
Checkered History

This blog is by Allen Mikaelian. Allen is an editor and writer who specializes in creating meaningful projects for amazing people. He holds a history PhD from American University, is a former editor of the American Historical Association's "Perspectives on History," and lives in Washington, DC.

  • Senator Grassley says the New Deal "didn't work"; historians have other ideas

    by Checkered History

    Senator Grassley’s statement about the New Deal is stark and definitive. Quite simply, in his mind, it did not work. The historians who responded to our request for input disagreed strongly, as a glance at their ratings will show, but they were not hesitant to discuss how the New Deal occasionally fell short.

  • Political Uses of the Past

    by Checkered History

    Collecting statements by elected and appointed officials who deploy history and historical comparisons in their speeches, remarks, and arguments.