Title really says it all. I had just gotten the flu shot and TDAP vaccine at my midwife appt on Tues and thought that’s what the symptoms were from. I started testing on Thurs to be safe but didn’t pop positive until this morning.
I had my Covid booster scheduled for next week but looks like that’s too late. So I’m not fully boosted right now which makes me a bit nervous.
I’m checking my temperature to make sure I don’t have a fever, and am drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated. Want to make sure the baby stays healthy and so far she’s still kicking like crazy (like usual.)
If you got Covid during pregnancy, how long did you find you tested positive for? We are already cancelling our baby shower and declining other events (a friends wedding, etc.) over the next 10 days but did you find that Covid lasted longer due to your compromised immune system?
TIA for anyone who replies - I know there’s a lot in this subreddit so I’ve tried to read what I can. Call this a panic post 😅