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Roaming Charges: Gaza Without Mercy

When you declare total war against Gaza, which has been under perpetual siege since 1967 after being seized by Israel during the Six Day War, what is it you’re going to war against? There are no airbases, no army bases, no tank battalions, no air defense systems, no naval ports, no oil refineries, no rail system, no troop barracks, no armored personnel carriers, no howitzers, no satellite systems, no attack helicopters, no fighter jets, no anti-tank batteries,  no submarines,  no command-and-control centers. Just people, most of them women and kids. It’s why the entire population must be dehumanized, turned into “human animals” whose lives don’t matter. More

This is Genocide: All Out to End the War on Gaza

As a Jew of Color with an Israeli passport, I am sounding the alarm to stop the genocide happening right now against the Palestinian people by the Israeli and US militaries. I write from sunrise here in 広島 Hiroshima, the center of the anti-nuclear movement, where I study Art and Peace. Last night, in the More

We Need a Working-Class Environmental Movement

The Nature Conservancy is the richest environmental organization in the world. It has a million members, over $7 billion in assets, and an annual income of about a $1 billion. Some of that wealth derives from selling bogus climate offsets to corporations including Disney, Blackrock, and J.P. Morgan Chase. TNC’s board of directors is drawn, unsurprisingly, from some of the same multinational corporations with which it does business, including Alcoa, Bank of America, Dow Chemical, General Mills, J.P. Morgan Chase, and Shell. More

IMF Showdown with China in Morocco

This year’s annual IMF/World Bank meetings in Morocco are the most explicitly confrontational yet by US/NATO diplomacy toward China and its fellow BRICS+ allies. It is not really rivalry, because US neoliberal financial policy is so different from the aims that the BRICS+ countries have been developing at their own recent international meetings. At issue is not only what countries will be the major beneficiaries of future IMF and World Bank loan operations, but whether the world will back US unipolar dominance or start to move explicitly toward a multipolar philosophy of mutual support. More