Memes/Content that only have the joke in the title and nothing else are not allowed. This also includes simple Fuck the Lakers post without context or reason.
No separate text posts during games about the game, or otherwise, outside of the game thread. We've received an influx of posts that say things like "player x is going off" that are more suited to be posted as a comment in the game thread. You are, however, allowed to post a streamable/gif of a highlight play during the game.
Highlights should be formatted as "[Highlight] Title"
Direct links to game streams are not allowed. However, you are free to link the subreddit r/nbastreams in the game threads.
We're all Kings fans here even if we disagree with one another. Keep it civil and play nice.
Do not doxx or post public information about other users.
Do not post content that promotes you. If you want your post to be reviewed please send the mod team a message first so that the team can review it. We usually allow things of this nature if brought up to us first. All self-promotion post will be instantly removed and cannot be discussed for re-posting on mod mail.
The automod removes any post from users with below 10 karma. This is to weed out low effort trolls with new accounts. Please get 10+ karma in another sub and try posting again.
When posting Twitter links with news, info, etc; format the title with "[Author] tweet content". This is to keep posts clean and accurate with the original tweet.
Titles should be informative, and preferably consistent with the original headline/information. Titles that lack sufficient information will be removed and asked to be reposted.