Posts must be in survival mode. Posting in creative mode will result in the post's removal. It is fine to take screenshots of your world in spectator mode as it can help you get a much easier view/angle of your world!
Promoting in general is only allowed as long as it is not the primary purpose/substance of your interaction here.
Promoting is allowed in the following ways: Commenting a link to your social media below your post Small watermarks in images Putting a link of your video in image description
More examples here
No gore or sexually explicit content whatsoever. This is an immediate ban if you do so. Fake NSFW posts are fine, such as marking footage of your hardcore world death as NSFW.
Friendly Banter is fine.
What is considered toxic:
Excessive language used to harass someone
Rude comments
Disrespectful comments
Mutes will be applied to repeating offenders and if needed, a ban.
Posts must be made in English. If you need help translating, please use google translate to do so. If you need more help, please modmail us so we can assist you.
As defined by Reddit, spam is, “repeated, unwanted, and/or unsolicited actions, whether automated or manual, that negatively affect Reddit users, Reddit communities, and/or Reddit itself.” On our subreddit, this includes multiple of the same post, meaningless posts, thoughtless comments, and harmful links. Any of these actions will result in removal and a warning, and if necessary, muting or a ban.
What is allowed
Freecam/Replay mod is allowed aslong as not being abused
Gravity block duping
Tnt duper
Rail duper
Glitches for mob farms
Glitches for fun (cosmetic, floating blocks, etc)
Anything the technical minecraft community sees as allowed
What isnt allowed
No hack clients/x-ray texture pack No creative at all
No dupers that can duplicate every item
More information here
Blurry images or video
Video edits that make it super hard to see whats happening
Images that have nothing to do with the title
Polls are only allowed on Saturday. Any other day of the week will result in the poll being removed. Feel free to repost it on Saturday if it does get removed!
Please do not promote your minecraft or discord servers here.
Do not make posts that look for players to play with. There are other subreddits to go to for that, such as r/minecraftbuddies
Reposting your own stuff is fine, but do not repeat the same post on the subreddit multiple times. If you did not make it, chances are it is a repost.
These are subreddits we like to recommend other users to check out also!