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Everyone is treated equally. For example, a user insulting you does not mean you can insult them back — report them and move on.
Public callouts are not allowed.
Posts that are low-quality and low-effort are not allowed.
Examples include spam, whiny rants, bad memes, excessive expletives, complaining about something related to skill, misleading information, asking a question that can easily be answered yourself, or asking a question that no one can answer.
Reposts and frequently asked questions will be removed. This includes posts discussing the same topic from a similar angle.
Before posting, browse recent posts, look through our Wiki/FAQ, and use the search bar.
Post quality (effort, formatting, source) is prioritized over which post was made first.
Post titles should be descriptive and unique. “help me", "MyCareer", "quick question", and most short titles will be removed.
Do not excessively or unnecessarily use ALL-CAPS, expletives, emojis 😂🔥, punctuation !!!???, and other obnoxious things in your title.
Don’t clickbait.
Keep your titles opinion-free when sharing information and tweets.
Media should be high-resolution and high-quality.
Images and videos of the game taken with a phone must be cropped to your TV/monitor. Screenshots and screen-recordings must crop out anything not relevant to your post.
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The requirements to promote vary. Verified Content Creators are exempt.
Default requirements to promote content: Account is 3+ months old, has >500 post karma, and has >Sapphire user flair.
Default requirements to promote leagues/tournaments: List out entry fees (if you don’t have any, write “$0/free”) and group rules at the top or bottom of your post.
Buying, selling, trading, wagering, and begging is prohibited. This includes MT, VC, accounts, and services.
Discussion of these topics is also not allowed.
Giveaways cannot require users to do anything outside our community to enter.
Users may be asked to use a megathread instead of making a new post.
Pinned posts can be found at the top of our front page, independent of votes.
We recommend using the feedback channels in the official NBA 2K Community Discord to share feedback about the game to 2K.
Posts that should go to 2K Support will be removed. This includes error codes and account issues. Please open a ticket or live chat with them instead.
If game mechanics are intentionally being manipulated in a way that violates NBA 2K's Terms of Service or Player Code of Conduct, discussion will not be allowed. This includes boosting, farming, and hacking.
If you would like to bring an exploit to 2K's attention, please send the details to modmail.
Do not attempt to find loopholes or evade moderation actions. Rules are enforced with discretion and may change at any time.
Issues with the mod team must be addressed in modmail. One-sided public complaints such as "my post was removed" or “I was banned” are not allowed.
We welcome questions and suggestions through modmail, the shared inbox where members can message the moderators. Mods will not respond to private messages, chats or comment replies.
Some things are restricted:
Posts that belong on another subreddit
Misleading/false information
Karma farming
Vote manipulation
Ban evasion
Bragging (ex. box scores)
Inappropriate usernames, bios, or avatars
"Who is this logo player?" posts
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