it.

[–]SirNanigans 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Might make sense depending on how rich the ores are meant to be. Take a look at these real life statistics mentioning iron and copper. Apparently with modern chemical processes and precise, scientific control, the amount of iron you consume (as in use, not eat) in just one year comes from 244lbs of ore. I don't know about you, but my memory doesn't account for even 5lbs of metal in my last year's purchases.

To maintain our standard of living, each person in the United States requires over 38,449 pounds of minerals each year:

  • 9,426 pounds of stone

  • 6,768 pounds of sand and gravel


  • 244 pounds of iron ore


  • 13 pounds of copper


  • 535 pound of other non-metals


  • 930 gallons of petroleum

  • 4,409 pounds of coal


Scale up the average american who has plastics, glass, composites, and resins to build much of their needs to a viking who needs iron for a sword, armor, fasteners in place of glue, heavy tools that depend on mass rather than engineering for durability, etc., and who is using hot coal to just melt whatever he can out of rocks. I think 300lbs of iron ore is about right to build a small handful of items for this person.

[–]WheniamHigh 86 points87 points  (41 children)

I started just bringing the mats needed for a forge and smelter to craft on the go.

[–]10shredder00 102 points103 points  (37 children)

That would be great and all if I wasn't already using over 50% of my inventory to wear armor, carry food, and all my tools that might be used at any moment in time.

[–]Swak_Error 86 points87 points  (7 children)

I firmly believe the inventory needs to be tweaked. If I'm wearing armor it should not be appearing in the inventory

[–]Senatius 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Agreed. It doesn't make sense that i can have 200 free weight, but because I have a bunch of different light things on me, I can't pick up anything else. Why can I carry 450 pounds of iron but am foiled by a few dozen assorted plants and hides?

Adding a different section/bar only used for armour, and a little "quiver" for just arrows would be fantastic and go a long way to improving the inventory system.

[–]WheniamHigh 15 points16 points  (3 children)

Just load up your boat if you don't have space. Personally, I find this much more fun and efficient to set up a base near the resource you want and make a portal for transporting completed goods or extra loot.

[–]gary1994 2 points3 points  (2 children)

If you can't transport ore and ingots you shouldn't be able to transport things made from them...

[–]Dunderman35 467 points468 points  (225 children)

Just get Valheim plus mod if you want that. Jeez, people need to stop whining about this.

For me it would ruin the game if you dont need to think about the logistics of getting ore to your base. It would basically make seafaring redundant except to slap up some new portals. But the mod option is there if you want that.

[–]Corruptedlulz 62 points63 points  (10 children)

It's easily cheesable without a mod either.

Get all ores in inventory. Logout. Go to side homeworld. Store all ores in a chest. Logout. Go back to main world. Walk through portal. Logout. Go to personal homeworld, collect ores. Logout. Go back to main world.

Granted, it's a lot of extra steps, but a few people on my server figured that out when we got to iron because the swamps were so far away in our seed.

[–]SomeRandomGuy0 19 points20 points  (3 children)

If you want to cheese it even more just have a side world you mine and then log into the main world to sleep/eat/smelt

[–]glenbot 10 points11 points  (1 child)

That's what I did. I would love to have endless hours in the day to sail and mine. But alas I have children, barely any time, and need it to be super casual.

[–]LeoganTheExoWarlock 108 points109 points  (17 children)

Could not agree more. I'm here just hoping for more base building options tied to more non-teleportable stuff so when I look at my sweet base build I can look back and say "Yeah, I died twice and sailed 3 irl hours to get that here. Aw yeah."

[–][deleted] 60 points61 points  (20 children)

MOST people agree. It was obvious from day 1, why they made the decision NOT to allow ore through the portals. And allowing it simply breaks half of the intended game experience. The devs were never going to go back on such a big decision like that.

Honestly, as much as I hate to admit it, most of reddit is simply the loudest minority.

[–]fogleaf 17 points18 points  (6 children)

Not sure why you hate to admit it, always has been. If you go to any game based subreddit it's destined to be an echo chamber of one particular set of opinions.

People who are enjoying the game are playing it, or working and wishing they were playing it and upvoting posts about what they enjoy.

People who are mad about the game are posting on reddit about it, and upvoting posts that agree with what they are mad about.

Really, thanks to mods you can play however you want. Want to teleport ores? Get a mod for that. Want to prevent teleporting entirely? Get a mod for that. The base game experience is awesome, my friends and I started a new world with mods and we left teleporting ores out, so we still have a reason to travel.

[–] SailorT_elic 21 points22 points  (19 children)

If it was me the Ocean would also be a lot more hostile. Our first Iron trip was amazing. We were in bronze gear, in our tiny boat, and got attacked by a Serpent while we were carrying our very first stack of iron. I want more of that in the game.

It's a bit of a shame that any current iron run is just so easy. Serpents mean nothing to me anymore. I'd have liked it if advancing to a certain age would bring more creatures to the ocean, but perhaps we'll get that with the ocean update.

[–]roloplex 12 points13 points  (5 children)

or more interactive? add fishing to the ocean biome so you can cast a line while sailing. (or crosses fingers, spear fishing?).

[–]pickleElvis 5 points6 points  (2 children)

Theyve said more ocean life is coming...

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (4 children)

Wait til the kraken comes

[–]thewwwyzzerdd 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Yeah, on our server a lot of us really enjoy the planning and execution of a big project like a new road, bridge, rest stop between towns. We have supply lines that help us move ore to our main base. Its slow, but we arent in a rush to run out of content either.

[–]Ayemann 19 points20 points  (16 children)

I'm with you man. Sailing to some distant isle, filling your boat, coming back with a haul of loot, that feeling as you pass the outer bay and see the castle dock looming. Why would you erase that whole experience?

[–]RaptorsOnBikes 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yeah we’ve just entered the mountains and we’re trying to figure out how best to get silver back home. It’s not going to be particularly easy or convenient.

It’ll likely involve small base camps, additional docks and shipping routes, along with all the sketchy parkour involved with traversing these sometimes almost sheer cliffs.

I reckon it’s going to be my favourite challenge. Lots of problem solving!

[–]Arachnida21 14 points15 points  (17 children)

THIS i personally didn't like that u cant port ore and I just installed mods. The game gives you every possibility to "cheat" or make the game easier or different in any aspect you like. So why dafuq should they change the things how they intended make no sense to me. I feels like the logic cause I'm to lazy I don't want other people to feel accomplished cause they are not so we have to change X.

[–]PogoRed 125 points126 points  (122 children)

You can already portal yourself with boat materials to wherever your ore is and sail it back.

If you don't want to sail, then mod the game or cheat or don't play the game that was clearly designed with a certain experience in mind.

[–]hearse223 38 points39 points  (103 children)

That's what it boils down to, enjoy the game the way it was meant to be played or just cheat (it takes 5 mins to figure out how to cheat around the limit)

Begging the devs to change it is just strange.

[–]heywhathuh 26 points27 points  (2 children)

Giving devs feedback on an early access game is the opposite of strange.....

[–]fetusdiabeetus 27 points28 points  (25 children)

Am I the only one who builds a complete base wherever I am mining ore?

[–]SelloutRealBig 21 points22 points  (6 children)

Your definition of a "base" might not line up with someone elses. To me a base is those crazy impressive villages you see on this sub that take 20-40+ hours easily. I personally like making these crazy complicated places to call home. But i sure as hell don't have time to make them all over the map. Sure you can have a bunch of huts with 4 walls and a roof and put a forge in it but to me that's not a base.

[–]fetusdiabeetus 11 points12 points  (3 children)

To me a complete base has a level 2 or 3 workbench, forge, and smelter.

[–]2rfv 18 points19 points  (2 children)

I call that an outpost.

A base is somewhere with a max comfort bed, a cooking area, a crafting area and a bunch of storage. A farm and maybe a boar ranch.

[–]azurite_dragon 12 points13 points  (13 children)

Nope. Am I the only one that wants to build a stone cutter at my meadows and forest base? Am I the only one that wants to be able to fetch some quick bronze for nails when I'm decorating my mountain base?

I'd prefer to skip the 30 minute sea voyage if I'm in the middle of construction mode and run out of metal. I did my time in bronze. It's a solved problem. If I want or need to explore, I'll go sailing somewhere I haven't been, not somewhere I have. The added sea voyage neither adds, nor proves anything positive.

[–][deleted] 23 points24 points  (9 children)

I just, I want to know the logic behind not being able to teleport ingots. I can kinda understand the raw material not being able to teleport. You can make the argument that the impurity has some mineral that just can't be teleported. But why not the pure ingot then? What is different from a pure ingot of iron(or 20) and a pickaxe?both have pure smelted iron in them, so why can I teleport the pickaxe but not the bar?

First time I made a metal tool I didn't use my portal because I figured, "well if raw metal and processed metal can't be telepoeted then definitely my axe cant." Then I accidentally walked through my portal at my destination because I have fat fingers. I was glad, but also confused. There is no sense to this.

[–]timascus 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I get why they do it and in fact I think it’s cool. When I was younger I would have loved it but time is scarcer to play now. So I use a mod

[–]JAK2222 34 points35 points  (5 children)

Said it before and I'll say it again the best compromise would be to allow ore teleports after defeating an areas boss. I.e. after beating the elder Copper and Tin can now be teleported.

[–]SelloutRealBig 17 points18 points  (2 children)

This one makes a lot of sense. I can't wait for the anti portal people to make up something false about how it will stop exploration.

[–]lord_dentaku 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I'm anti ore portal and I would find this acceptable.

[–]SaltiestRaccoon 36 points37 points  (29 children)

Unpopular opinion here, but I have no idea why people hate the idea of having more time to explore, build things and experience the fun part of the game... or play other games they enjoy also.

There's no wrong way to have fun with the game. If you dig hauling ore back and forth through terrain you've already explored? That's fine. No problem with that. But there's also no problem when people like other parts of the game and want to experience those in the limited free time that everyone has.

Personally, I think finding the ore is the fun part. Digging it up and transporting it home is just work, especially when you've cleared out a sunken crypt that has 150+ scrap iron. I'd rather skip the boring parts and spend that time instead on the fun part of the game for me or other games that I also enjoy.

[–]Bargadiel 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I agree with you 100%.

[–]deedubfry 14 points15 points  (1 child)

I agree. It makes for creative problem solving. I found a ton of silver in the mountains but it was a massive bitch to get it down. So I took over an old castle, suped it up and made it my silver smithing location.

[–]Lord_Emperor 14 points15 points  (0 children)

not sure why people thing we are gonna allow ore in teleports.

Maybe because he they are still undecided during previous interviews?


“I won’t make any judgement calls as to whether we will change it again or not, but we are listening to community feedback.”

[–]MithranArkanere 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Why doing that?

Sounds like the kind of hassle that players will promptly mod to oblivion.

If there's balance concerns, there's always better ways to address it.

[–] LumberjackCampfireLemons 4 points5 points  (2 children)

What we really want is for our friends to see our map markers

[–]not_lancelot1 3 points4 points  (3 children)

They implemented a system to make sure you couldn’t. Why would people think they had plans to allow it

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (2 children)

Considering that it's very reasonable to assume that the arbitrary ore restriction is just to extend the life of the game while in early access, it wouldn't be surprising to imagine them removing it when there is much more late-game content added.

[–]LusciousHam 23 points24 points  (10 children)

Someone on the sub recommended a no portal play through. I started a new game with that intention. So far I love it. Makes you way more careful and you have to really strategize your ore runs. 10/10 would recommend.

[–]2rfv 15 points16 points  (4 children)

I'll be honest. Getting portals in bronze age at first feels a bit easy but sometimes I just want to get shit done in the evening without spending 15 minutes making a round trip because I forgot cores or my swamp key or something.

[–]LusciousHam 4 points5 points  (3 children)

That’s fair. That’s the beauty of this game tho. You can play however you want. My first play through was pretty sloppy and I made so many mistakes. This play through at least I know the progression and what works. So my resource spending is more streamlined.

[–]2rfv 2 points3 points  (0 children)

My first play through was pretty sloppy and I made so many mistakes.

I really regret that I couldn't stay away from this sub for my first playthough. There's SOOOO many things I wish I could have experienced or discovered in game instead of reading about it.

[–]TallOnTwo 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Setup a camp at each ore location and kit yourself out there, then you don't need to transport ore all the way home except for iron for your buildings

[–] Huntersometorontoguy 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yeah, when I started carrying around portal mats with an unlinked portal in my main base named "TownPortal" I knew travel in this game was already too easy.

[–]Darkfox190 15 points16 points  (14 children)

It should be an option selected when you make the world, defaulting to the current "No Metal". That way, people who want to play with it turned on can do so, and the people who don't can just go about their day.

Adding more options to a game to customize the experience, difficulty, and accessibility should never be considered a bad thing. I've seen a lot of badmouthing of the idea (and other similar difficulty/accessibility suggestions) on the Valheim discord and other Valheim communities, and I think it's pretty shameful. There's literally no downside to providing the option, and the amount of work it requires to enable is negligible.

[–]blastradius14 5 points6 points  (10 children)

Valheim Plus mod works well enough, I've got 4 mods and I live in a crypt lol

[–]DynoBoxer 4 points5 points  (0 children)

That’s cool, It was confirmed by modders two weeks ago.

[–] SailorJust_wanna_talk 5 points6 points  (1 child)

I understand and agree with no teleporting ore but I would argue that teleporting bars should be allowed. The hard part is getting ores to your smelters, once they are bars they're just another resource like wood.

You could argue that the impurities in the ore throw of the portals accuracy but once it's refined it should be okay (since you can go through a portal with a bronze sword, you should be able to go through with a bronze bar)

[–]Mandalore108 11 points12 points  (6 children)

I'd prefer they add it but it's no big deal as I'll just keep doing the logout method. I found no satisfaction transporting ore back via ship, it was just tedium that was taking time from the fun aspects of the game.

[–]Khelgar_Ironfist_ 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I found no satisfaction transporting ore back via ship

This is pretty fun for me. What annoys me is the dependency on portals because your gear keeps breaking especially when mining. Like in the crypt you gotta repair even the upgraded iron mining pick several times, and that is just one crypt. Even level 3 bows break after firing two stack of arrows.

[–]roqueofspades 3 points4 points  (3 children)

what's the logout method? I'm new to the game

[–]Mandalore108 5 points6 points  (2 children)

You gather the ore in one world, logout and log into another world with storage and store the ore, log back in to your main world and get back to the location of your forges, log back out to your storage world and collect your ore and logout, now log back into your main world and process your ore.

[–]BloodforKhorne 7 points8 points  (8 children)

A boat ride with 8 stacks of ore is much more fun than just popping it over with a portal.

Glad they hold firm on this.

[–] SailorVenom_is_an_ace 13 points14 points  (67 children)

I was for Teleporting ore through portals when I first started but now I am against it. it is so much fun loading up a longboat with some pals just to retrieve 5 stacks of Black metal from a Plains base. the limitation forces you to explore, travel, and make new bases in places you wouldn't have originally.

I have so many cool-looking Foward Operating bases because of it and I love it. some are little huts while others are stone towers.

[–]Hanta3 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I have the opposite feeling. I was totally against ore teleporting at first because I was like "oh, that ruins the challenge of collecting it"

But once you're going to get your third or fourth boatful of ore, there is no challenge left - it just feels like a boring waste of time. I've played for ~120 hours with probably 15 hours spent sailing, and that time has been by far my least favorite part of the game. It was always fun the first time (sailing in uncharted waters, no idea what lies ahead of us), but repeat voyages were always tedious and unfun. If only there was a mechanic in the game that allowed you to easily revisit areas you've explored to already...

[–]Alexanderspants 24 points25 points  (63 children)

the limitation forces you to explore, travel... in places you wouldn't have originally.

i mean, no it doesn't.

[–]henrytm82 26 points27 points  (36 children)

Not sure why you were downvoted. It literally doesn't force you to explore anything you wouldn't explore already. Whether or not you can teleport ores back to your base, you still have to go out and explore to find it in the first place. Once you've found it, there's nothing forcing you to explore or travel places you wouldn't have originally. You turn around, and take your exact previous route back home to process your ore. And since ore doesn't respawn, making it a finite resource, you are forced to go back out and explore to find more.

Nobody needs to be forced to haul ore back to base to encourage exploration - the game already does that all on its own, whether or not you can easily get that ore home.