Informed Comment


Covering Foreign Policy, Geopolitics, Globalization, Immigration, Islamophobia, Inequality, Climate & More. | Reader-Supported

Unit: maig de 2018


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  1. fa 22 hores

    Chevy Bolt now Least Expensive EV in US Market, as Studies show they cut Carbon by ~70% over ICE Cars

  2. fa 24 hores

    Absolute Monarchy United Arab Emirates: Sweeping Legal ’Reforms’ Actually Deepen Some forms of Repression

  3. fa 24 hores

    Overcoming the Distorted Narrative of Christian Nationalism

  4. fa 24 hores

    The ‘carbon footprint’ was co-opted by fossil fuel companies to shift climate blame – here’s how it can serve us again

  5. 4 de juny

    The last Time our Atmosphere had 421 ppm of Carbon Dioxide, Florida was under Water and Giant Camels and Rhinoceri roamed Indiana

  6. 4 de juny

    How the Media Sugar-coats Anti-Chinese Racism

  7. 4 de juny

    The mobilization for Yemen is a powerful Model for Today’s Peace Movement

  8. 4 de juny

    Electricity from the cold Ocean Depths could One day Power Island States

  9. 3 de juny

    Biden Reverses himself on Saudi “Pariah,” needing Riyadh’s Oil to Punish Putin for Ukraine

  10. 3 de juny

    Iranian Protesters demand Justice after Deaths in Abadan’s Building Collapse

  11. 3 de juny

    Elections: a Global Ranking rates US Weakest among Liberal Democracies

  12. 3 de juny

    Destroying the Town Is Not Saving It: Two Unsung Heroes as Role Models for the Air Force

  13. 2 de juny

    Ukraine War: Europe declares Independence of Russian Petroleum, Looks to Mass Transit, EVs to Achieve “Freedom” Goal

  14. 2 de juny

    Sympathy for Colonized Ireland in the US Gov’t Doesn’t Extent to Colonized Palestine

  15. 2 de juny

    Major Human Rights Groups Call for End of Impunity for Israeli Apartheid Policies in Palestinian Territories

  16. 2 de juny

    The lasting Consequences of School Shootings on the Students who Survive Them

  17. 1 de juny

    Will Japan be the Godzilla of Deep Sea Current Energy?

  18. 1 de juny

    Supreme Court Expands Government Secrecy Powers in Torture-Related Case

  19. 1 de juny

    War as Terrorism: Conflicts We Can’t Win, Suffering We Don’t See

  20. 1 de juny

    Shavuot: A Jewish holiday of renewing commitment to God


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